Do these people who accept stranger children (or known) in their car have the following information?
Parents names, phone #'s, address, where they will be during time in vehicle, who to call in case of emergency/accident, who to call if parents can't be reached, known allergies, mental health at current moment (will kid flip out at something?), behavior issues, bathroom? needs help? what if? allergies, etc....
Does your current car insurance cover you using your car basically as a bus/taxi? do you realize if you had a catastrophic accident that you WILL be sued regardless of the jw- "we don't sue our brothers". It is the insurance companies that sue to recover medical bills, etc.... If you haven't notified insurance company of use of vehicle will you be personally liable?
If the parents aren't around when it is time to drop them off, what are you supposed to do with child? was this agreed upon by all adults?
why do jw not see beyond their own nose? this is common sense stuff and things normal people do in girl/boy scouts, afterschool activities and so forth.