I think they do. I remember hearing "Praise Jah you people". Maybe in a song or a scripture or something.
i have noticed on ex sites the use of the word jah in reference to jehovah.
is this just a slang used by ex's or do active also use it?
if active members use it, doesn't it seem a bit disrespectful then?
I think they do. I remember hearing "Praise Jah you people". Maybe in a song or a scripture or something.
i am sure this is a very old topic but i just saw most of it.
i had to stop, it made me feel too guilty.
I am sure this is a very old topic but I just saw most of it. I had to stop, it made me feel too guilty. What did everyone think of it?
my nearest and dearest told me something a few weeks back.
actually, i think i always knew what she told me, it just helped me clarify things somewhat.
she says that when she tells me about something that has gone wrong with her life, she isn't looking for me to necessarily find a solution.
I think that was in women are from mars and men are from venus.
here's a question for all you who have been studying evoluition much longer than me.
i have read in a few places that man has all but stopped evolving.
is this what is really being taught by science and why?
Would you agree that mutations sometimes occur? And would you agree that those mutations will rarely but sometimes be beneficial for the creature receiving them? That is the first step in allowing that creature's descendants to form a new species. Do you feel that if enough mutations accumulate over enough generations, you could come up with a creature that only somewhat resembled the original, and was unable to mate with members of the original population that had not undergone the series of mutations?
Yes i do argee. Everything adapts. IF things didn't they would die out. but I just don't see a new species coming out of it. No I do not think god had a creator. It is very hard to comprehend for me but I am only an imperfect human. It really is part of my faith. All powerful, will make everything better, knows more about me than myself. But I have been taught that all of my life. I am also not saying that god doesnt maybe use some sort of evolution or adaptation to make species how they are. Noone really know for sure.
I never remember one time, and I am thinking of the jw Bible. I would actually bet my life on it, well almost my memeory isn't that good.
happy sunday, everyone!
this week we will be breaking from our normal tack of examining scientific evidence, and instead consider the issue from a different perspective.
now, when you consider the number of animal species in the world today, it is clear that there are literally millions more species than could ever have fit into noah's ark.
P.S. I can understand if you do not believe in God how the artical would make a lot of sence, but I do believe in God and I think he can do anything. Even keep animals hungry without eating and pooping ect.
happy sunday, everyone!
this week we will be breaking from our normal tack of examining scientific evidence, and instead consider the issue from a different perspective.
now, when you consider the number of animal species in the world today, it is clear that there are literally millions more species than could ever have fit into noah's ark.
Hmmm I read the Bible in Gen.7 vs 2,3 it syas, for some reason i do not understand to take 7 pairs pf certain animals which would make your hypothosis true. But a little bit later it says in vs. 7-9 that Noah and his family entered into the ark and "of clean animals, and of animals that are not clean, and of birds and everything that creaps on the ground. Seems to me like more than a few animals were on the ark. Thinking there is not or that there couldn't be is like assuming that the fruit from the tree of good and bad were apples.
how many of us imagine winning the big one, and all our problems in life would be solved.
we could get whatever we wanted without worrying about money, could buy our way out of almost any situation (like the rich folks do), go on any vacation anywhere in the world, dress to the nines on a daily basis, and use our wealth to get others to do our bidding.. money = sex, power, influence, decadent luxury = happiness???.
rod p.
Probably not but I sure would like to find out for sure.
i would have gotten baptised at the first "special assembly day" but i got sick just a few days before.
so i got baptised at the d.c.that same year instead.
i regret it, but at the time i thought i was doing the right thing, i sincerely believed i was dedicating my life to serving god.
Too young and yes.
here's a question for all you who have been studying evoluition much longer than me.
i have read in a few places that man has all but stopped evolving.
is this what is really being taught by science and why?
I did have a class in school about evolution. It never convinced me. I had a lot of classes in Biology and science. The probability of all those things happening to create the complex life that I have learned about is just impossible. Everything we know in our world has a creator. not once has a new discovery been made or an invention been made that wasen't made by someone. I am sure we all agree even if we put all of the pieces if a car into a garage it will never put itself together. If sperm and an egg, the two main ingredients in most of life, would never produce actual life. I know about test tube babies but the sperm is always injected into the egg. Life is very delicate, many little pieces need to work together to make it work. In my opinion not by chance but by design.