JoinedPosts by imfreeimfree
.....another Watchtower contradiction.
by gumby infar be it from the jehovah's witnesses to talk out of both sides of their mouth.. far be it from jehovah's witnesses to doublespeak.. below is a perfect example of how gods chosen channel of truth has evidently forgotten what they previously stated in the "watchtower" which is their gods own publication for dispensing bible based truths to mankind.. .
"at times explanations given by jehovah's visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view.
but this has not actually been the case.
Hello again...
by MacHislopp inafter a long , long spell i'll try to partecipate again to this excellent forum.. i'm preparing something and meanwhile i wish to greet all the new ones,.
the older and well known posters including the administrators of this.
j.c. machislopp.
So hello Mac, yes hello Mac, it’s so good to have you back where you belong.
I am delighted now to be able to let you know how much you helped my dear wife and me during our early traumatic exit from the witness religion. Your logical reasoning and clear explanations were just what we needed at the time, and were so, so helpful.
Thank you for your past work and I also look forward to your future contributions.
Please accept my condolences for the loss of your loved ones and I hope hour health continues to improve.
My Christian love to you and all with us on this exciting journey.
Bizarre November 2006 KM
by yakata inthe insert is called "how do i view blood fractions and medical procedures involving my own blood?
" i will attempt to transcribe the more salient points for everyone here.. paragraph 1 (verbatim): the bible commands christians to "abstain ... from blood.
" (acts 15:20) thus, jehovah's witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood or the four primary components of blood-namely, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
Thanks for confirming that Yakata. Yesidid tipped us off about a week ago but without the details.
Thanks for supplying the "meat".
Looks like nothing's changed. Wonder what's the point?
BTW welcome to the board. You sure came in with a splash.
Is there a quotes mirror site anywhere besides
by Check_Your_Premises inthey are under construction and i want to download the site for personal use.. cyp.
You may wish to check this:
Say You're a Bethelite & Monitoring JWD - How Would You Feel About THESE??
by Seeker4 ini'm talking about the new posters, like kitten whiskers, who started posting today (hope this works:
and it seems like we're getting a few like this nearly every day.
people who were raised jws, really worry that they are doing the right thing in leaving, yet who have been made to feel not good enough by the wts, who felt they never measured up, who struggled with it, but came to realize that what they'd been brought up to believe was just not the truth.. the same stories are told over and over again, and they come from sincere, good people - not whiny, fault-finding apostates like the rest of us riffraff around here!
Warm welcome to all newbies!!!
Has Jehovah ever played a part in it this organization? I think not. How can they claim to be "spirit directed"? Has Jehovah?s Holy Spirit made so many mistakes that it has been necessary to change thirty doctrines or teachings in the past fifty years? That is one every eighteen months or so. I feel that is an insult to God and our Lord Jesus.
I started pioneering mid 40ties and was deeply involved in the organization for many decades, including several years in Bethel. For quite some time I too struggled with issues I could not resolve: perhaps it is God?s organization, they are imperfect men, and God will eventually set everything right. I too tried to influence from within. In time that was relayed to HQ and my opportunities to help others inside were severely curtailed.
I had to face the appalling truth. Though there are many fine people in the rank and file, the head is spiritually bankrupt, and when I realized that, I could no longer support the system I felt was dishonouring God.
What helped my dear wife and me to make sure of all things, were the two publications by a former member of the governing body, Ray Franz, and to prove beyond any shade of doubt that they, the GB have never been "appointed", is the book published by Don Cameron: "Captives of a Concept". You may choose to order at:
www.CaptivesOfaConcept.comRays books "Crisis of Conscience" and "In Search of Christian Freedom" are available at:
Best wishes to our new posters and guests.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-30-06 WT Study (REMINDERS FOND)
by blondie inor what should we do if humans put their laws above god's?.
we should appreciate god's reminders.
(b) which episodes from the scriptures will be considered in this article?.
Thank you Blondie,
I've got to say they have a hide telling others not to be deceitful.
adios LDH aka Lisa...
by just2sheep in.
...the one and only.. on another thread lisa said her goodbyes and i just wanted her to know that despite the way it may appear she will be missed.
come back soon.. j2s
Well said Simon; many thanks to you, Angharad and all the moderators, you are doing a great job. Thank you for setting rules and enforcing them, otherwise it would deteriorate into mudslinging gutter. As you say anyone who does not agree with the rules can go elsewhere.
Sincere thanks.
Reexamine Website
by inbyathread inis there any news?
or is it just down for advanced maintenance.
Reexaminer is doing some “Spring Cleaning”. Obviously his site did not suffer irreparable damage; he is making some changes.
His efforts are very much appreciated.
Thank you Reexaminer.
Why shouldn't I be a JW?
by AirDuster inhi, i am brand new to these forums.
i have been reading some stuff for a while from here and other websites.
i feels totally crazy being a member now.
Hi AirDuster, welcome.
First read the two books "Crisis of Conscience" & "In Search of Christian Freedom" published by a former member of the governing body, Ray Franz, then you will be in much better position to ask: "Why shouldn’t I be a JW", and arrive at your own conclusion. After sixty years as a JW I discovered that just because there are many sincere, honest people, it does not alter the fact that they have been hijacked by the GB, and have been deceived in a most subtle ways.
Please keep in mind that to be a Christian you have to follow Christ, not theologies of men. Sadly I found that some of their core teachings like 1914 have been slanted to mislead.
The publications are available at
www.commentarypress.comBest wishes.
Are Circuit Overseers Getting Discouraged?
by metatron ina sister i know went out with the c.o.
's wife in service recently.
sister c.o.
When I was in the service department in Bethel, (it looks after CO's and DO's) the policy was;
When they left the travelling work, there was no further interest or communication and certainly no monetary support of any kind.