Elise grab your vibrator and you mellow out.
Posts by skyman
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
Elise ELders are human they have human trates. They are not appointed by Holy spirit. I had a friend that was an Elder gave most of the prominent talks at the assemblies. He was removed unjustly and quit going to the meetings for over a year. The whole time he was writing the Society and talking to his friends in high places like CO's and Bethel Elders. I happened to hear that my friend went to the sunday meeting but stay in the back room the follow Tuesnight I recieved a phone call and was told that my friend had been re-appointed an ELder. He had not been out in th field minisrty for over a year plus no meetings. The following Tuesday after meeting I recieved a call that my friend had DA himself. I made a trip to see him and he told me that when all of this happened to him he know the truth about the TROOF. He told me he was getting a divorce and was getting married the following weekend, he had been having an afair for months. I asked him why he went to all the trouble trying to get back in. He said to remove the doubt in his mind, why because if the HOLLY Spirit would re-appoint him after what all of that he nkow it was not the truth. I have to say this was one of my ephiny moments in my life I could see the big picture.
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
I will say one thing I was and still am very well liked.I be blunt everyone that know me except for a few stiff necked ELders think I am all right. All I am saying the Elder that takes himself to seriously is usually the one that is the first to DF someone. I hate hypocrites very much. The Elder that is more human is usually the one you want on your committee meeting, because if you get three stiff necks you are in trouble. They are the ones that say no gatherings, no fun, no going to the pub, no watching pg-13 movies. They are the one that everyone hates and we Kill you thinking they are doing GODs will. The Elder that will watch porn is the Elder that forgives you when you do something wrong.
Congress has even lower ratings than the President
by SixofNine inbut as you contemplate how much you dislike "them corrupt politicians", consider the reality of what congress has become:.
it worked simply.
on one side of the machine, a hose vacuumed the pockets of large corporations, wealthy individuals and legions of lobbyists on k street, all instructed by delay to contribute only to republicans.
it is time for a revolution that means vote their asses out of office
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
All I have to say to stillajwexelder is AMEN to your statement
but I still do not see how me watching porn was abusing power - I never did nor ever would DF anybody for watching porn - I would not even give them a warning - so I do not see how you say I was abusing my power
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
As for you skyman,........get help
You better hope that God is not like you. Because if He is your doomed, you are really doomed. God forgives you the same way you forgive others. Like I said above the problem is Abusive ELders they are not like the Elder I send the emails to, they are forgiving because they know they are dirt.
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
Elise you might be surpised by this if you are in the big bioy crowd and you are younger than 50 the Elders party hard they are different with the rest of the BORG because they do not think the rest of the Borg can be trusted. That is a fact in every congregation I have served in. Once the you go to a new congregation the younger Elders figure out if you are to stiff neck ELder then if you are not you are in. Then the Elders and thier wives party hard, drink tell dirty jokes, and yes send dirty emails. I have been in many congragtions and they are all the same. If you think they are not then you are fooling yourself. I am friends with some of the biggest brothers in the curcuit and they are all like this!!!!!!!!!! The brothers love the Borg and are hypocrite. I hate the brothers that do one thing then DF someone for what they do. I was know as the Elder that was forgiving. The CO would put me in Judical meetings to balance out the Hitler Elders. Don't tell me l was a hypoctite if it was not for these type of Elders the Society would be in a worse situation than they are now. These type of Elders may someday change the Borg making it friendlier BORG. THe borg need more of these type of Elders they see that people are human and want the BORg to change. It is the stiff necked Elders that one has to worry about.
Death and Destruction
by NowImFree ini'm new to this board, only my second time posting, and i have been out of the organization officially since i disassociated about 3 years ago.
i have seen so many bad things in my time as a witness, my disfellowshipped oldest brother committed suicide, prior to that he was terribly shunned by my family, my other brother and sister didn't talk to him for probably 10 years.
two children in my family have been molested by the sons of jw elders in two u.s. states and in both cases the parents were told to not go to the police.
It is sad very sad. I do think the blood stand will take them down it is so clear they are dangerous.
JW video about Katrina relief
by zagor ini've just discovered google's video engine so i've treid it by finding something about jws
Good video if this happen in eastern Washington or Northern Idaho I would help the JW do exactly that. Good for them to bad more did not do the same.