I have informed the WT legal dept as a condition for cooling my jets the flunkys who wrongfully booted me must be DF.
Any who are still alive are in deep shit.
for instance, especially kids under the age of eighteen, or dfing folks for questioning the society?
i think if i had been involved, i'd have to get on the horn with everyone i'd df'd.
except the child molesters
I have informed the WT legal dept as a condition for cooling my jets the flunkys who wrongfully booted me must be DF.
Any who are still alive are in deep shit.
this is my first post.
a week back,gary buss started a post on the gb's claim to assembly halls and kh's in the new org.
book.i find this interesting because the kh in the city i reside in has been up for sale for the past year.
My dad pioneered from 1951-56 used up a small nest egg inheritence that kept him in junk cars and a roof over his head.Married his 17.yo. study at age 27 he and she pregnant with firstborn me nearly singlehandedly built the original Bridgewater Massachusetts Kingdom Hall with some of his unemployment check used for building materials.
The Bridgewater Massachusetts congregation was to grow and split and become three,the new Rockland and Whitman Massachusetts kingdom halls of Jehovah's Witnesses.
The Haszard clan has been broke and enslaved to that real estate glutton watchtower corporation ever since.
Ya know what?I am gonna get all our money back one way or another watch me.
Danny Haszard Bangor Maine the Watchtower Whistleblower
[Post script; my dad's 40 or so 'studys' that he recruited back then to seed the Bridgewater cong, well they have all died off,and the last i checked they are all still dead]
isn't being disfellowshipped or disassociated a voluntary thing, in one sense?
i mean, when a person is deemed by the judicial committee as truly repentant, there are less harsher disciplinary steps.
in cases where there is no remorse, yes, the committee has no choice.
In just one year 1987 i calculated by the WT's own stats that 4.4 men woman and children were DF per hour as the world turned on it's axis.
Get this,the Watchtower asserts that every single one was @ "the direction of the holy spirit"
This is utter blaspheme by the watchtower/elder leadership.
How many blasphemes do you need to be eternally damned?One,or how about 37,000 for that year of 1987?These are wrecked and ruined lives people.
Matthew 18:10 Jesus dire warning to his high ranking apostles;"see to it that you do not dispise one of these little ones,for i tell you their angels in heaven always behold the face of my father who is in heaven."
The written and oral directives of the JC flunky elders is one priority,that is to intimidate and save face with the followers and to stonewall a potential civil lawsuit.
Look either it's the Holy Spirit or it ain't da Holy spirit.They told me even when they are wrong in Judgment i must consider it a test of my faith and bite the bullet.What kind of mealy mouthing gobbledygook is that?No it's blaspheme.
God's will,and the body of evidence has got litttle to do with anything.If they had any clue when they booted me in 1992 how much damage i was going to cost them they never would have done it.
a simple question: do you hate the religion of jehovah's witnesses?
feel free to elaborate on your answer.. b.
Why they can't,"..JUST FORGET ABOUT IT"
is a phrase for people who probably have never been through a horrific tragedy..
When you have losses that are permanent..It's forever!
It is not being ,'retro' for us to demand justice, ( proverbs 6 :33-35 )
There can be NO appeasement,for vicious atrocities .
259 souls of loved ones perished in the murderous actions,
of global terrorist that downed that doomed airliner..
Family members who lost even a single loved one,
did not rest until a measure of justice and retribution was achieved..
They are being held hostage (cocooned) by the Jehovah's Witness cult..
There is a time honored taboo..
In a fair fight,you don't assail and assault your opponent's kin..
Family's are off limits..You don't,'hit below the belt'.
Like the,next of kin, of the victims of terrorist..
I am positioned front and center , to seek retribution and justice..
What about the rest of my scattered family broken up by the Watchtower ,are they dead or alive? [One of the chief accusations the Russians have for recently banning JW's is that they are family wreckers.]
isn't being disfellowshipped or disassociated a voluntary thing, in one sense?
i mean, when a person is deemed by the judicial committee as truly repentant, there are less harsher disciplinary steps.
in cases where there is no remorse, yes, the committee has no choice.
A few minutes, from my final judicial hearing..
A glossary of the watchtower's canon of ethics..Also known as; 'approved operating procedure' [ A.O.P.]
