You need to get to the nearest hospital NOW !!! - suicidal thoughts are a medical emergency!!!
JoinedPosts by tmo1965
I am considering suicide...
by Nebeska Nada inunder the wheels of a train.... .
i feel really bad.... i don't want to be in the cult anymore.... .
i was thinking about that whole meeting today.... .
RIP Michael Jackson
by sizemik init's one hour into june 25th here in new zealand .
and two years since the death of michael jackson.. we all know of his family life and the connection the family had to the jehovah's witness religion, his abusive father, and the less than ideal childhood he experienced.
his struggles with his identity and his past manifested itself in a life of extreme highs and lows.
RIP Michael. I still have not gotten over MJ's death. I can't help but think that his JW upbringing was a big part of what ailed his soul. Micheal often quoted scripture about being childlike. Is this something that the JW religion emphasizes?
Now on to my soap box - It irks me to no end when people, who only get their facts from the sounds bites they hear TV. I seriously doubt that Michael ever molested any children. Why do I believe that? Because in the 1993 accusations, the kid's father had tried to get Michael to finance a screen play deal. When Micheal refused, he went to a lawyer, not the police, in an attempt to extort money from MJ. When that extortion attempt failed, he took his kid to a psychologist, after being coached of course, who in turn called the police. There is a documented trascript of a phone call between the kid's father and step-father that proves that the father wanted to meet with MJ one last time to "get what I want". He further states that if he does not get what he wants, he will put his plan into action and "everyone in site will be crushed". Evan Chandler (the boys father) also indicated in the tapes that Michael was evil for breaking up his family.
There were not multiple payouts for different accusers, as some believe. The payout was to the first kid, however his mother, step-father, and father also received a payout.
Even though there was a payout, that in itself cannot prevent someone from being charged with a crime. The Chandlers refused to cooperate with the investigation after they got paid. In fact, the Santa Barbara DA, continued his investigation until Sept. 1994. He went all the way to Australia trying to find someone else who claimed they were molested by MJ, to no avail, so they had to drop the case.
Michael was aquitted of the second charge in a court of law. Why? Because the kids could not keep their story straight (i.e. they lied). They even claimed that MJ would not let them leave Neverland and they were not allowed to know what time it was. There are photos of clocks all over Neverland.
If Michael was truly a pedophile, there would be way more claims besides these 2, which were 10 years apart.
Tower Of Babel
by Blue Grass innote:this was a post i made on another thread but i felt it was off topic so i giving it it's own thread.. someone(who i can't remember) on a thread(which i can't remember) said the tower of babel story is proven false because some languages evolved from others and thus that was another strike against the bible as being fiction.
however this person doesn't realize that there are languages on this earth that has absolutely no relation whatsoever such as chinese-english, spanish-arabic, greek-xhosa, etc.
not to mention all of the ancient languages that are now extinct due to invading countries forcing their own language on other countries.
For those who argue that because many, or maybe all, languages have commonalities, therefore the Tower of Babel story in the Bible is not literal or not true, I think you're making an incorrect assumption that the languages have to be totally different for the story of the Tower of Babel to have taken place. If you look at it, according to the Genesis account, all languages originated from God, hence, of course there would be commonalities. To me, comparing similarities between languages have no bearing on the accuracy of the Tower of Babel story, because it's possible for the various languages created at that time to be similar or different regardless.
As for the Tower of Babel actually being built, we don't know how much of it was completed. We can't assume that the technology did not exist for such a building to be built. The best scientist in the world still have not figured out how the pyramids were built, and they're still standing thousands of years later. I truly doubt that any modern buildings will last that long.
To Christians....
by homeschool inwhat do you call god?
do you call him yaweh?
if you believe in calling him by his hebrew name, then do you feel the same way about jesus?
I call him Father.
