If I had heard gee-hovah I would have thought the person was making fun. I think my jw would have thought the same way. Long ago I called jw's "jw's" and he thought that was disrespectful, now he will use the shortened version as well. He has no memory of it being 'disrespectful'. That's a cult for you.
Posts by carla
Butchered pronunciation
by road to nowhere insince it is my turn (wife) to have the assembly streamed they start with the music.. i have never in 70 years heard it called a "pree-lood".
twice, morning and afternoon..
Jesus is a horse?
by Diogenesister injgnat posted this in one of punky's posts.
third century.
why is jesus portrayed as a horse, does anyone know please?.
Long but good read from -https://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/cross-or-stake.php
The Romans choice of using a cross over a stake was apparently due to the cross being able to extend the time it takes a person to die. By staying alive for hours or days the crucified person served as a warning example to others. The site centuryone.org/crucifixion2.html (February 15 2006) looks at some of these issues. Quoting research contained at F.T. Zugibe, 1984 Death by Crucifixion, Canadian Society of Forensic Science 17(1):1-13.6 it shows that on a cross, rather than a rapid death from asphyxiation death it can take hours or days to die from hypovolemic shock. On the other hand, death on a stake is rapid. Summarising research by P. Barbet 1953 Les Cinq Plaies du Christ 2nd ed. Paris: Procure du Carmel de l' Action de Graces;
"Eye Witness accounts by prisoners of war in Dacchu during WWII reported that victims suspended from beams by their wrist, which were tied, expired within ten minutes if their feet were weighted or tied down and within one hour if their feet were unweighted and the victim was able to raise and lower himself to permit respiration. Death in this manner, which is one form of crucifixion, was the result of suffocation."
Has the governing body been had by the 'superior Authorities'?
by was a new boy innyc mayor praises jw's for obeying authorities.
See the flip flops of the wt about superior authorities-https://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/superior-authorities.php
a different view on Romans 13- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/oct/16/no-romans-13-does-not-say-americans-must-submit-to/?fbclid=IwAR2pS1YEpF8DHqkauPh1bxOfnR8mZ_-SaUl_CEUi7ycCrKjfJDv2eY0y5dc
Jesus is a horse?
by Diogenesister injgnat posted this in one of punky's posts.
third century.
why is jesus portrayed as a horse, does anyone know please?.
It is called The Alexamenos graffito, it is basically graffiti mocking Christianity and in particular a person named Alexamenos. Here is more info and also other places on the internet- https://crip-power.com/alexamenos-graffiti-54/
Pilot program for in-person meetings for the vaccinated
by Vidqun inpilot program for in-person meetings to resume, to be launched in hong kong in nov. 2021. only fully vaccinated publishers are to be invited.
it's going to be a fader's paradise.. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/q9e9pg/and_so_it_begins/?%24deep_link=true&correlation_id=fb861c4a-8c7e-4bad-b1e3-4c86b3254daf&post_fullname=t3_q9e9pg&post_index=1&ref=email_digest&ref_campaign=email_digest&ref_source=email&utm_content=post_title&%243p=e_as&_branch_match_id=936859150293933406&utm_medium=email%20amazon%20ses.
If one can still get covid and spread covid even after being doubly vaxxed and getting a booster what is the point? Can anyone answer that? you may not get as sick, you might not need hospitalization, may and might. To say that you get the vax for others is just plain silly at this point if you look at other countries, Uttar Pradesh (in India) for example, Ireland, etc.... I just don't get it. You do it for yourself not for grandma or the little ones because you might be carrying a large viral load and not even know it. If you are not vaxxed you might feel like crap and stay home and not have a false sense of security because you have a vax for the previous virus which has now mutated.
Why are jw's listening to 'superior authorities' if in all other things they are ruled by satan? why this? How often have the trashed governments, local authorities, etc... I just want to knock my jw upside the head and ask, "what the hell?" (I'm a ubm, he would totally understand my question put that way and not run for the hills)
Do you think the Door to Door KNOCKING - field service will EVER resume AGAIN?
by pistolpete inif i was a jw, and covid put and end to the door to door work for two years, and kingdom halls closed, it would get me to re-visit and think about the stupidity of the overlapping generation, and how they extended the deadline for armageddon to 2072.
(1992 franz death +80 more years).
if i was 20 years of age, plus another 80 = 100 years of age for the system to end.
I think the public may have something to say about strangers knocking on their doors in the era of covid. Though I guess if they are going to allow trick or treating maybe the jw's will think, "well, why not us too? we should be able to knock on doors too!"
Pilot program for in-person meetings for the vaccinated
by Vidqun inpilot program for in-person meetings to resume, to be launched in hong kong in nov. 2021. only fully vaccinated publishers are to be invited.
it's going to be a fader's paradise.. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/q9e9pg/and_so_it_begins/?%24deep_link=true&correlation_id=fb861c4a-8c7e-4bad-b1e3-4c86b3254daf&post_fullname=t3_q9e9pg&post_index=1&ref=email_digest&ref_campaign=email_digest&ref_source=email&utm_content=post_title&%243p=e_as&_branch_match_id=936859150293933406&utm_medium=email%20amazon%20ses.
