Topics Started by Sith
Who's ready for some football?
by Big Dog in.
training camps opened here in the us and it won't be long before they will be playing the hall of fame game in canton (which is less than a half hour from where i live and i have tickets for) and the season will be going in full swing.. favorite teams, predictions, etc?
any enthusiasts out there?
by prophecor inregulars or menthols?
full flavor or lights?
kings or extra longs?
Superstitious JW Nonsense
by 95stormfront inone of my jw relatives was relating to me another one of their superstitious nonsense stories designed to demonize every damn thing that doesn't fall into an approved wt list.
she was telling me about a her friend, who upon cleaning a relatives house, found a voodoo doll with a prayer to demons written on paper that it took an hour to burn.
she also related to me how in the hour it took to burn the demon paper prayer, everyone around them getting sick and falling into convulsions.. i guess she was a little perturbed that i was .
Orders from Sith
by kls inthe all mighty sith/ robbie has informed me that i must include him in my 7000 post or he will spank my butt .
so i do this post under duress for fear of haveing a sore hinny.
not yet stupid 2 more
OMG FLAMES... OMG!!! The SPACE SHUTTLE!!!! OMG... Turn on TV NOW!!!!!!
by SixofNine inthey've launched that beast once again.
who knew it went of with such a big bang?
Allow myself to introduce....myself
by pele38 ini must say, i never thought that i would see the day when i would find a site about disillusioned (mostly) jehovah's witnesses, but low and truly exists.
first let me start off by saying thank you to the creators of this site, and i'll have you know that i've been lurking for several days now and i am just finding the time to finally log on.
i've been a member of the borg for over 20 years now, been baptised for about 14 of those years and now i find myself in the most unusual of places.
What songs stand the test of time?
by JV inseeing as i'm dowloading songs so i can blast them at the neighbour kids, i was thinking, what songs stand the test of time?
what songs do you listen to over and over again and never get tired of.
here's my list.. if you tolerate this - manic street preachers.
golly, the things i catch myself singing..
by candidlynuts in......i'm sitting here reading the board..... start singing along with the tv... its that freakin froot of the loom commercial with the country song.... have you all heard it?
very heartfelt song to underwear lmao.
i googled it looking for the lyrics but only found this article from chicago newspaper... .
We Have Lift Off
by Carol ini've been sitting here reading the posts and just watched the shuttle return to flight!
as usual an amazing sight!
does anyone else find this as interesting as we do in florida?