just wondering.
Did Jesus ever use the name Jehovah?
by LMS-Chef 53 Replies latest watchtower bible
If I recall correctly, the Watchtower inserted the name "Jehovah" in the new testament, but the name did not appear in the old manuscripts of the new testament. So there's no way of knowing whether or not Jesus used the name.
I just went through the NWT online Matt-John. http://www.watchtower.org/bible/index.htm
I could find occasions of Mary, Zecheriah, Elijah and John all saying the name Jehovah but none in Quotations from Jesus. Very Interesting.
Hi and welcome,
To put it shortly (as this issue has been discussed in a number of old threads):
As far as the NT is concerned, as Walter said there is no mention of the name Yhwh in any of the thousands of extant Greek mss. The NWT insertion of "Jehovah" in the NT is completely unwarranted, especially when the WT simultaneously maintains that the Greek text of the NT has been accurately transmitted.
As far as the "historical Jesus" (if he existed) is concerned, to pronounce the name Yhwh in a 1st-century Palestinian setting without raising a big controversy (of which there is not the single trace) he would have to be either (1) the High Priest who used the name in the temple liturgy (according to the NT he was not) or (2) a magician using the name secretly in magical formulae (no evidence either).
That's about it.
And Jehovah is an inaccurate pronounciation of YHWH based on vowel insertion of Adonai from the MT text. YH(o)W(ai)H, later extrapolated to a germanic/european form. For that matter, YHWH and EL were inherited from former "pagan" traditions.
The NWT has put "Jehovah" on Jesus' lips too, e.g. Matthew 4:4ff.
but jehovah was jesus father so out of respect he would not use the name in everyday speech...there are a number of occasions where he uses it when quoting
and surely jesus isnt the correct pronouciation of ....jesus?
The Society has always said that ancient Jews and modern ones as well ___superstiously __avoided using the name Jehovah.
Not so!
It was out of respect and fear of profaning his name they did not utter or write it. The Jehovah's Witnesses have profaned the name by wearing it the way a hippie in the 60's wore American Flag T-shirts. They call attention to THEMSELVES!
Further, their false prophecies and date-setting in JEHOVAH'S name has brought reproach on the very person they say they honor!
So, there is no reason why any first or second century Jew would risk blasphemy by uttering the "name" of God unless (as mentioned) they were a High Priest or a charlatan.
Jesus' own name, it is said, "means" Jehovah is Salvation. Yeshua. But, the prophecy concerning the Messiah says....
"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel." 1
Go figure.
there are a number of occasions where he uses it when quoting
You are victim of the most blatant NWT fraud.
(Did I yell?)
Ah yes, meaning "God with us".
Didier:My ears are ringing - LOL.