The question I asked is a fair one, I believe. It's something I've wondered about since I came upon this forum. Before then, the term and practice of "fading" was completely foreign to me. Thank you rebel8, for your honest answer
Posts by Sith
Proselytizing for the Borg
by Sith ini recently read a post written by a female jw who was obviously disenchanted with the wtbts.
she wrote about how she had been out in the door to door work recently because she had no excuse not to go, and how she had placed some magazines with a "householder".
it made me think about how just one small thing like placing wt literature with an innocent unknowing individual might eventually lead them into the watchtower trap.
Motive of some Posters
by love2Bworldly in"are you hiding what you truely are?
are you embarrased for what you have become?
sure sounds like it to me.
Maybe they are just behind in their hours this month
Boy its hard for teenaged JW's
by skyman ini had to come home early from work today because a 17 year old girl came over to me and was all upset she asked if she could come up and visit with my wife and i. she said the brothers are always picking on her and she can not do anything right.
i asked,what have you done she said nothing every time it is some one making things up and she is tired of even trying any longer.
teenagers come from over all the area they they know they can come and talk to us and we will not judge them.
There it is, right in front of you defd. Now let's see if YOU "stubbornly and that is the key word STUBBORNLY refuse to listen to reason and clear evidence."
Proselytizing for the Borg
by Sith ini recently read a post written by a female jw who was obviously disenchanted with the wtbts.
she wrote about how she had been out in the door to door work recently because she had no excuse not to go, and how she had placed some magazines with a "householder".
it made me think about how just one small thing like placing wt literature with an innocent unknowing individual might eventually lead them into the watchtower trap.
144001, this is way off topic, but I've sent you a PM
Proselytizing for the Borg
by Sith ini recently read a post written by a female jw who was obviously disenchanted with the wtbts.
she wrote about how she had been out in the door to door work recently because she had no excuse not to go, and how she had placed some magazines with a "householder".
it made me think about how just one small thing like placing wt literature with an innocent unknowing individual might eventually lead them into the watchtower trap.
"It's easy to look back or look at someone else's positon and tell them what SHOULD be done."
I agree with you Evil. However, I was never in the situation where I participated in "field service" and at the same time, didn't believe what I was preaching. Throughout the years that I spent in the "ministry", I thought I was doing God's will. It wasn't until I was thrown out (disfellowshipped) that I realized it was all a dirty trick. So I have no way of relating to fading JWs who continue to preach. I am really not trying to sound judgemental. If I was in their shoes, I would more than likely do the same thing. But I'm not and I never have been, so I'm curious about what goes on in their head and how they feel about it.
To me, with my 20/20 hindsight, it seems like knowingly handing out poison. I would like to know how they feel about it. -
Boy its hard for teenaged JW's
by skyman ini had to come home early from work today because a 17 year old girl came over to me and was all upset she asked if she could come up and visit with my wife and i. she said the brothers are always picking on her and she can not do anything right.
i asked,what have you done she said nothing every time it is some one making things up and she is tired of even trying any longer.
teenagers come from over all the area they they know they can come and talk to us and we will not judge them.
Just to get it straight...
I said "144001, in no way do I condone or subscribe to defd's viewpoint and attitude"
Then you said "I'm really not suprised that you would advocate the position of a troll like Defd."
I'll leave it at that. -
Boy its hard for teenaged JW's
by skyman ini had to come home early from work today because a 17 year old girl came over to me and was all upset she asked if she could come up and visit with my wife and i. she said the brothers are always picking on her and she can not do anything right.
i asked,what have you done she said nothing every time it is some one making things up and she is tired of even trying any longer.
teenagers come from over all the area they they know they can come and talk to us and we will not judge them.
144001, in no way do I condone or subscribe to defd's viewpoint and attitude, but:
"Yes, you are well aware that you are a failure, a subhuman chunk of gristle on the slaughterhouse floor. Taking shots at others eases the pain attributable to your subconscious acknowledgement of your lot in life."
I thought personal attacks were below you? -
by tijkmo inso what in your opinion gets more credit than it deserves.
the beatles...enough already.
the sydney opera house
Orca Winfrey
Proselytizing for the Borg
by Sith ini recently read a post written by a female jw who was obviously disenchanted with the wtbts.
she wrote about how she had been out in the door to door work recently because she had no excuse not to go, and how she had placed some magazines with a "householder".
it made me think about how just one small thing like placing wt literature with an innocent unknowing individual might eventually lead them into the watchtower trap.
That's the same thought I had U/D, but it was more along the lines of poison, not heroin. Instead of just flushing it down the toilet, you hand it to someone else, then subtly encourage them not to drink it?
Proselytizing for the Borg
by Sith ini recently read a post written by a female jw who was obviously disenchanted with the wtbts.
she wrote about how she had been out in the door to door work recently because she had no excuse not to go, and how she had placed some magazines with a "householder".
it made me think about how just one small thing like placing wt literature with an innocent unknowing individual might eventually lead them into the watchtower trap.
I recently read a post written by a female JW who was obviously disenchanted with the WTBTS. She wrote about how she had been out in the door to door work recently because she had no excuse not to go, and how she had placed some magazines with a "householder". It made me think about how just one small thing like placing WT literature with an innocent unknowing individual might eventually lead them into the Watchtower trap.
I have a question for those of you who are or have been in the situation where you are "fading" or don't believe in the "truth" anymore, yet still engage in the preaching work. I'm not being accusatory or confrontational here, I'm just curious about the mind-set. The question is...
How do you justify proselytizing for the Borg when you are on your way out, knowing how much it has screwed up your life and may screw up those you help to convert?