Merry for what it is worth I think your letter is quit good and I would love to see it printed in the papers I would help reimburse some of your expense.
Posts by skyman
by MerryMagdalene inhave i gone off the deep end with this one?
a brief conversation tonight with my jw mother, who has been ill recently, triggered this.
i called to see how she is and she warned me that she has sent me a note and hopes it won't hurt my feelings.
by MerryMagdalene inhave i gone off the deep end with this one?
a brief conversation tonight with my jw mother, who has been ill recently, triggered this.
i called to see how she is and she warned me that she has sent me a note and hopes it won't hurt my feelings.
I started to think about it. Your uncle is dead I was thinking about.... I'll use his intials. Big B.o.b. His oldest boy went to BETHEL is he not related to you.
by MerryMagdalene inhave i gone off the deep end with this one?
a brief conversation tonight with my jw mother, who has been ill recently, triggered this.
i called to see how she is and she warned me that she has sent me a note and hopes it won't hurt my feelings.
Merry I am curious is your uncle's boys and his daughter not PF'd Also? I was talking to him this summer and I think he told me all of his kids were DF'd, is this true?. Because if it is you might be able to get a hold of them then express how they feel also.
He is a good candidate for the next position open in the Governing Body.
OMG I just saw a BlueJay outside my window.
by Lady Lee inby the time i went to get my camera he was gone.. the other day the news had a picture of a cardinal here in ottawa.. i haven't seen a blue jay since i was a kid.
it has been raining since last night and the temperature is just above freezing so i am really surprised to see anything except ravens, pigeons and house wrens.
my window is just at the top of the tree tops so now i will be keeping an eye out the window a lot more otfen.. there is a poor sad looking soggy squirrel out there sitting on a branch too.. .
I ship a bunch of the squawky birds up to you. It is different to see Birds and animals moving further north than they use to. Worlds getting warmer and we sill see more of this as time goes by.
angry or sad... which are you?
by daddys girl inwow!
i just found this website and excitedly registered as i am df'd, and missing my family terribly.... i was hopeful that i might find a place to talk, share concerns and maybe vent occasionally.
i'm finding as i read however, that some people are incredibly angry and bitter and some of the comments seem mean and hurtful.
I am the same angry and sad.
angry at the how the Organization misleads and mistreats people, sad that my family is misled
Stupid Rush Limbaugh comment
by Vormek2.8 in"how could the dinosaurs have lived in the deserts of the middle east?
he said that about 2 weeks ago.
"i knew they were supposed to have lived in louisianna and texas but i've become skeptical because they want me to believe they could live in the sands of arabia".
Think about this we are talking about him, he is not talking about us. I think he is the winner and he is laughing all the way to the bank. Who is the stupid person him or us as he walks his wheel barrel of money to the bank. Or us talking about how stupid he is.
Did you ever get any "Bad Advice" from Elders or Ministerial Servants?
by JH in.
i remember once, an elder told me that i could become a full time pioneer.
i was working 40 hours a week, and had a seasonal job 7 months a year.. the way he figured it out, i could work 8 hours during my day, then go to my meetings, and still find 3 or 4 hours to preach that same day...... i told him to go climb a tree.
Yes if the Society Say's your left hand is your right then from that time on it is. I was given this advice during a judicial meeting fro apostasy when I found out that the Society joined the UN. Why was I given that advice because the Elders refused to believe that the Society had joined.
Slippers / shoes at book studies
by billyboy in.
hi everyone!
was there ever an issue as to whether you were / weren't allowed to wear shoes at a group book study in someones house , so everyone had to dump their shoes at the door?.
We had this come up at my congregation, there was a sister that demanded that shoes be taken off. We brought this up to the CO and I do not know if the CO had it correct but we where told that a book study was an extension of the hall and would we ask people to take their shoes off entering the Hall. So we were advised to move the book study to a different location if the sister was going to demand this. So that is what we did.
Great quote from C.S. Lewis
by Shining One in"my argument against god was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust.
but how had i got this idea, just and unjust?
a man does not call a crooked line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line.
Lets take it one step further. If you buy into this idea in this thread proving GOD then you have to believe it was the
appleI mean fruit in the garden of Eden that made us aware of GOOD and BAD. Boy that makes a lot of sense does it not, Damn apples.