Welcome lunarlara
You may find the following links helpful.
Best wishes
i have been studying with the jw for just over 3 years.i have always believed in god and the bible.
the path my life took ended up with me being a single parent of 4 children.. the jws led me down the path of the "truth".
my grandmother disowned me and i just couldnt understand why.i was told that satan was lurking round every corner trying to get me away from god.
Welcome lunarlara
You may find the following links helpful.
Best wishes
i have been following the board from a distance for a while, and have finally decided to come aboard ig y'all will have me... .
i was a third generation jw, did the elder thing, rasied two sons in the troof......both are out now, and we've never been closer.. .
is it me, or does it look weirder and weirder the longer you've been away??.
Welcome new creation.
At first, because of the shimmering daze of theocratic heat it is difficult to see everything in its precise perspective, but as you distance yourself from the propaganda, and get all the many jigsaw pieces together and place them in their respective positions, slowly a bright a beautiful picture emerges, and you begin to wonder “why was I so blind.”
After 60 years in the Watchtower system, my precious wife and I, predominantly with the aid of this forum and Ray Franz’s books: In Search of Christian Freedom and Crisis of Conscience, faded away from this association.
These publications are available from: www.commentarypress.com
Enjoy your newly discovered journey.
Best wishes.
in compliance with the terms of a settlement agreement, my information and research web site, http://quotes.watchtower.ca, is now "dark".
the domain "watchtower.ca" has been transferred to wts (i assume they will have it pointing to borg.org watchtower.org asap).
my copies of the site have been destroyed, the files deleted, and my wt library cd has been destroyed, in accordance with the settlement agreement which will afford a "discontinuance" of their suit against me.
Thank you Peter for the fine job you did. You were instrumental in freeing thousands from the Watchtower’s lies and deception. You have the WTS running scared. The very fact that they had to admit to being “embarrassed”, is proof of your victory. Enjoy! You exposed the history of their deceit.
Their spiritual “paradise” is gradually fading into oblivion; people are abandoning the sinking titanic by the thousands, this is reflected in the latest worldwide report. They have much to hide. They are frantic.
Watchtower; your glory days are over; you can shut down a web site, but you will never succeed closing down the internet and the proliferation of knowledge. The more you endeavour to suppress the sudden swell of information the more it will blossom. Remember Ray Franz? I know you would like to forget your former governing body member, whom you endeavoured to crush and demonize because he no longer could follow your convoluted ways. Yet his books “Crisis of Conscience” and “In search of Christian Freedom” continue to spread; they are now published in 12 languages, reaching countless thousands more every month, thereby exposing your system to the core. Disfellowshipping him was a huge mistake. Will you not ever learn?
Remember, the Pharisees rejoiced when they crucified Jesus, because he exposed them for what they were, however their rejoicing was short lived, they came to a horrible end. Don't ever forget that. By your definition whoever disagrees with your unscriptural theologies, or who exposes you of rewriting history is an “apostate”, but this is exactly what the Pharisees labelled Jesus. You stand self condemned by your definition as printed in one of your publications:
“… It is obvious that the true God, who is himself “the God of truth” and who hates lies, will not look with favour on persons who cling to organizations that teach falsehood”. (Psalm 31:5; Proverbs 6:16-19 [Is This Life All There Is?, 1974, p. 46].
You tell abused women and little children “wait on Jehovah”; but at the first sign of a problem for you, you scurry off to your lawyers. What hypocrisy!!! You crush and terrorize any poor soul who gets in your way. Do you really think you will never have to answer to the Creator for your actions? Divine justice will catch you.
Ezek 34:1-6
“Woe to the shepherds…, who have become feeders of themselves! Is it not the flock that the shepherds ought to feed? …The flock itself YOU do not feed. 4 The sickened ones YOU have not strengthened, and the ailing one YOU have not healed, and the broken one YOU have not bandaged, and the dispersed one YOU have not brought back, and the lost one YOU have not sought to find, but with harshness YOU have had them in subjection, even with tyranny.”
Be reminded that “we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God”. That includes you lawyers, and governing body members, you will all have to answer for your conduct.
Now back to Peter. We admire your courage. Thank you friend for all the effort, the time and resources you made available to sting the WBTS like a deadly scorpion.
Best wishes to you and your wife.
hey gang, i have been searching for a way to dent my hubby's mindset on the theology of jws and came across two books by randy watters that i wondered if any of you had found useful.
"refuting jws" and "the truth will set you free".
if any of you have read these i'd appreciate some feedback from you before ordering them.
Hi Bythesea
Undoubtedly he believes the organization is spirit directed. If he was baptized prior to '86 he was asked to acknowledge this. One of the questions pre-baptism is: “Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization”.
According to the Bible, one false Prophecy makes the speaker a false prophet. Deut 18:22. But how can we trust our eternal destiny to an organization that during its brief time in existence has accumulated such a woeful history of doctrinal contradictions and flip-flops? Failed prophecies concerning 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941 and 1975, prove beyond a doubt that it is not spirit directed. Or is the spirit misdirecting??
Since he claims that “they teach the truth from the Bible,” could he locate the scriptures to support the above mentioned claims?
