The 'Go Bags"! oh I can't even tell you how damn ridiculous my jw is about his 'go bag'. He was traveling for a bit a few years back and didn't go anywhere without it . He even wanted to get me one, cause at heart he is a nice guy. However, if you saw my pantry you would stifle a giggle as did I. I am a gardener, canner, dehydrator, herbalist and so forth. I have enough to last me through a catastrophe and then some. His 'go bag'? has some weird brick type food, I think 2 bottles of water, maybe some bandaids, and not much of real help if you ask me. I even offered a few things he might need.
I wonder at the carrying cash advice. A few years ago a local gas station lost power and the clerks were not able to give change for cash because they could not count 'up' and give change. If you have never worked in a restaurant to count up quickly you would do this- if the bill was 13.80 and the customer gave a 20.00 you would say, "and .20 makes 14.00 and 6.00 makes 20.00. Or actually count the six dollars, 15, 16, 17 and so forth. I know lots of kids who cannot grasp what I am telling them even when using real cash and change to show them. Not trying to say they are dumb or anything, just a different world. They can run circles around me with computer issues or social media.