Did you know that many take the force as important as any religion. "More than 70,000 people in Australia say they follow the Jedi faith. Almost 40% of the population say they believe in The Force. Over 70,000 people wrote "Jedi" in response to a question about their religion on the recent national census form and the internet there is filled with emails urging its adoption as an official religion." Quote from http://www.unknowncountry.com/news/?id=4620
Posts by skyman
Star Wars Religion?
by skyman indid you know that many take the force as important as any religion.
"more than 70,000 people in australia say they follow the jedi faith.
almost 40% of the population say they believe in the force.
Whoa...that snuck up on me...
by MerryMagdalene in.
(thanks mostly to sixofnine's base appeal thread, i am sure, but don't tell him...i think he has had enough attention and validation lately.
I have the force.
Dedicate a Song...
by MerryMagdalene in...to your friends at jwd...or...?.
here's my dedication (such a beautiful song and i've only just discovered it...better late than never i guess...):.
why worry.
Who know merry you could sing. All the years I have know you. Just kidding.
Not an elder anymore?
by ivy ini just found out from my son that my father is not an elder anymore.
he has no idea why.
of course i called home, but no one is there, probably at a meeting.
If it is Judical it would be anounced as such. More than likely it his decision.
"Unwind" yourself here
by JH insay whatever bothers you on this thread....let it be the darn weather, or the few pounds you just can't get off your body.... .
this is getting on my nerves....
this has been going on since 2 months now....enough !!!
I wish the damn chickens would stay off my porch or quit leaving their little surprises to step into.
Ex elders, have you apologized to anyone you df'd?
by avishai infor instance, especially kids under the age of eighteen, or dfing folks for questioning the society?
i think if i had been involved, i'd have to get on the horn with everyone i'd df'd.
except the child molesters
I think alot of you for saying what you did about the poor sister. My mother inlaw made a mistake. She felt when she was in the Judgment room that she was also raped by the PO. He ask all the same very detailed questions. I have allways thought this man was perverted. If the PO would have not be so horny that night my mouther in law would have not felt so violated. She would have had her wits about her and she would not have been DF. My father in law forgave her completely so I felt after that she should of been dealt with kindness. She never had to tell anyone. That should of mattered to the PO if you ask me. They had to move because she could no longer look at the PO knowing he was a true perve.
Question from Reader July 1 2005
by skyman inread the questions from readers page 27 of the july 1 watchtower.
it talks about blood.. dueteronomy 14:21 reads: "you must not eat any body already dead" does that contradict leviticus 11:40, which reads: "he who eats any of its body will wash his garments, and he must be un-clean until the eveing"?
that is how the article starts out.
Good reasoning the Watchtower has had us using reasoning that is not even there when using the scriptures as they were written.
Sorry to ask this but...................
by vitty in....................how old is your underware.
i was sorting through my knicker drawer and there are some really old but comfortable knicknicks that i always choose, they are so old i cant tell you.. i have some really yummy underware that i keep for special occassions but never wear in the day.
as my "special " occasions are few and far between i never were them.. if i had an accident tomorrow i would be well embarrist.. so tell me what the oldest bra, knickers or underpants do you own .
All of you made me laugh. It is great to laugh because it is raining like cats and dogs here. Boy it is hard to wipe cat asses off my car window let alone dog asses.
Question from Reader July 1 2005
by skyman inread the questions from readers page 27 of the july 1 watchtower.
it talks about blood.. dueteronomy 14:21 reads: "you must not eat any body already dead" does that contradict leviticus 11:40, which reads: "he who eats any of its body will wash his garments, and he must be un-clean until the eveing"?
that is how the article starts out.
This subject has been very personal to alot us us on this form. I took the Watchtower to my mom's today and she had the gall to get mad at me because of my question> Where is the Society headed in regard this article? She was so mad she left her home and left me there. So I wonder if it will have a similar effect on other witnesses that have been standing in the back ground defending the Society. Mom asked me please don't call my brother and ask him the same questions. I asked her why? She said because he will take it that I am trying to cause divisions. I'm going to pook alot of asses locally with the article boy is it going to be alot of fun.
Please welcome Sammielee24 to the forum ! ! !
by kls ini know we have kinda met but this way people will know you are new ,welcome
I'm new also and feel better now that I have met others like me. Stay for a while.