"And I have other sheep not of this fold..." PRESENT TENSE!!...i have questions
by oompa indid wt really believe that everyone prior to jesus death is resting and awaiting only a earthly hope?
and then when jesus died, everyone following him only had a heavenly hope until 1934-35....and then nearly all only had an earthly hope again?
of course recently they did open up heaven again, so now there are both "callings" taking place, both heaven and earth on sale at the same time......sooooo.
and i don't even know why they came up with the 1935 timeline idea of paradise earth life starting up did they come up with this TIME of 1935??...why not just have said both groups had been called since jesus day...esp with John 10:16 sitting right there so simple..........oompa
Get the book: "30 Years A Watchtower Slave" by William J. Schnell. This book gives a very good 1st hand history of the formation of the Jehovah Witnesses. The author was a Bible Student in Germany and migrated to the US.
He gives his account of 1935 beginning the time for the earthly hope. To put it in a nutshell, the WTS had until that time preached that only their followers would go to heaven and the Bible predicts this by stating that 144,000 would go to heaven. Before 1935, the number of Bible Students was less than the 144,000. In the 1930s their numbers were rapidly increasing, if not exceeding the 144,000 count. So they invented the "other sheep" doctrine to cover up their faux pas. 1935 was also the year that they became Jehovah's Witnesses. That name was part of the new deal of having an earthly hope.
What is the most damning scripture in the Bible?
by viva infor many years, i had serious issues with alot of scriptures.
the creation account, the flood, jonah in the whale, etc.
scriptures that are scientifically falsifiable.
oompa, I'm not totally convinced that Deuteronomy 22:28-29 refers to a rape. I think it is speaking of a consentual encounter. See this explanation of the Hebrew words used from the Blue Letter Bible:
Keep in mind too, that societies views about virginity were very different during Biblical times than they are in western culture today.
What is the most damning scripture in the Bible?
by viva infor many years, i had serious issues with alot of scriptures.
the creation account, the flood, jonah in the whale, etc.
scriptures that are scientifically falsifiable.
outofthebox: does it really say that - my god! somethings wrong there.
That must be the NWT translation. The NIV says:
3 Sorrow is better than laughter,
because a sad face is good for the heart. -
3 Baptized at our latest Special Assembly Day at Bristol
by ThomasCovenant inour special assembly day at bristol assembly hall has just finished.
as i've said before in october 07 regarding the last two day assembly weekend.
the numbers are still down.
You can also wait until you get home and make your donation on the evil Internet -
This is a joke right?
The JWs I talk to always emphasize how the WTS does not actively solicit donations. They even look down their noses at mainstream churches for passing collection plates. Have they always made requests for money?
March BOE Financial Letter?
by yknot ini received an email from a sister-undercover -apostate saying someone had posted on her anti-jw group that there was a boe dated march 1, 2008 about local kh financial accounts and the wts.. my fading doesn't always let me log-on much and i couldn't find anything under "boe letter" with last month search tool.
has this been discussed?
i stopped by the kh today and checked the board and we had nothing posted (not really expecting to see it posted either).. here is the cut/paste of her email to me:.
I don't think the idea of pooling their $$$ together to get more interest is any type of scandal or devious plot. Any organization would draw the same conclusion. That said, there may be the motive to cover shortfall in income, but again nothing really unusal about that. Anybody in the same fix would do the same.
John The Baptist. More than a Prophet?
by Steve J inin bite me's recent post about the virgin birth i raised some serious questions which make us doubt that jesus was conceived by gods holy spirit.
my research over the last few years, since leaving jw's has led me to believe jesus was just a ordinary man, and to me that makes his sacrifice even more powerful.
this post raises similar questions and challenges what we actually know about john the baptist and the part he played in jesus' life.. in islam, john the baptist and jesus are as important as one another and in arabic, the language of the qur'an, john is known as yahya the infinite.
there has not been raised up anyone greater than John the Baptist....and if you want to accept it, he himself is Elijah who is destined to come. (matthew 11:2-14)
Stop reading the New World Translation and get yourself a regular Bible. That alone would clear up a whole lot. Let's look at Matthew 11:14 in a few regular translations:
NASB - 14 "And if you are willing to accept it, John himself is Elijah who was to come.
NIV - 14 And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.
KJV - 14 And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.
NLT - 14 And if you are willing to accept what I say, he is Elijah, the one the prophets said would come.
You see, John The Baptist (Elijah) was prophesied about in the OT. (Malachi 3:1, Matthew 11:10). So Matthew 11:14 is confirming that John The Baptist was in fact the prophesied return of Elijah.