As you know to question the failures or disagree, is to invite chastisement and face disfellowshiping, a virtual cutting off from all your friends and relatives loyal to the organization. He or she is viewed as “one dead”. The emotional suffering produced is incalculable. Yet, Paul did not take any disciplinary action against the minority who choose to associate with the disfellowshipped person in the Corinth congregation.
Sometimes, it is best, for the sake of peace, to back off; provide him with some solid facts, in time those seeds may germinate, and then he will see what you are seeing.
Your statement “I so want my family to know the REAL truth!” resonates well with my wonderful wife and me. How we wish and pray that the eyes of our family may be opened, and that they be freed of the convoluted religion. We have not given up; we will keep on working in delicate ways to help them.
“Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God”. 1 John 4:1. NW.
May you have peace and God’s blessing on your journey.
Christian love.
PS. You may wish to check this link where you will find some of the “inspired” statements listed chronologically; it is an eye-opener: http://www.bible.ca/Jw-Prophecy.htm
i know it is in the feb wt along with the report, but can we have some fun with possible spins.. i would love to hear your ideas.. .
Whatever they say it will reflect well on the gb. It will be positive and prove that the light is getting brighter.
for a while after barbara informed us of the upcoming article and by extension the wbts, ill bet ted jaracz was seriously worried.
he would have been very concerned that for once the whole ex-jw community would unite and support barbara.
had that happened there would have been thousands actively planning and working to advertise the well researched, peer reviewed article from the baylor university.
For a while after Barbara informed us of the upcoming article and by extension the WBTS, I’ll bet Ted Jaracz was seriously worried. He would have been very concerned that for once the whole ex-JW community would unite and support Barbara. Had that happened there would have been thousands actively planning and working to advertise the well researched, peer reviewed article from the Baylor University. No one on this planet could have been happier than he, to see the naysayers come on and attack Barbara’s credibility and try in every way divert attention away from the possibilities flowing from this news. He must be delighted that a few have been able to dampen the enthusiasm of so many. So much so, that many are not even thinking of what they can do with what they have been given. All they are thinking of is: it did not live up to their expectations. What great support for Ted and the WBTS. Is that what you wanted? Because support for them is certainly what you achieved. David
i just went through the topic that leftbehind started.
i'm almost relieved he didn't come back to read the tongue lashing so many of you posted.. a person comes here and believes all the apostate crap that we used to believe.
his brother has left the jws.
Lady Lee
I am sorry you are suffering; hope you will feel better soon.
Thank you for your recent observations. Also thank you and all the moderators and Simon for your hard work.
Best wishes.
the 2005 km school.. i would like to thank sir82 for all his work in getting the km school notes to us.
hopefully i have copied the talk names correctly.what i thought was a sign of what they consider important or unimportant was that.
although the bible speaks about love being the most important quality for a christian *,.
Sadly, the talks this year seem to reflect my experience. Usually there is very little from the Bible. It's nearly all organizational proceedure.
In fact I don't ever recall a talk on love or how elders should show it to each other, their families, or those in their care.
Unless your idea of showing love is encouraging everyone to, go to the meetings, out witnessing and obey the GB.
i just thought of something last night and figured i better post it before i forget it (getting alzheimers here) about the double standards that the wts has when it comes to interpreting scriptures.
we all know the story about the last supper and how jesus instituted a new covenant with his disciples.
they all drank the wine and ate the bread as per jesus' instructions and this custom has been passed down for 2,000 years amongst all christians except those unfortunate jehovah's witnesses who weren't baptized before 1935.
It appears the GB has difficulty comprehending the word “some”.
According to their own Bible: “And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, SOME as evangelizers, …” Eph 4:11.
According to the dictionary the antonym (opposite) of some, is all.
So, by putting ALL under duress to evangelize:
“ All dedicated Christians do the work of evangelizers,…” WT 3/15 04 Pg 15.
“ All true Christians are evangelizers…” WT 12/1 95 Pg 8.
“… all Christians are evangelizers,..” WT 1/1 68 Pg 4.
we see another example of distortion of the scriptures.
i want you to know that you have destroyed a family because of your lies about jehovah and his organization.
a family member went apostate and has turned his back on jehovah.
he told us he is never coming back and i know he went and visited internet sites.
Welcome LeftBehind. Sorry you are hurting.
My wife and I were in the organization for 60 years and I held many responsible positions. I saw things you would hardly believe. So why did we leave?’ to become apostates? Never!!!!!
We remain faithful to our God, our Lord Jesus; believe the bible, we do not smoke, drink nor indulge in any unscriptural practices. No, I am not an apostate. I left the organization because unfortunately I found out they are dishonest. Like so many others I too was betrayed. If you do not unconditionally except all the teachings, even if they are not supported by the scriptures, you will be disfellowshipped, and have your families taken from you.
If you REALLY want to discover why people are leaving your religion, I challenge you to read just two publications by Raymond Franz who was at the hub of the organization for many decades and was a member of the Governing body. “Crisis of Conscience” and “In Search of Christian Freedom”. It will open your eyes. You may obtain them from: www.commentarypress.com