What I always heard was "bad associations spoil useful habits".-meaning usually me!
My mom whining "if you'd just come back to the truth..."
"Shelley, we'd like to speak with you.." pointing to the backroom.
i like "theocratic strategy", "new light", "the slave", and "lovers of truth"......anything that you find amusing?
What I always heard was "bad associations spoil useful habits".-meaning usually me!
My mom whining "if you'd just come back to the truth..."
"Shelley, we'd like to speak with you.." pointing to the backroom.
back in april i asked for advice from all of you about texas.
well, we hopped a plane and checked out the woodlands, north of houston.
we loved it!
You make me miss home!!!!!!!
I'm from Gainesville, TX. Been a nurse in the DFW area for 14 years. My punishment for being bad is being stuck in Oklahoma to get my shit together. I tend to get in trouble in Texas. I'm only 45 miles away from heaven!!!!!!!!
now i may have gotten this wrong.
but didn't someone mention the blood issue is up to each person?
in the new release, "what does the bible really teach" it gives a list of "what jehovah shuns":.
Now I may have gotten this wrong. But didn't someone mention the blood issue is up to each person? In the new release, "What does the bible really teach" it gives a list of "what Jehovah shuns":
manslaughter, sexual immorality, spiritism, idolatry, drunkenness,stealing, lying, greed, violence, improper speech, MISUSE OF BLOOD, refusal to provide for one's family, participation in wars or political controversies of this world, and use of tobacco or so-called recreational drugs.
And HOW many of those do the GB engage in routinely???
i never did, although i did tell my former bible student/tennis partner that the bible does not condemn celebrating birthdays or recommend celebrating anniverseries.
he told his jw brother who told his elders who told my po.
when the po asked me about the conversation, i told him he asked me some questions and i truthfully answered., i said, "nothing i said was wrong or incorrect".
During my teen years, even after baptism at 16, I never did pay attention to the doctrines. I payed just enough attention to get by. So I never have really understood the 607 BCE, and the other dates. I do remember the 1975 shit, I was 11. I don't remember really the word "apostate" much. They threw "worldly" people around.
I'd love nothing more to tell both of my parents that I am an "apostate"--hear me roar!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did have to email my mother yesterday. I told her if we were going to talk, the JW topic was unacceptable. She can have her beliefs, and I have mine. WOOO- that would be 2 wammy's- wiccan and apostate!!
i dont know if anyone else noticed this but on june 14th a friend in need was silenced from kwins post "it took only 13 hrs...." for being a pain.
i just noticed a new member that goes by the name of dennis joined on june 15th and is spitting the same pro-jw stuff that afin was.
so it appears our friend has evolved.
Both you gals just made me committ a very-very serious sin!! I was laughing so hard I spit the tequilia all over the monitor. Now, I have to clean it! Please refrain from such behavior until I have licked the salt and slammed my tequilia!!
we correctly believe that the wts is the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing they talk in a way that makes them appear to be genuinely interested in helping people spiritually (the sheep's clothing) but we then find that they are power intoxicated individuals whose real concern is to abuse and exploit the flock (the real wolf like rapacity)they throw out of the org members for trying to offer constructive criticism they put lots of onerous burdens on their members and do nothing practical to help them, they systematically lie and deceive.
how would you elaborate on this subject to prove to a person interested in the jws that they are indeed devilish imposters.
Don't forget, not only are they in wolve's clothing, but a special kind--polyester!!! And the look in their eyes is one of constipation! (full of shit)
n. habitual psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or practice beyond one's voluntary control.
ditto--ditto what has just been said. I"m a recovering addict. I've recovered being a JW!! Nothing could ever tempt me to go back! I'd sooner cut off my arm.....it really gives me the chills to even think about it!!
one of the most ironically named posters i've ever seen.
kind, strong, intelligent, patient with those who are intolerant.
within the few short mo.
I've known alot of Dr's, EF is the only one I pay attention to!!!!
when i was growing up in dubland, i always felt like i never "fit" in with the other kids in the cong or their families.
i always knew deep down that i didn't like being a jw and their had to be more to life than meetings and field service.
i just wanted to be normal, like the other kids and have sleepovers, birthday parties, after school activities and christmas etc..... my folks were and still are devout dubs and my dad in particular is the nicest man you will ever meet, he would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, no questions asked.
I never did fit in, either. I had one friend I'd go stay with on weekends. The rest of the time our family might get invited sometimes, but my mom would start her bawling shit and storm off home. Later, I was considered "bad association" alot. I kept the elders jumping, working for their titles!! I've never felt like I belonged anywhere, at least till I found all of you.
So now you are all stuck with me, come hell or high water!!!
some have indicated that this might be coming.
based mostly on the new book - some think maybe the org is positioning itself to remove all possible 'doubters' and 'inside apostates' this way.. i mean - having spent four decades watching the actions of this organization as a witness, i can see something like that happening perhaps.. service meeting announcement;.
having had six months to renew his association actively with jehovah's witnesses, and having not been to a meeting or out in service for that same time span, we must announce that ____________ has left the organization and shown by his actions that he is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.. the brothers and sisters need to be reiminded that he should be treated 'as a man of the nations' - full shunning is in effect!.
From what my sisters tell me, in Missouri, where I grew up, the elders have been on a "power" trip with this topic. She said it's like they need to do this to made themselves feel "superior" and in control. I have 3 sisters that have moved from the original congregation. They are ready and waiting for a visit. I don't think it will be pretty! LOL