Topics Started by Lois
Who did Jesus die for?
by Perry ini met a really nice couple once who went to an orphanage in a foreign country and adopted a little girl.
impressed with their goodness i probed a little as to why they had done such a noble thing.
surprisingly, the man told me that this was their third child to adopt.
Jesus' invisible return
by poppers ini know the jws claim that jesus returned invisibly in 1914 (?
) - what is this based on?
how can they state that he returned; i mean if it was an invisible return then they are only stating a belief, right?
Help needed in getting df'd
by Tras inif a witness wanted to get df'd by asking questions, what questions would you suggest?
i got my fiance out, but the problem is now with her family.
first thing, we want to get her out of those meetings.
Bizarre November 2006 KM
by yakata inthe insert is called "how do i view blood fractions and medical procedures involving my own blood?
" i will attempt to transcribe the more salient points for everyone here.. paragraph 1 (verbatim): the bible commands christians to "abstain ... from blood.
" (acts 15:20) thus, jehovah's witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood or the four primary components of blood-namely, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
Getting divorced from my husband
by Glofishy inwell, we've been having a lot of problems, and we've decided to get divorced.
i hope some of you can help me understand the teachings regarding this issue.
here's my questions:.
I think its sad
by Alexander ini wouldn't be here wasn't it for a link on google on the moscow ban that led me here.
i am shocked by the hatred many of you display in your posts.
some claim that we break up marriages, yet some of the happiest couples i know are faithfull brothers and sisters.
Angel Wings - What's the problem?
by Nellie inonce you start questioning the beliefs of the organization, all kinds of things cross your mind.
for instance, the bible clearly describes angels as having wings - and the wbts illustrates them with wings in their publications - so what's up with the whole "not displaying images of angels" in witness homes, etc.
through the years i bought the position that angels are not children, so the images of babies with wings and halos are inconsistent with bible truth - but what's wrong with images of adult angels with wings and why are witnesses encouraged not to display them?.
Hard Evidence of Life After Death, is there any?
by Blueblades in.
are you a blind believer or do you have evidence of a continued existence beyond physical death either personal in nature or from scientifically valid sources?.
Current disfellowshipping practices- please help.
by amarantha inhi, my name is amarantha.
i'm new to the board.
can anyone please tell me what the current disfellowshipping standards are?
Graduation is okay?
by Oxnard Hamster inas you all know, jws avoid celebrating all major holidays because they are "worldly" and "worldly" things displease jehovah.
however, i remember some jws talking about celebrating certain kids' high school graduations.
so it's not okay to celebrate christmas, thanksgiving, easter, birthdays, etc, but it is okay to celebrate someone's graduation?