Did WT really believe that everyone prior to jesus death is resting and awaiting ONLY a earthly hope? And then when Jesus died, everyone following him ONLY had a heavenly hope until 1934-35....and then nearly all ONLY had an earthly hope again? Of course recently they did open up heaven again, so now there are BOTH "callings" taking place, both heaven and earth on sale at the same time......sooooo
this kinda ties in with all the recent memorial comments....I have been researching something I find odd...that is this "other sheep" earthly class all of a sudden coming to life in 1934-35 nearly 2000 years after jesus death.....especially in light of:
see according to this statement....he says is "HAS" other sheep not of the fold of the "little flock" (supposedly a literal 144k for heaven)...he did not say that "sometime in the last days i will have other sheep".....that would mean that in jesus day the earthly hope was there for the Other Sheep, and heaven for the Little Flock AT THE SAME TIME JUST LIKE NOW.......that would ALSO mean that the Christian Greek Scriptures were NOT just for the little flock....he even says they will become one flock (how could they become one shepherd too btw?)
does it not seem logical that if... since jesus death there would be only a heavenly calling for nearly 2000 years....that there would have been some major prophecy point to a time in the future when an earthly class would begin signing up??
i think it makes no sense that some people could only have one hope for thousands of years....and other people for thousands of years would have only one hope, and i don't even know why they came up with the 1935 timeline idea of paradise earth life starting up again.......how did they come up with this TIME of 1935??...why not just have said both groups had been called since jesus day...esp with John 10:16 sitting right there so simple..........oompa