Won't this further divide cong's? meaning it will show those who are 'weak' and did not listen to the gb about getting the jab in the first place? will it place a stigma on the unvaxxed and their families?
Censuring medicine and information; our new culture.
by was a new boy in'last night's flccc weekly update featured stories of families who fought in court to compel hospitals to give their loved ones ivermectin.
that it has come to this is tragic.
63 studies have now shown ivermectin’s efficacy in all stages of c19 disease.'.
LV101, excellent post! Yes, there are many studies showing the efficacy of both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. If you are truly interested and willing to have an inquiring mind you can find these studies. The arrogance, censorship and corruption in the US kills more than covid ever could by itself with no treatments.
Ivermectin is considered an essential medicine by WHO and won a Nobel prize for it in 2015. It has been given nearly 4 billion doses since 1996 (or there about) and is considered as safe as aspirin, can be given to pregnant women and children. It has saved many lives, eyesight, etc....Do some research on it.
Why are some overdosing on it? They cannot get ivermectin pills for humans so they went out and got the horse paste. The only problem with that is you must pay very close attention to your weight and the dosage. If those cases are even true about the horse paste overdoses.
If memory serves, nearly 20% of all pharma meds in the US are used 'off label'. Meaning your dr can prescribe any drug for a different reason than the drug was intended if he/she deems it necessary and helpful. It is done everyday in the US and elsewhere. Well, that is before the government decided to be the 'doctor' and tell doctors how to practice medicine, how to label deaths and so forth, but only with covid. Cancer, brain surgery, etc... carry on, we feel you are bright enough to practice medicine as you see fit.
Speaking of death counts, there many doctors and nurses coming out as whistleblowers saying they are required to label all deaths as covid even if it was a heart attack or accident. There is quite a difference between falling off you ladder and dying with covid than dying of covid. So we don't even know what the real numbers are for deaths of covid.
There are a couple protocols that have been very effective to keep people out of the hospital and off respirators. Here are a few- https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/
Some may be reluctant to order ivermectin or hydroxy. online, I know I was. I ordered ivermectin, hydroxy. , budecort inhaler and doxycycline. They came from India and one batch came from elsewhere. The first came in about a week and a half the other batch took about 3 weeks. It is best to have on hand before you or loved ones get sick. So far they have not stolen my credit card number and everything seems on the up and up. All looks like I just got them from Walgreen's. I am not suggesting you do the same, just telling my experience in ordering. If you decide to order google something on the order of 'generic drugs without a prescription'. I don't think I will need it because I believe I had covid even before it hit the news and therefore have natural immunity. Yes, natural immunity is best. There are some reports that you are more likely to get delta if you have had the experimental Mrna gene therapy jab.
The censorship is what is also killing people. People cannot make informed decisions without have full disclosure. Just like the jw's who don't (didn't in past pre covid times) give full disclosure at the doors. If a jw was truthful at the doors he/she would have said something like this- would you like to join our organization? the following are just a few things that will be required of you- give up all holidays, no blood, limit outside relationships, no looking at any information that we deem negative about our group, we also like to know your bedroom habits with your spouse and will police that, how you wear your hair, make up, and clothing. We will require you to knock on doors a certain number of hours each week and your presence is required at meeting/fs so you will need to dedicate about 30 hours a week in study and other jw activities. One little side note, if you commit any thing we consider a sin or brazen actions we will shun you and you will lose all your new friends and any family you might have gotten to join you. How about it? ready to get dunked?
When doctors and nurses are quitting their jobs, coming out as whistleblowers that most if not all of their patients have been fully vaccinated doesn't that make one think? hmm, I wonder what they are seeing that the general public is not. These are usually very dedicated people who love their jobs and feel real responsibility toward their patients.
The vaccine makers have already stated that you may still get covid, you can still spread covid if you get the vaccine. The only thing it may do is that you might not get as sick. May and might. What is the point then when there are other treatments available? For those who say it is some sort of civic duty are not being truthful when you can still spread it even if you have been vaccinated. If you get the jab it is for you and no one else.
Follow the money.
Life In Communist Victoria Australia If You Are In The Workforce
by jonahstourguide inwell, it has happened.. workers in these industries will be forced to vax or lose their employment.. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-01/victoria-which-authorised-workers-mandatory-vaccination-onsite/100506980.
i'm glad to be out of the workforce.. never thought it would come to this in a supposed democratic society.. no wonder protests and law suits are increasing in intensity.
like for fucks sake,,, a worker at a takeaway bottle / liquor shop.
What has been happening down under?! I have seen reports of people being beat up by police for not wearing a mask or threatened with 'gassing' (pepper spray?). I didn't know if such reports were true. The US may not be far behind in treatment of the 'control group' (no vax people).
My latest novel is now available on Amazon, I think you might like it.
by JeffT inmy latest novel, “armageddon’s disciples” is now available in both print and kindle versions.
a brief description:.
“when three “disciples” of the word of god foundation discover seventeen-year-old alice lahti dead in their meeting hall, detective ed franklin quickly finds a tangled web of toxic relationships, sexual abuse, blackmail, murder, and bizarre failed prophecies.
Good luck Jeff! Sounds like a good read.