Posts by carla
Very Droll this !
by Phizzy ina hindu, a rabbi, and a jehovah's witness are lost.
they wander across a farmstead and ask to spend the night.. "i only have room for two, so one of you will have to stay in the barn," says the farm owner.. the hindu immediately volunteers, insisting it's no problem.
however, a few minutes later, he knocks on the front door.. "i'm sorry, but there is a cow in the barn, and they are sacred to me.".
Has someone messaged me ?
by jhine inhi folks .
i haven't been on for a while and looked in today to see a notification that l had a pm .
however l can't see anything newer than a couple of months ago , which l had already opened .
I am still not able to solve this God's name paradox...
by psyco ini am finishing to read the entire bible (nwt 2013) for my first time (my fault) and i wrote down hundreds, maybe thousands, of questions not clear to me, but one especially came in my mind meditating on god's name.. if i wanted to summarize the entire bible in one phrase i would say (even before the kingdom): god’s name sanctification.. god is jealous about his name.
he does everything for the love of his name, and he wants to be called and prayed using his name.
no doubt about all this (repeated several times in the bible), but it involves the pronunciation of his name.. god left us his name in the form of יהוה which is unpronounceable.
Double Speak from last night's CLAM
by eyeslice innow that there are no meetings to physically attend, i am in a position where i listen in to my wife's zoom calls.
i thought some of the ideas in last week's clam were a bit strange, for instance they harped on about being 'friendly' to non-jws but not to become 'friends' with them.
the poignant question being put to the audience; 'what is the difference between being friendly to an unbeliever and being his friend?'.
jw's have such an odd sense of friendship! my jw will talk about his 'friends' and I just bite my tongue from saying, "they are not your friends! if you change your belief system for any reason you have no friends, they will all abandon you".
Real friends love you warts and all. They might think you have some odd ideas and love you all the same.
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Are my options closed? Myself and my 2 sisters molested by fellow 19 y/o Jehovah's witness babysitter
by TjHunt inmyself 5 and my 2 sisters 4 and 6 years old molested by a 19 year old babysitter in 1975 and no police called, just elders meeting at home and brushed under the table.
north cape coral florida.
messed up all 3 of us our whole lives in some way or another.
Simon is right, contact an attorney and do some research, legal and civil. Here is one article to get you started
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Art work in the 1933 book riches
by mickbobcat ini picked this book up at a flea market for three bucks.
the art work is great.
i love the satan and .
Russia v. Jehovah's Witnesses
by vienne ininteresting..
The same freedoms the speakers in the video are talking about are not extended to jw's themselves.
I don't believe the speakers in the video truly have an understanding of the milieu of jw-ism.
I do think their extreme shunning policies are something a govt may want to watch. The destruction of families can have an effect on public policies and resources.
That being said, as much as I dislike the jw's they should be allowed to believe whatever nutty thing they got going today as it will change down the road later anyway. They are not terrorists and not likely to become so.
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'Theocratic Careers' and the Covid Pandemic
by eyeslice inthe watchtower has always banged on about not pursuing worldly careers and that best career was 'theocratic service.
but now i am wondering what line they will take.
let's have look at the options;.
Differences between Christians and Jehovah’s Witnesses
by Badfish inchristians are saved by grace alone though faith alone in christ alone to the glory of god alone.. jws are “saved” by their faith in the men in brooklyn, ny through their works (number of hours spent in field service, record of meeting attendance, and moral excellence or law-keeping (not breaking the long list of rules made by those men in brooklyn).. christians believe that jesus is capable of paying for the sins of mankind because he is god manifest in the flesh.
christians believe that the temple of jesus’ body was torn down and raised again on the third day, thus fulfilling the scriptures.. jws, on the other hand, believe that jesus is the created being, michael the archangel, manifest in the flesh, and that although he became a man and underwent physical death, he was not physically raised from the dead.. christians read jesus’ words: “truly, truly, i say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.“ therefore, christians partake in communion.. jws, on the other hand, have a yearly ritual ceremony in which they publicly reject communion.
they make a public spectacle of refusing the new covenant.. christians believe that salvation is monergistic - that god works through the holy spirit to bring about the salvation of an individual through spiritual regeneration, regardless of the individual's cooperation.
Simply talking about Jesus does not make one a Christian. Even Muslims believe Jesus was a real person and a prophet of God but not the Messiah, doesn't make them Christian does it?
I don't know anyone who goes to a mainstream church of any variety that thinks jw's are Christian once they have the slightest understanding of what jw's do believe. Naturally you won't get their beliefs from them personally you must look up what their beliefs are today because they may change tomorrow depending on the boys in NY.
Differences between Christians and Jehovah’s Witnesses
by Badfish inchristians are saved by grace alone though faith alone in christ alone to the glory of god alone.. jws are “saved” by their faith in the men in brooklyn, ny through their works (number of hours spent in field service, record of meeting attendance, and moral excellence or law-keeping (not breaking the long list of rules made by those men in brooklyn).. christians believe that jesus is capable of paying for the sins of mankind because he is god manifest in the flesh.
christians believe that the temple of jesus’ body was torn down and raised again on the third day, thus fulfilling the scriptures.. jws, on the other hand, believe that jesus is the created being, michael the archangel, manifest in the flesh, and that although he became a man and underwent physical death, he was not physically raised from the dead.. christians read jesus’ words: “truly, truly, i say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.“ therefore, christians partake in communion.. jws, on the other hand, have a yearly ritual ceremony in which they publicly reject communion.
they make a public spectacle of refusing the new covenant.. christians believe that salvation is monergistic - that god works through the holy spirit to bring about the salvation of an individual through spiritual regeneration, regardless of the individual's cooperation.
Good post, jw's often think they are Christian and the above tells the Protestant view of why they are not Christian in the view of many.
Not sure if all jw's feel this way but my jw has said the he is not an 'intentional sinner'. I was brought up (Protestant) with the view that we all are sinners and all fall short. If they are capable of 'saving' themselves through their works, obedience to the org and their own death they don't really need Jesus at all do they?
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