I knew it!
Posts by Sith
Michael Jackson GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by SixofNine inkingdom hall windows broken, litter-ature looted!!!.
post here.
what will you be wearing to the riots?
Did anyone find the DC encouraging?
by sweet tee ini remember going to the assemblies and conventions and feeling encouraged by the information that was presented.
in hindsight, i may have just felt that way because that's how you were supposed to feel.
i was a 100% brainwashed fool for many years, if the gb said it, i did, i felt it and i believed it .
When I was younger, I really looked forward to District and Circuit Assemblies. Not because they were spiritually encouraging or because I was hoping to learn something new. I looked forward to them for one reason. It was a chance to spend 2 or 3 or 4 days looking at and flirting with beautiful girls dressed up in their sunday best.
I remember also thinking how well organized and how efficiently the conventions were run, from food service through security. I know now that they weren't any more organized than any other type of convention. I just believed these things because I was told to believe them and because they were pounded into my head from the podium. "We are Jehovah's people and our fellowship and brotherly love enable us to work together in a way that nobody else can." Bullsh*t! I've been to many other kinds of conventions since leaving the Borg, and most of them have been just as organized.
After I grew older, got married and had kids...and couldn't flirt with the ladies anymore...the Assemblies got downright tedious. -
A question for Evil Force
by Junction-Guy ini have read in several of your posts that you are a doctor, what is your line of practice?
if you would share that with us here that would be cool.
also how often has the blood transfusion issue come up in your practice.
Ozzie, I realize the need to get back "on topic", but I would like to say one final thing as a clarification, and then I will let the matter drop.
When engaged in a discussion, if the other party presents himself as an authority on the subject discussed, and then says something that raises suspicion, it is not a personal attack to question them about it. It's good common sense.
If you look back at my original post, you'll see that I was not attacking Evil. I was merely asking a question.
Some people here are just too tightly wound. -
A question for Evil Force
by Junction-Guy ini have read in several of your posts that you are a doctor, what is your line of practice?
if you would share that with us here that would be cool.
also how often has the blood transfusion issue come up in your practice.
Evil and I have gone round and round a number of times. We differ on many issues, but I've always enjoyed the discussion and his input. I hope he would say the same thing about me. We've also agreed on some issues as well.
Questioning a person's honesty or integrity is not the same thing as attacking them personally. Just as saying that someone's comments are asinine is not the same thing as calling them an ass. -
bugged out
by chachasmum inwoke up early sat am reached over to turn my alarm off what do i see?
a dirty water bug running around on my rug.
so back to sat, what was going on these big dirty water bugs running around like they owned the place.
ChaCha, those "water bugs" (we call them sewer roaches in this part of the country) are coming up from your drains. No amount of spraying inside your house or apartment will keep them out. The insecticide will kill them once they are inside, but won't keep them out. They breed in sewer and drain pipes.
Hoochie mama's
by swiftbreeze inwell it's that time of year again ladies.....summer.
i went out yesterday with my husband.
it was hot.
Swift, if you can pull it off, with no big gobs of blubber spilling out and over, please do it. On behalf of all men...we appreciate it very much. Notice I said BIG gobs...we can and do overlook a little blubber. Thanks in advance
Pink Floyd is REUNITING!!!!!!!
by Thegoodgirl indid you guys hear the news?
july 2, in three weeks, you lucky dawgs in the uk will have the honor to have pink floyd, inclucing roger waters, perform live for that big benefit concert for africa.
Hillary, I meant no personal insult to a friend. I only know what I've read about the man, rumor or not, and the difference in the band's output between pre-Barret and post-Barret. I know Parsons had a lot to do with the change in direction, but Roger Waters' skills took flight after Barret was no longer with the band. Barret battled personal demons, for sure. I am well aquainted with those bastards.
TIJ, one of the most beautiful, simple, thought-provoking songs I've ever heard is "The Tide Is Turning". The rest of the album may be shit (although I wouldn't agree) but that song makes up for it. Please don't disagree, you'll put a damper on our friendship -
Pink Floyd is REUNITING!!!!!!!
by Thegoodgirl indid you guys hear the news?
july 2, in three weeks, you lucky dawgs in the uk will have the honor to have pink floyd, inclucing roger waters, perform live for that big benefit concert for africa.
The old stuff with Barret doesn't even compare to the newer music that Waters and Co. put out. How does "A Saucerful Of Secrets" or "The Piper At The Gates OF Dawn" hold a candle to such classics as "Meddle", "Wish You Were Here" or "The Wall"? Barret's demise was the best thing that could have happened to the band. He was a genuine looney. My prayer is that they will all collaborate on some new music. A dream come true
Pink Floyd is REUNITING!!!!!!!
by Thegoodgirl indid you guys hear the news?
july 2, in three weeks, you lucky dawgs in the uk will have the honor to have pink floyd, inclucing roger waters, perform live for that big benefit concert for africa.
That is awesome news. Pink Floyd was never as good without Waters as they were with him. And vice-versa, although Waters' "Radio Kaos" is one of my all-time favorite albums...oops, CDs. Here's hoping they've settled their differences.
A question for Evil Force
by Junction-Guy ini have read in several of your posts that you are a doctor, what is your line of practice?
if you would share that with us here that would be cool.
also how often has the blood transfusion issue come up in your practice.
I don't think anyone is questioning motives. I certainly am not. I do question a person's intregrity when it seems appropriate. I want to trust everyone on this board. I'm finding that I can't. So, I weed out those who seem dishonest or portray themselves as something they're not. I question now. It's something I learned from my 22 years as a mind-numb "sheep". I want to trust, but that's just my innocent "inner child" talking.