If that means the Bible is full of shit, I couldn't agree more.
If I gave my children a list of rules, and decided to kill them if they didn't follow those rules to the letter, I sure as hell would make sure they knew EXACTLY what the rules were. I wouldn't leave them open to a thousand interpretations.
Posts by Sith
Gays and the Bible.
by gumby infirst of all.....i ain't bashin gays here......just have a question.. this morning i read in the paper that the united church of christ has unanimously approved of same sex marriage.
this now is the largest protestant sect who has approved of gay marriages.. my question is.......how does religion justify a way of life the bible condems as sinful?
what is their scriptural argument to justify this action as proper?.
Happy 1st Anniversary on JWD Whyamihere
by JH in.
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/member/13981.ashx .
the coke's on me...
I'll add my congratualtions into the mix.
I gotta say though, Crumpet has burst my bubble. I was fantasizing that she and Brooke had run off together. -
PINK FLOYD tonight what did you think
by littlemike in.
i thought they were awesome.
been a fan for 30 years saw them do the wall twice in 1980 and 1981. shouldnt have done as a witness what did you think
Echoes is over. Gonna listen to "The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn". Then, if I'm still awake..."A Saucerful Of Secrets". Syd's a looney, but still rocks
PINK FLOYD tonight what did you think
by littlemike in.
i thought they were awesome.
been a fan for 30 years saw them do the wall twice in 1980 and 1981. shouldnt have done as a witness what did you think
Still rocking to Meddle...about to listen to "Echoes". When I was a kid, I used to listen to that tune, all by myself in the dark. Freaked me the fuck out, and I loved it. Littlemike, one of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces. Thanks for the thread. I'm rockin'!
PINK FLOYD tonight what did you think
by littlemike in.
i thought they were awesome.
been a fan for 30 years saw them do the wall twice in 1980 and 1981. shouldnt have done as a witness what did you think
Damn, after posting that, I just played "Meddle" again. "One Of These Days" just did the same thing it used to do to me 30 years ago...it sucked the breath right out of me. I listened to it full volume...fuck the neighbors. God damn
PINK FLOYD tonight what did you think
by littlemike in.
i thought they were awesome.
been a fan for 30 years saw them do the wall twice in 1980 and 1981. shouldnt have done as a witness what did you think
I missed the goddamn thing. The Floyd is the GOD of rock artistry and my favorite band other than Dire Straits.
"I kept waiting for them to play Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk"
that, or "One Of These Days" -
Funny quotes!
by Markfromcali inseems like most of the time it's some thread about profound sayings or pretty poems, how about one that's funny?.
been watching my family guy dvd set so here is one.
this is stewie speaking to a security guard at the airport telling him to face is problems head on since he's a big boy now: "hmm, the broken capillaries in your nose belie your wisdom.
My all-time favorite line from a TV show is from "Married...With Children" Al is sitting on the sofa, complaining yet again about his rotten life and Peggy's poor home-making skills.
There's a knock at the door, and Peg says, "I wonder who that could be?"
Al replies, "It's probably the homeless, on their 'It Could Be Worse' tour" -
Apocalypse delayed again
by Hellrider ini have not been in contact with jws since around 1988. i initially got out at the age of 15 in 1987, then there was some back-and-forth-crap, i went to some meetings, but then i was thru, in 1988. the only contact after that was one time, in 1989, when my grandmother died (she was a jw), and the service was held at kh.
anyway, the point here is: it was new to me that the wts is in the process of moving away from the 1914-doctrine.
and moving towards a more "liberal" kind of "well,never mind what we said about 1914, we are the last generation and the signs are there"-doctrine, without even trying to define whatever that means.
I left (actually DFed) in '91. I had no idea that the 1914 generation doctrine had been changed until just a few months ago when I joined JWD. For years, I had been waiting for the 1914 generation to die out and for the DUmBs to finally realize that they had been hoodwinked. I knew about previous doctrine changes and explanations for them, but I was convinced that the 1914 teaching would eventually be the downfall of the WTBTS. How clever the Borg is! All they had to do to escape their self-made trap was to change their definition of a single word..."generation". How diabolically simple.
Roger Federer wins third Wimbledon title
by DanTheMan ini love this guy.
he is such a gracious winner, a class act all the way around.
I was really pulling for Roddick, but he just couldn't stay with Federer. Federer was at the top of his game today...calm and efficient and made very few mistakes. I agree Dan, a class act all around.
That's exactly what she wanted. I was needed to fix a plumbing problem. Far be it from me to sully purps' reputation