It's all about control the; Control Freaks with a Mean Streak!
Jehovahspeak=doublespeak. Carefully crafted cult rhetoric..JWessse..The articulator manipulators..
It's plain old: mealy mouthing, innuendo / deception / flim-flam / hoodwink / bamboozle / fraud / mind games / confidence game / blowing smoke and bluster / pushing your buttons....
Dumb and dumber,the "dumb-down take down".
Your foe feigns ignorance..This is a Theocratic warfare tactic, where after prayer to god..The elder sitting in judgement of you,LIES and asserts he doesn't have a clue about what you are talking about...Also known as, "selective alzheimers".
The notorious,"TWO WITNESS TAKEDOWN" this absurdity,is an over extension of; 2 Corn. 13:1....It is a subterfuge, ruse so the cult charlatans can selectively ignore evidence at their whim...
The ambush, surprise and swarm technique , a.k.a.'ambush journalism'.{perfected by Mike Wallace of 60 minutes}..This ploy is used by wolf pack predators to quarry their prey by confusion and isolation..This strong arm tactic is like the lions loud roar to 'unhinge' and intimidate their prey.
The above is also known as the ,"gang bang". or 3rd degree interrogation tactic.
The use of a ,'straw man' as the,'fall guy' to divert attention from the real issue at hand, and to try to erode an otherwise valid argument.This is a variation of the age old ,drawing of a red herring, diversionary tactic..
Arguing in the alternative the: Deception Deflection Directive
Stonewalling,,sandbagging,,foot dragging,,pigeonholing,,suppression of crucial evidence,under the guise of the ubiquitous ,'confidentiality clause'.
Threatbaiting ,which is to instill a presumptuous pretext of guilt,that you are a malefactor.Example:..."if you ever hit my mother, I will surely press charges against you.."
Malicious 3rd degree style interrogation tactics with abuse recriminations.
The following is an elder specialty:
This goodie must flow right down from the ivory tower legal whores. [ever wonder what elders learn when they go off to their exclusive elder seminars??} It's the, deflection "JEOPARDY GAME"!.
Framing false accusations in the form of a QUESTION..Example,"Brother Haszard we were "asked" if you were a faggot? When we were "asked" if you were a faggot.We said no!.
This sleazy tactic is a sicko subterfuge to isolate them from court depositions.{so you can't actually pin them down on their say-so's.This is just a variation of the age old ,'loaded question' or rhetorical question..
Oh, and let's not omit the passive/aggressive good cop bad cop routine.
The legalese, AD HOMINEM attack {mud slinging}
Godlessness in the last days @ 2 timothy 3:1-9,described by St. Paul...
"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days, people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive,.....ungrateful, unholy, without love, unyielding, unforgiving, slanderous, without self control, brutal, not lovers of good, treacherous, rash, conceited,....'having a form of godliness but denying it's power'....Men who worm their way into your homes....swayed by all kinds of evil desires....men of depraved minds who reject the truth...
Golly,my gosh!..It sounds like, 'show time' at one of my elders meetings!
The flunky elders from the Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Summer street Rockland Massachusetts USA. 02370
a simple question: do you hate the religion of jehovah's witnesses?
feel free to elaborate on your answer.. b.
The straight scoop on 'forgiveness' vs the subterfuge of indulgence.
What is justifiable anger?
What is indulgence?
What is forgiveness?
A much quoted phrase from Jesus sermon on the mount at Matthew the 5th chapter :"turn the other cheek,there's a better world waiting for the meek".."love your enemies".
Jesus also stated in that same sermon,"do not give what is holy to dog's,neither cast your pearls before swine,lest they turn about and rip you open".
Another example of Jesus that the,be indulgent no matter what apologist will use is the case of Jesus forgiving those who nailed him to the cross.He said; "Father,forgive them for they no not what they are doing".
Jesus here is talking about the ignorant Roman soldiers who were just carrying out official orders and didn't know what they were doing".
Know this!This same Jesus went on to eternally damn Judas his apostle.He said "it would have been a finer thing if Judas had not even been born" and condemned him as the "son of destruction"
What about the grievance protocol for reconciling differences at Matthew 18:15?
