I personally do not like her stand on abortion (to not give aid to a living attempted aborted baby should be repugnant to all in my opinion) (as well as selling baby parts, which is actually illegal and which she apparently finds no issue with) she is an &*(&^% so and so. ;
On abortion, Harris has voted against every pro-life piece of legislation she could, including bills with bipartisan support.
For example, earlier this year she voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Act, which would have protected unborn babies from abortion procedures after the point at which they can feel pain (20 weeks).
Harris also voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would have required doctors present during a failed abortion -- an abortion that results in the birth of a living infant -- to provide the same level of care that would be offered to any other baby at the same stage of development.
Harris voted against Pain-Capable in 2018 and Born Alive in 2019 as well. She also voted against the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act that would have codified the Hyde Amendment and prohibited abortion coverage in Obamacare.