These elders who decide who can or can't be disfellowshipped are skating on thin ice. They may have the 'power' to boot you out of their organization, however they don't have the power to keep you from the kingdom of God. Why should you fear these leaders? It is not them which brings you salvation, neither can they judge your heart....only the Lord has this decision. These elders take it upon themselves to be your patronizing (condescending) is that for a 'teacher' of scripture? To exalt themselves by this manner is placing their own salvation in danger from the wrath of God. They sincerely believe they have the truth, but the truth lies not with the word of man, but in the power of the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart.
Posts by Lois
Current disfellowshipping practices- please help.
by amarantha inhi, my name is amarantha.
i'm new to the board.
can anyone please tell me what the current disfellowshipping standards are?
Graduation is okay?
by Oxnard Hamster inas you all know, jws avoid celebrating all major holidays because they are "worldly" and "worldly" things displease jehovah.
however, i remember some jws talking about celebrating certain kids' high school graduations.
so it's not okay to celebrate christmas, thanksgiving, easter, birthdays, etc, but it is okay to celebrate someone's graduation?
The Wise Men spies? This has to be one of the most ridiculous assumptions I have ever heard in my life!! When did JW's decide on this interpretation? They have to be the most paranoid 'teachers' of scripture to have come to this conclusion.It just like in their version of the Bible where words are taken out or added to scripture...they'll do or say what fits in their warped sense of direction.
In John:1:1 it says: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
In the New World Translation it states..."and the Word was a God". Am I correct on this? There is only one God so how could this statement be true?
Is it better to just LEAVE or FIGHT?
by ljwtiamb inalthough, i have not been victim to the same level of damage from the wts as many of you on this site, i have noticed that it is very difficult to fight such a large entity with deep pockets and passionate (though misled) supporters.. .
since i am still in the very early stages of leaving/fading, i wonder:.
i have already spent the vast majority of my life sacrificially serving the interests of this org.
ljwtiamb Is it better to just LEAVE or FIGHT? May 23, 2005 Which will give you the most satisfaction? How much more damage will we (you and/or I) endure, if the chosen path is in vain? Just thinking! (maybe too much!) Thinking on your own is the road to recovery. The J.W. organization is fearful of you or any member that dares to use their own resources because they know you'll find out the deception of their teachings. -
Graduation is okay?
by Oxnard Hamster inas you all know, jws avoid celebrating all major holidays because they are "worldly" and "worldly" things displease jehovah.
however, i remember some jws talking about celebrating certain kids' high school graduations.
so it's not okay to celebrate christmas, thanksgiving, easter, birthdays, etc, but it is okay to celebrate someone's graduation?
My sister was a J.W. She is deceased now. She gave our mom a 'present' after her birthday passed. Mother told her it wasn't her birthday and was very upset because my sister wouldn't recognize it 'officially'. It's not that she thought she was owed this recognition on her birthday, but rather that my sister was doing this to stay in good graces I suppose and not because she was actually celebrating . It goes way beyond this...mother was mad because my sister wouldn't recognize any 'worldly' celebration which kept her away from family for years. Yea...she visited, but that was participation in Christmas, Easter, 4th of July, etc.
Didn't the wise men offer gifts to Christ upon his birth? People in general don't put themselves above or on the same leval as Jesus. The celebration of a birthday is to delight in ones existance...a gift from God. Yes...there are those who feel they're owed something just because it's their birthday, but it's these individuals who fail to recognize the precious gift of life...they're only thinking is whether or not they will receive a gift.
Is it better to just LEAVE or FIGHT?
by ljwtiamb inalthough, i have not been victim to the same level of damage from the wts as many of you on this site, i have noticed that it is very difficult to fight such a large entity with deep pockets and passionate (though misled) supporters.. .
since i am still in the very early stages of leaving/fading, i wonder:.
i have already spent the vast majority of my life sacrificially serving the interests of this org.
The longer you stay in the harder it will be to leave. You don't owe them an explaination or apology for any decision you make. You owe it to yourself to find your own happiness and truth. If they question you abouut leaving you can simply say this is a matter between you and Jesus and for them to butt out of your private life. If they persist in you giving them answers...tell them to leave you alone or you'll file charges for harassment...end of discussion.
One thing you'll need to do is be your own person, have your own thoughts, make your own decisions, be firm in standing up for yourself, have a personal relationship with Jesus...not one dictated to you. Remember...His love is unconditional...don't allow anyone to tell you otherwise. He knows your heart better than you and I have no doubt He knows you are seeking freedom to love him in your own way. I have faith you will find Jesus in a way that will deliver you from the restraints of those who want to keep you from truely KNOWING WHAT A LOVING BEING HE IS and the key is freedom to seek all avenues to gain knowledge of His word.
I don't believe true Christians will be on earth during the tribulation except those chosen to stay who will need to lead non-believers to Christ. Those left behind will have many questions about what is happening on earth and they will need guidence from someone with knowledge of scripture. It will be their last chance for salvation...however it will cost them their life once they accept Christ. This is where the mark of the beast plays its role because most likely this mark will come into effect during the 7 year tribulation when the anti-Christ comes forth. Those not accepting the 666 mark in their forehead or right hand be slain...probably beheaded like John the Baptist.