Jesus outlined the steps to settle differences and stated "if your brother repents you must forgive him".
There lies the key,you cannot grant blanket amnesty (indulgence) to a willful unrepentant perpetrator as they are gonna stab you in the back again first chance they get, and revile you as a dumb ass for letting yourself be suckered.
Because psychopaths and sociopaths are wicked,amoral and cannot change.
Warning Against Adultery
Proverbs 6
27 Can a man scoop fire into his lap
without his clothes being burned?
28 Can a man walk on hot coals
without his feet being scorched?
29 So is he who sleeps with another man's wife;
no one who touches her will go unpunished.
30 Men do not despise a thief if he steals
to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.
31 Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold,
though it costs him all the wealth of his house.
32 But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment;
whoever does so destroys himself.
33 Blows and disgrace are his lot,
and his shame will never be wiped away;
34 for jealousy arouses a husband's fury, and he will show no mercy when he takes revenge.
35 He will not accept any compensation;
he will refuse the bribe, however great it is.
There you have it God's word say's your gonna fry just for sleeping with someone's mate (adultery)
Now,my righteous vendetta against the psychopath watchtower cult is for soul rape of my ENTIRE FAMILY!
Further reading The Watchtower is run by psychopaths
BTW did you know that a psychopath can often beat a polygraph?This is due to no conscience
a simple question: do you hate the religion of jehovah's witnesses?
feel free to elaborate on your answer.. b.
Notable quotable from Watchtower leader Fred Franz when asked about the horrific death of an estimated 1 billion or more small innocent worldly children,who will perish for not attending the kingdom hall meetings ,and for not selling watchtower books door to door with their parents.
"..well the little nits they grow to be big nits.." "there are seven birds for every human"
JW's are the ghouls for God
a simple question: do you hate the religion of jehovah's witnesses?
feel free to elaborate on your answer.. b.
Hypocrite Jehovah's Witnesses on "Hate" Notable quotable;Watchtower defines an,'apostate' AKA former member "If someone used to be a Jehovah's Witness, "We MUST HATE in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme ~ active aversion, to consider as loathsome, odious, filthy, to detest." - Watchtower, 10/1/52, p.599 Now what other institution promotes this level of hatred? Jehovah's Witnesses are 'hated' because they are a family wrecking destructive ripoff cult.The Watchtower cult leaders are the 'ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing false prophets' that Jesus warned about . The Watchtower has defrauded MILLIONS of followers with their 1914 'Jesus returned to power' gospel of gobbledygook. The OUTRAGE against Jehovah's Witnesses is Justifiable Anger. Jesus also 'hates" Jehovah's Witnesses [Matthew 25:41] "..he will say to those on his left,be on your way to place prepared for the devil and his angels.."
i will be, i just cant decide where.
im trying to tie it all into my vacation, but i might just have to drive a ways for a 1 day picket within my region.
some locations i have considered are amarillo tx, cleveland oh, duluth ga, biloxi ms, columbia sc, huntsville al, little rock ar, and possibly johnson city tn, but kinda doubtful there.
Know this 99.9% of picket viewing passerby's on a day of street corner picketing are non Jehovah's Witnesses (including members of the media) who WILL get the message.
Some of these's are non believing even opposer significant others of JW's who will be prompted to ask questions.
Standing on a street corner across from Bangor Maine city hall (two miles from the Kingdom hall) I was CHEERED blowing their horns and giving me the thumbs up,
..even the cops saluted me.Many folks got out of their cars to ask questions.People know what an oppressive closed group JW's are and recognized that this was the only outlet to vent.
Picket duty is an effective "witness" BIG time.
What kind of childhood do they have?
The Price of Free Thought
Growing up within the WT: How parents are taught to influence their children
The introduction of phobias and other cultic traits in the JW child
How to tell your children you have been in a cult
The WT still hold that this 'work' was a fulfillment of prophecy and even calls their street corner picketing the "John the Baptist work".
copyright 2005 telegraph group limited .
the daily telegraph(london).
may 19, 2005, thursday.
... Administration as safe to flush down the toilet is one of those pamphlets that the Jehovah's Witnesses send your way ...
{ I didn't want to start a new thread with this news item Danny Haszard }