Posts by Sith
Do any small creatures frighten & freak you out?
by Rod P inhere's the dirty dozen: .
1) ants- imagine being buried in a sandpile up to your neck with sand.
along come a bunch of ants from an ant colony, and they crawl all over your head, in and out of your nose, your mouth, your ears, your eyes, and all thru your hair.
I'm cleaning out my closet!!!
by purplesofa inlooking in my closet this morning, i saw all these clothes that i bought for the meetings .............. i would not be caught dead in now!!!!!!!.
long frumpy skirts........blouses the my grandma would not wear........i really struggled, and even was more "hip" than most.........ugggggggg.
did you experiance the same thing??.
Ditto, are you cleaning out your closet to make room for my clothes?
your JW experience hides something deeper
by seesthesky inas odd as this may sound i believe that your continual struggle with your past life as a jw is in fact a cover for something else - i do not know what that something else is but i am almost 100 percent certain that somehow someone or something has used your jw experience to disguise some greater violation of your souls - any thoughts?
There's a link to a web-site that will explain to you exactly how I feel about your thoughts and ideas. Just click on the little X in the top-right corner of your screen. Thanks
do you dare me to do this
by tsunami_rid3r ingo to school dressed as a dark jedi and bring my double bladed saber on may 19th.
even better, awards ceremoney is that ill have to walk out infront of the whole school.
Sith is not a race, it's an order, like jedi
do you dare me to do this
by tsunami_rid3r ingo to school dressed as a dark jedi and bring my double bladed saber on may 19th.
even better, awards ceremoney is that ill have to walk out infront of the whole school.
TSU, a dark Jedi is called a Sith
Can it be true?
by HadEnuf incan it really be true?
you bet your light saber it is!!
i turn into a jedi just before the star wars movie comes out next week.
I won't bow either; did far too much of that in the past. But I WILL tip my horns to ya.
Life rushes in........
by purplesofa inand is overwhelming.. when you were getting out of the org, and coming alive to life, was it overwhelming?
and how did you fineally get grounded again.. i will be gone today, but am interested in your i am just dealing with it.. love, .
Hi Ditto. I've been out so long that sometimes I forget exactly how I felt the first few months. I do know that I felt much more relief than fear or sorrow. The old opened-cage-door feeling. It's amazing how much more there is to life than meetings and "service" work. It was like being re-born. I know that sounds cheesy, but it's the way I felt. Like someone had just breathed new life into me.
do you dare me to do this
by tsunami_rid3r ingo to school dressed as a dark jedi and bring my double bladed saber on may 19th.
even better, awards ceremoney is that ill have to walk out infront of the whole school.
If they try to f*ck with you, use that Jedi mind trick on 'em and make 'em believe that you are Superintendent Chalmers
do you dare me to do this
by tsunami_rid3r ingo to school dressed as a dark jedi and bring my double bladed saber on may 19th.
even better, awards ceremoney is that ill have to walk out infront of the whole school.
Ok Tsu, I changed my mind. I dare you. Be cool and crazy and wild. Knock yourself out.
In need of any information on White Witches
by kls in.
what they do , what they believe and if they have physic powers.
My ex-wife used to scream at me just like that, for no apparent reason, but she was just a bitch