JoinedPosts by cyd0099
by Mary ini just got a call from my mom.
my father's had a massive stroke and is in the hospital.
i'm leaving now to go to the hospital and i probably won't have time to post here for a while until we know what's happening........
What do you do for living?
by averyniceguy ini am america sign language teacher and a caretaker of a house near the beach.
what do you do for living?
1) I manage and maintain a small victorian apartment building and 2) I rock the portafilters as a barista extraordinnaire.
How To Make Espresso--By The Faithful And Discreet Slave
by under_believer in1. go to http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/1997/11/8/diagram_01.htm.
2. read instructions.
as they wisely point out at the related page, http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/1997/11/8/article_01.htm: "your perseverance, however, will pay off when you delight your friends with espresso drinks that rival those in your local coffee shop.
You are like the third person in two days to mention Indian Malabar to me. Some strange synchronicity is playing out right now...
I have a bag of Indian Plantation AAA in my shop right now. It's a nice medium bodied / medium acidity coffee. It's quite good. -
How To Make Espresso--By The Faithful And Discreet Slave
by under_believer in1. go to http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/1997/11/8/diagram_01.htm.
2. read instructions.
as they wisely point out at the related page, http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/1997/11/8/article_01.htm: "your perseverance, however, will pay off when you delight your friends with espresso drinks that rival those in your local coffee shop.
It's the most bare-bones primer I have ever read. Far from the university level material they usually hand out...
Most home machines are good for one thing, making coffee so bad people return to the bars to try and figure out why their drink (made on the 250.00 machine usually by someone with even less training than provided by this article) doesn't compare to the one they just bought (in our case, made by a barista with years of experience and training and a passion for coffee on a 16,000.00 machine with a water filtration system, etc...)
That being said, there are some good machines out there, in what is referred to as the "pro-sumer" range. But what dub is going to spend 400.00 and up on a coffee maker? That's just not modest! -
How old were you when you were baptized?
by moomanchu in.
reading hellriders topic made me wonder about this.. i waited till i was 21 because i was drinking alcohol as a youth and didn't want to get baptized while breaking the law.
man that is screwed up, seemed reasonable at the time.
I was a 14 year old boy.
My God, this is outragous - HP Sauce to be made in Netherlands, not Britain
by Simon inhp sauce is the sauce to have with a fry-up at breakfast.
not like that horrible american ketchup nonsense.
Funny, MissB, as always.
I like Tabasco sauce w/ chipotle on my hash browns and eggs. -
High School Prom
by Larry ingreetings folks - it's been a while since i posted anything.
the other day i was talking to my daughter about her prom - dress, limo, etc....and it dawned on me that i never went to my prom.
obviously being a jdub was a big reason why i didn't go or had any desire to go.
I went to one party through my whole high school years. It was fun, but I was too chicken to stretch the rules in public like that.
Sagan and anyone who care toreply
by jw in.
only intelligent replys.. 2.no big bang replys.. what is your theory on how humans came into existence?
jw, I'm willing to wager you don't have a theory of your own that isn't a cut and paste list of scripture.
Hi every one!
by wifey ini may not post much cause i'm really busy with work and raising 3 grandkids but some times see posts i would like to comment on.
glad to meet all of you.. later, .
Hi! and welcome to the board.
Sagan and anyone who care toreply
by jw in.
only intelligent replys.. 2.no big bang replys.. what is your theory on how humans came into existence?
Why bother to post our opinions?
You are just going to throw bible verses back at us and claim we are wrong.