Back in the days when i cared enough to argue about the bible with people. This guy showed me like 101 contradictions in the bible. I REALLY tried to argue against them. But the watchtower library can only do some much.
Posts by Dune
Is the Bible really inerrant?
by greendawn indo you think the bible is inerrant ie has absolutely no erroneous information or does it contain some errors?
if it does is its credibility destroyed?
i personally think that a great deal in the bible is false but still the basic ideas are correct.
Utopian society = no interracial marriage
by coolhandluke ini love women.
tall, short, thick, skinny, brown, yellow, red and all shades in between.
i even love the green women on the original star trek.
Not to burst your bubble but in the "Keep on the watch" brochure. There is a white guy with a black lady and their kid.
I go to a predominantly black kingdom hall/circuit/district. So it would be kind of hard to go out with a white,hispanic or asian sister simply cause they arent around. But the white girls at school seem to like me, lol -
Re: Witness Youth and Education
by Inquisitor inthe wts would prefer to believe they possess a balanced view of education.
"no hard-and-fast rules should be made either for or against extra education" w92 11/1 p.15
it has even acknowledged that college education may be necessary in certain job markets today.
In the middle of my first semester, i was setting up the stage and this sister asked me what i was doing with my life. When i told her that i was in college, she had the audacity to ask me "Why not go to bethel?". I consider myself a very nice and calm person, but that was one of the few times that i felt i would resort to some form of violence.
Re: Witness Youth and Education
by Inquisitor inthe wts would prefer to believe they possess a balanced view of education.
"no hard-and-fast rules should be made either for or against extra education" w92 11/1 p.15
it has even acknowledged that college education may be necessary in certain job markets today.
its next week's. Its funny cause i was scheduled to read next week's but i managed to exchange and do today's. I dont know if the guy who made the list was trying to spite me or not.
Re: Witness Youth and Education
by Inquisitor inthe wts would prefer to believe they possess a balanced view of education.
"no hard-and-fast rules should be made either for or against extra education" w92 11/1 p.15
it has even acknowledged that college education may be necessary in certain job markets today.
Totally agree with luna. However, I pretty much have to pay for college myself. I think that i was never given trouble from my witness parent because my family was always into education.
But yeah, i'm trying to think of a way to skip the meeting next sunday so i can avoid the bashing.
and to answer the question. I've never been commended outright about my decision to go to college. But i think its amusing that out of all the kids in my congregation that pioneered when they were my age, only one was never disfellowshipped or judicially reproved. This is out of 9 kids, eight of which were children of elders. -
Re: Witness Youth and Education
by Inquisitor inthe wts would prefer to believe they possess a balanced view of education.
"no hard-and-fast rules should be made either for or against extra education" w92 11/1 p.15
it has even acknowledged that college education may be necessary in certain job markets today.
So true @ what all of you are saying.
I am currently in college and i'm basically ignored by everyone in the congregation. I'm from a single parent family and my legal guardian hasnt been doing well spiritually lately so i never was surprised at the whole cold turkey thing but, I think its kinda funny because I read the watchtower (doing it today, lol), go out on saturday and sundays, do the mic/attendant work and recently had a part in the special day assembly. But its kind of like everyone forgets about those things or completely ignores my efforts and it sometimes feels like you are being taken for granted.
And if i thought it was bad now, next week the watchtower article is about college so i'm bracing myself for witty and sarcastic comments about what i'm doing with my life.
Personally i really dont care what anyone says. If there is one thing that i've learned in the 10 years that i've been a witness (yeah, i had a preteen baptism). Its that when the going gets tough, the brothers and sisters will NOT be around to help you. I've seen elderly folk have have to beg for rides to the kingdom hall, and seeing brothers tired as hell trying to get to the meetings where they are scolded for missing one or two because they have to work overtime to support themselves.
My biggest problem is that i really feel like telling them off when they ask me why i'm not going to bethel and all that other crap, cause i'm pretty sure that if i told them how i felt i'd be soon labeled an apostate and as of now i'm not ready to leave. But i guess saying all this is a great outlet for my feelings
~Dune -
RACISM Behind 1909 Watch Tower Magazine Name Change
by West70 infrom 1879 through 1908, the magazine owned, operated, and edited by charles taze russell (not the zion's watch tower tract society) was offically named "zion's watch tower and herald of christ's presence".
with several changes caused by the move from pittsburgh to brooklyn to escape maria russell, her lawyers, and the pennsylvania courts, it was decided that the official name of the magazine be changed to "the watch tower and herald of christ's presence".
here are the official reasons for dropping the word "zion's", as stated in the december 15, 1908 issue: .
Blondie is correct though. Our congregation, hell our whole circuit is mostly black people. Not that i hate my own people (lol), but I love going to other congregations just to see different people. And yes, it usually depends on the area. I kind of hate it when i see watchtowers with pics of congregations with bro/sis of all these races cause i never see that in 99% of the congregations i go to.
Bible parts I like
by Cygnus init took me a reading of thomas paine's "age of reason" to see what the craziness in the ot had.
that and many other more contemporary works showed me how jesus was a complete fraud.
but there are stories in the bible that are unmistakably brilliant in their pace, action, and adventure.
I've always liked job. I think that he had the most meaningful conversation with god compared to anyone else in the bible.
Beheading of three Christian girls
by TopHat in.
this makes me angry....what did these girls do to deserve a fate such as this!.
Things would be alot easier if there wasnt religion.
Super Powers
by defd inif you were granted by god to have one super power, what would it be and why?
I'd wish for the Power that the Beyonder from Marvel has.