The Mark Of The Beast ... accept the Mark of the Beast will experience the full measure of ... 16 that the mark is to be placed in the foreheads ... Where does Yahweh place his Seal & Signature ... prophecy/mob.html - 35k - Cached - More from this siteThere will be a 7 year peace treaty with Isreal, however it will be broken in 3 1/2 years...then there will be torment on earth such as never before and the anti-Christ will show his true colors. The two witnesses, Enoch and Elijah (most likely), shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days...Revelation 11:3-13.
Some view Enoch as a likely candidate for one of the two witnesses in that he never died before he was translated to be with God. This would, of course, be in line with the general rule of Hebrews 9:27: ?And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.? But we must remember that this is a general rule of Scripture and not necessarily binding to all of God?s Word. Many were resuscitated in the Old and New Testament only to die again (1 Kgs. 17:17-22; 2 Kgs. 4:32-35; 2 Kgs. 13:20, 21; Matt. 9:23-25; Luke 7:11-15; John 11:43, 44; Acts 9:36-40). In fact, there will be one generation of believers that will not experience death. They will be raptured out before the Antichrist arises and the tribulation hour begins (1 Thess. 4:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:51-52).
Elijah is the most likely of those so far as being one of the two witnesses. He was translated without dying (2 Kgs. 2:1-11), although we found that this wasn?t necessarily a criterion for being one of the two witnesses. He commanded the rain to be withheld for three and one-half years (1 Kgs. 17:1; Luke 4:25; James 5:17-18). He performed many miracles and was predicted to return before the day of the Lord to prepare the way for the Messiah?s coming (Mal. 3:1-3; 4:5-6).
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise (anistemi; to stand up) first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up (harpazo; to seize) together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 1 Thess 4:15-17 (NKJV)
So...if the rapture isn't true then how does one explain this scripture?
The Pretribulation Rapture : What if it isn't true? - C. H. Fisher Christian Articles On: Eschatology. The Pretribulation Rapture : What if it isn't true? by C. H. Fisher. Chapter 6 - Two Resurrections and Two Judgements 4_eschatology/chapter6.html - 52k - Cached - More from this site
WTBTS and the Cross
by Honesty in.
does anyone have any idea why the cross is such a stumbling block to the wtbs and the jehovah's witnesses?
1 corinthians 1:18 describes their belief system to a "t".
Did Jesus Die on a Cross? ... reprinted from the book, Refuting Jehovah's Witnesses see catalog. The Cross ... to death on a cross; consisting of a stake ... Thomas could see and believe (John 20:26,27 ... cross.htm - 35k - Cached - More from this site
The Greek word translated as "boast" is kauchomai, which is translated to boast or glory over something. Paul plainly gloried in the symbol of the cross; it was a sign of victory, not defeat. In 1 Cor. 1:17,18 he tells us that Christ sent him to preach the message of the cross, and that people would stand or fall according to their response to such a simple message! He goes on to say that some (like the Jews and the JWs) would stumble over the cross (because of its shameful significance in their minds), while others would consider it foolishness (verses 21-23). But to Christians the cross meant the power and the wisdom of God! He says that this is because God deliberately chose the weak, foolish and despised things of the world to make his point, so that his children could glory in what others consider despised!
Paul tells the Corinthians that he had decided to use the message of the cross of Christ as his main emphasis (1 Cor. 2:2); even to the point of avoiding more scholarly arguments or fine points. Why? Because of God's ability to weed out those with wrong motives by using a humble message as his calling card! He does not want to attract people to Christianity by giving them material or intellectual hopes, but he desires to reach those who realize the degree of sin in the world and who would appreciate Jesus' having died for their sins.
This has been the message of the church throughout the centuries--that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and that he is alive and lives through us (1 Cor. 15:13; Luke 24:45-47). This message only appeals to certain people; most often the lowly and simple (1 Cor. 1:26-29).
Paul also uses the cross as a symbol for the cause of Christianity, as well as the death of the old nature. He speaks of the cross in various contexts. He tells us that some have become "enemies of the cross" (Phil. 3:18). He talks about the old nature and the Law as being "nailed to the cross" (Col. 2:14). He picks up on the theme of Jesus regarding the cross (Matt. 10:38; 16:24; Luke 9:23; 14:27) and talks about "crucifying the old nature" (Gal. 2:20; 5:24). Over and over, Paul considers the cross a sign of victory, not defeat! He boasted in the cross!
Christians are not afraid of the cross nor are they to worship it. It is rather a symbol of the greatest act of love ever!
WTBTS and the Cross
by Honesty in.
does anyone have any idea why the cross is such a stumbling block to the wtbs and the jehovah's witnesses?
1 corinthians 1:18 describes their belief system to a "t".
There is a great mis-understanding on the subject of the cross.