I just read on reddit that they removed the announcement about tight pants tony on the borg site. I personally will not go on that site so does anybody else know more?
Posts by carla
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Can YOU see Jehovah's hand in this matter? May 2023 Study WT
by BoogerMan instudy watchtower may 2023 p. 12, par.
14: “she poured out her heart to jehovah, asking him for help.
the consulting doctor took an interest in their case.
"...This led to their receiving government assistance from Satan's system and an affordable place to live"- fixed it for you, no charge.
Blood question re: sample for testing
by carla inwhy can jw's give blood samples for testing in a medical setting?
i was with someone once (non jw related) who was getting multiple tests done and they must have taken a good pint all together in separate vials.
how do jw's square this with their blood policies?
Why can jw's give blood samples for testing in a medical setting? I was with someone once (non jw related) who was getting multiple tests done and they must have taken a good pint all together in separate vials. How do jw's square this with their blood policies? The blood is not poured out onto the earth but in the end much of it is disposed of (medical waste?).
I know my jw does not object to giving blood samples but will not give to save the life of another.
Bait and Switch "Bible studies"
by Vanderhoven7 inmark jones, a witness for over 30 years describes what jws call bible studies offered to the public.. .
"they (jehovah's witnesses) offer you a free home “bible” study - which turns out to be a study of a watchtower publication with the bible brought out as an afterthought to try and prop up whatever current idea the governing body are claiming is “the truth” this week.. i think it’s underhanded.. when my parents became jehovah’s witnesses and they offered people a free home “bible” study, this is what they brought to study with them:.
what, did you think they were going to study the bible with you?.
I tried telling my jw all of this when he was first joining up, to no avail. The way they hook scriptures together they might as well hook this together; "....and he hung himself, now go and do likewise....".
They have a bible at the ready to simply show that a certain scripture does in fact exist not to show any context. And for goodness sakes don't read the whole chapter much less the book!
They name the NWT for legal reasons? hmm, I thought it was just another case of having to be 'different'.
Why are so many Jehovah’s Witnesses Angry and Rude?
by Vanderhoven7 inwhy do you think many jws are hostile and rude?
or is that just my imagination?.
mark jones writes: the vast majority of jehovah’s witnesses are nice people.
As a ubm I can't tell you how many people thought my jw was arrogant when discussing anything religious. These comments came from people who truly loved him but saw the extreme change in him once he became fully committed to the cult. It actually brings me to tears to think about it sometimes. I don't say that lightly either. I haven't been around many jw's to be honest, the few times I have I would say the women are the worst! I am just going to say it, it rhymes with 'witches'.
When my jw was first joining up people would ask me what was wrong with him? why was he so angry? and so forth and this did not even include any jw discussion. He was merely seeing these former friends as 'non jw's ' who were 'less than'? worthy of destruction? these were people we grew up with and were in our wedding party.
As a side note, I still wonder why jw's do not use paragraphs when posting online? I see this here and elsewhere and I can tell a newly pimo from a mile away for this reason. Anyone know why this might be?
What's going on in Ohio?
by Bartolomeo inreporter evan lambert arrested by ohio police live on train derailment for doing what big media won't do: ask questions about toxic chemicals that poison water and air.
the largest "democracy" in the world that arrests journalists for simple questions.. imagine if it had happened in russia what they would have said.... https://twitter.com/thethe1776/status/1625202284144791552.
"My video camera footage shows my chickens were perfectly fine before they started this burn, and as soon as they started the burn, my chickens slowed down and they died," she told WKBN. "If it can do this to chickens in one night, imagine what it’s going to do to us in 20 years." - from this article https://www.foxnews.com/us/ohio-residents-fear-train-derailment-poisoned-air-ground-report-animals-dying
"Among the substances were ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, ethylhexyl acrylate and isobutylene were also in the rail cars that were derailed, the list shows.
Contact with ethylhexyl acrylate, a carcinogen, can cause burning and irritation of the skin and eyes, and inhalation can irritate the nose and throat, causing shortness of breath and coughing,"- from this article - https://abcnews.go.com/US/toxic-chemicals-train-derailed-ohio-originally-reported-data/story?id=97080179
I don't imagine we will ever really know the truth about it as they don't allow journalists to do their jobs anymore in the US.
Jehovah's witnesses sying County Governor om Oslo and Boken, Norway
by InquiryMan inoops title going wrong.
suing, in and viken correct.
this afternoon a press release from the jw has been published in major news outlets in norway concerning the withdrawal of registration etc..
"They call the authorities' decision "discriminatory" and claim it "conveys a message that there is something seriously wrong with Jehovah's Witnesses".
New blood card system in March
by Indoubtbigtime inthere is going to be a hole new system of blood cards this march .
the congregation won’t hold any information as they did before from march it will be all put on the pub.
i think it’s to do with vaccines and they are worried now they got everyone vaxed and they want to distance themselves from medical responsibilities and say own personal decisions.
I saw in some article (not U.S.) they were trying to set up a 'pure' blood blank, no vax blood supply. Sorry, don't remember where I saw it.
Just to add to more social harmony, now we will have the vaxxed and the 'pure bloods'. yikes.
Five members of Jehovah's Witness congregations across Pennsylvania charged with sexual abuse of children
by was a new boy inhttps://www.fox43.com/article/news/crime/sexual-abuse-of-children-jehovahs-witness-pennsylvania/521-1d54cc2e-3ec6-4d20-b67a-fc3c5e8f2580.
Thank you for posting this.
Ex-Jehovah's Witness recounts her disfellowshipping and family estrangement in today's Huffington Post. A poignant read.
by Balaamsass2 ina thoughtful read in today's huffington post.
it reminded me of how glad i am that 1st gen and i left the cult together and worked on keeping our closest relationships alive.
it wasn't easy.
That article was just so sad. I know it is played out often in dubland, such a waste of love.