It's like the company store of old when people had no choice but to buy from the company store and become indebted to their employer. jw's have no choice but to 'buy' the litter-ature and just because all jw's click on the pages doesn't mean any new prospects are doing so. I suppose even ex jw's could be a large portion of those who give the org 'clicks' when doing research. "...most loved magazines of Christians"- I don't know anybody who considers jw's as 'Christian'.
Posts by carla
The most thrilled topic but why dont people reply with facts/ figures
by Ardian inthe watchtower and awake have been listed as the most popular magazines.the figures are astonishing.
i am not sure whether it is based on reality or not.. source:
i have seen the link on many social media networks.
by frozen2018 inmost years i don't get many kids at my house.
i think its because my staircase is too steep and long but i'd always get a few.
this year, because of the panic, i left my treats in a big pot by the sidewalk with a sign that says, "help yourself!
Non jw here, Halloween was great fun when I was a kid! Parents never went with you and naturally it was dark. The boys tended to go farther than us girls so they had quite a haul. We would go up into the 'rich' subdivision and some even gave out full size candy bars! exciting times I tell you.
One house had a note on the door about not celebrating, none of had ever heard of jw's and didn't know what they were. That poor kid got labeled as some kind of weirdo. Their house was dark, don't know if they were hiding out in the basement or something. I think their windows might have gotten soaped one year. That was the extent of shenanigans by anybody.
Longhairgal, yep, us too! got home and dumped everything out so mom could look through and toss anything questionable. (hint for those of you just beginning to participate- don't make homemade popcorn balls unless they are for people you personally know, they will be tossed. If you are old and think apples are a good treat, err, no, don't give apples either)
When my kids were young school had 'book character' day right before Halloween. It had to be from a book they had read. That way all the kids could participate even if they belonged to a nutty cult. Not sure if any jw kids did or didn't participate as it was really just a politically correct way to let the kids have some Halloween fun. Pre jw spouse days for me so they weren't on my radar yet.
8 Year Old Can Decide If They Are Transgendered
by minimus inso says joe biden.. anybody agree with this?
Here is what Biden said- (I have no idea what this news source is, I just googled and posted the first one up)
"The idea that an eight year old child, or a ten year old child decides—'you know i decided, I want to be transgender. That's what I'd think I'd like to be, it'd make my life a lot easier'—there should be zero discrimination," said Biden.
New Song by Grant Davis - PIMO
by Anna Marina inthis is a brilliant new song by grant davis who did the trolley/whiskey song with kevin mcfree.. it is called physically in menatlly out..
2020-Letter Writing Manual--Pre-Authorized Debit Donations!--( as of 2020-10-10)
by Atlantis in2020-10--letter writing templates manual.
91 pages.
2020-10-01--donation arrangement--pre-authorized debit.
How will this show up on a credit card? anyone know? thanks
Video: Surprise Reunion After 10 years of Shunning
by NuzzleNudge in
my husband hadn’t seen his sister for 10 years.
we were jehovah's witnesses and thanks to their disgusting, arbitrary brainwashing, 10 years of loving our family was wasted shunning them.
Longhairgal, reminds me of how many holidays my jw has begged out of and the many family pics he is missing in. Years from now I wonder what relatives, grandchildren will think? will anyone remember he was a jw and their crazy doctrines? Maybe they will think he was the photographer, yep, that's what I'm going with.
Video: Surprise Reunion After 10 years of Shunning
by NuzzleNudge in
my husband hadn’t seen his sister for 10 years.
we were jehovah's witnesses and thanks to their disgusting, arbitrary brainwashing, 10 years of loving our family was wasted shunning them.
Aww, so nice! made me wanna cry
1914 a doctrinal lie that created an entire religion the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Finkelstein inwhen you think about it the jws was foundationaly created upon a single core doctrine which was created close to a 100 years ago, that is the doctrinal year of 1914 .. the leader(s) of the ibsa in 1919 proclaimed that jehovah had selectively chosen them or him as it were by j. rutherford, they also self identified themselves as the anointed class the faithful slave.. from all of these expressive endeavors a new religion sprung up eventually calling themselves the jehovah's witnesses.
years and decades followed where more and more people were lured into the faith making themselves subservient devoted members as well, some also identifying themselves as the anointed class.
the jws proclaimed through their leaders (gb) that they were true loyal witnesses to jehovah's will and purpose, but were they really ?
It has been my experience that jw's today know little to nothing about 1874, 1914 or 1919 and most certainly cannot explain it let alone find any scriptural reasoning for any of it. Talk about the inches of the pyramid thing, or other crazy things (miles to cedar something or other? my mind must be going...) and a jw will laugh and say that jw's used to believe lots of funny things. Any attempt to compare those days to now and you just get the deer in the headlights look. New light and all that....
JW food bank?
by peacefulpete inmy parents local congo has been participating is a food box program.
apparently the food is coming from a janesville hub and given to jws only.
does anyone know the source of the food?
2 Cheeseheads on one thread! (now three) small world. I mentioned to my jw that the boxes were not from the kh but rather a federal program of some sort and after some hemming and hawing he agreed that was so. Apparently some jw's seem to know this.
Are You Satisfied With The Way The News Media Acts?
by minimus init would be a wonderful thing if the news media tried to exercise some fairness when they report the news or editorialize on a matter.
if the news media does not stop showing bias, i would like to see sanctions of some sort on the cnn’s of the world.
i really don’t think they can make the media fair but it would be nice..