There is a 3 year gap in my Watchtower sources -- 1917 thru 1919 I do not have.
However, I may have found the transition from "may" to "will" in the 1920 issue of Watchtower. In searching for the expression "millions now living" reveals the following (please forgive my copying errors. I guess that's a poor OCR [optical character recognition] happening):
Len Miller
Feb 1, 1920
It is
comp:lr:ltively easy for as to get n number of people together.
About 200 public meetings have heen hehl. The attendance
has ranged fronl 100 to 3,300. The Inost productive of tim
topics was "The World In.t,~ Ended--Millions Now Living
May Never Die". At present we are again using the old bl~,t
ever interesting "Wllere are the Dead?" tracts. We look
forward to a time of greater activity, and are rejoicing in
the prospect of sllarlng in the Lord’s new work.
June 15, 1920
Tacoma has a Stadium with a seating
-capacity of 30,000. with extraordinary acoustics, enabling
.every person, when tile Stadium is filled, to hear the speaker
distinctly. Tile Stadium will be used for tile public meeting
-on tile afternoon of Sunday. July 11. to be addressed by
Brother Rutherford. The friends of the various classes in
the Northwest will join in the advertising of this public
meeting Tile subject will be "Millions Now Living Will
Never Die". This subject is appropriate to the time, Is the
-message of the hoar. and is one which multitudes of people
desire lo know. This subject was used lit the New York
Hippodrome which electing from 7,0(hi to 10,000 people
were turned away.