Posts by skyman

  • skin

    Do spirit creatures have souls?

    by skin in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    do spirit creatures have souls?

    do jws believe that spirit creatures (angels, cherubs, jehovah etc)

    have - are souls?

    1. skin
    2. Narkissos
    3. unclebruce
  • skyman

    Never thought about this before. Good questions, just my thought I would think the soul is a human characteristic but I don't know have to think about it.

  • skyman

    May I throw a fit?

    by skyman in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i must be in a bad mood the last couple weeks on this board.

    i see people that a critical and mean.

    yes i even do this, but only in self-defense and not proud of it either.

    1. Enigma One
    2. funkyderek
    3. M.J.
  • skyman
    Nobody but Blondie or Leolaia could have fit your description - please be honest and admit it was leo you were talking about

    Nope will not do it. Now that would be hurt if I named names I will not do it, can't make me!!!

  • free2beme

    So, did you know any Janitors or Landscape people?

    by free2beme in
    1. jw
    2. friends


    okay i know this is a dumb question, but was it just me or did we seem to have a lot of janitors and landscape people in that religion.

    i did know a couple of higher paying professions in our congregation, nurses, large business owners and a couple of retail managers.

    1. free2beme
    2. free2beme
    3. serendipity
  • skyman

    In the Cleaning and landscape businesses you can make $100.00 hour if that is stupid where do I sign up. Thats right people sometimes landscapers make way over a $100.00 per hour take that to the bank.

  • skyman

    May I throw a fit?

    by skyman in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i must be in a bad mood the last couple weeks on this board.

    i see people that a critical and mean.

    yes i even do this, but only in self-defense and not proud of it either.

    1. Enigma One
    2. funkyderek
    3. M.J.
  • skyman

    Leolaia if you think you are the poster I am talking about I am sorry. I love your posts. This thread should make you feel loved and welcome admit it. DON"T YOU. You like my RED don't you.

  • skyman

    May I throw a fit?

    by skyman in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i must be in a bad mood the last couple weeks on this board.

    i see people that a critical and mean.

    yes i even do this, but only in self-defense and not proud of it either.

    1. Enigma One
    2. funkyderek
    3. M.J.
  • skyman

    You say I am nasty I have not mentioned one poster by name have I. But the people commenting on this thread know who I am do they not? At least my name skyman. The nasty people that comment here comment to a person they know at least their JWD name. The long poster i am talking about is not a Nasty poster, just someone that annoys me. I guess I should not have said that in my beginning comments I did not say the name of that person and if you all what to jump to your conclusions of whom I am talking about go right ahead. Remember everyone has opinions and they are like feet they usually smell. My opinion stinks. If I had mentioned the poster by name then that would have been hurtful, but I did not. I know someone will post we know who you are talking about, don't think we don't. Once again good for you that you have jumped to a conclusion. I did not mention a name nor will I.

  • skyman

    May I throw a fit?

    by skyman in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i must be in a bad mood the last couple weeks on this board.

    i see people that a critical and mean.

    yes i even do this, but only in self-defense and not proud of it either.

    1. Enigma One
    2. funkyderek
    3. M.J.
  • skyman

    Just asking why does everyone think I am talking about LEO!