Posts by Dune
New jewelry for JW's!
by AlmostAtheist init seems so unfair that other christians can wear their faith around their necks and jw's can't.
so i thought we could start a new jewelry line just for them.
available soon from stoops!
A question for those who think the Iraq war is wrong.
by JeffT inwas the 1861 invasion of the confederate states of america also wrong?
I think a new legislation needs to be passed for wars. It seems that the wars that are worth being fought (WW1, WW2) are the ones that are met up with minimal opposition by the common people. But to ensure that these wars are in fact for the best of the country. I think that the children of those who hold office should be among those going off to war. I want to see Bush and cheney's daughters, and the children (18+) of every senator, governor and congressperson that supported to war to have to go into the front lines. I know it sounds like a joke, but I truly feel that if it was a law, wars like vietnam and Iraq1 and 2 can be avoided.
A question for those who think the Iraq war is wrong.
by JeffT inwas the 1861 invasion of the confederate states of america also wrong?
What are the arguments FOR the war? I've never heard any strong arguments for it to tell you the truth, just rhetoric.
Prince and the Kingdom melodies...
by On the Fence ini'm sure you've all heard about prince becoming a baptized jw, right?
i've been a prince fan since the early 80's.
only been a jw since the mid 90's.
Prince and a couple of other guys have a CD with a remake of some of the kingdom songs.
A brother played it for us while we were in field service, the elder didnt like it too much, he thought they were jumping the gun.
How does one get marked?
by On the Fence inok, i've been involved with jw's for 15 years or so, but i've not been deep enough into any "clicks" to know how someone gets "marked".
will someone explain?
i'm sure i must have been marked more than once for stupid reasons - only going to 2-3 of the 5 weekly meetings (hey, some of us do have to do laundry every now and then), not commenting enough (they wouldn't want to hear my comments now), not going out in service enough, etc.
Thats the thing, before that college article and the elder's meeting, there wasnt a set definition on college students. There was only one elder who ever gave me crap about going to college (and i kid you not when i tell you that he works AT a university).
Most of the elders would ask me about school but wouldnt give any input good or bad. One elder who gave a talk came up to me and said that he was glad that i was in college and said "The world isnt the same place it was 20 years ago.".
But after this article its been crazy. The congregation as a whole has ignored my presence before the article, but i think the article has given them a supposed "right" that they can mark me.
But as i said, it doesnt matter, i choose to hold up the masquerade for a few more months, leave the congregation and decide what to do from there. -
How does one get marked?
by On the Fence inok, i've been involved with jw's for 15 years or so, but i've not been deep enough into any "clicks" to know how someone gets "marked".
will someone explain?
i'm sure i must have been marked more than once for stupid reasons - only going to 2-3 of the 5 weekly meetings (hey, some of us do have to do laundry every now and then), not commenting enough (they wouldn't want to hear my comments now), not going out in service enough, etc.
Anything can mark you man. I'm an active witness who averages 15 hours a month, miss two meetings a year, do mics, watchtower and literature and just had a part in an assembly. But over all these things i've been "Marked"
Things that have me marked:
1) I'm in college (This i probably THE reason that i'm marked, it doesnt stop them from asking me to do work though)
2) The elders realized that at one point i wanted to become a ministerial servant but now i could care less.
3) I only comment during the watchtower study (the meetings i'm doing the reading).
Right now, i plan on increasing my hours to 25, commenting twice a meeting and reaching out more...the only reason i'm doing it though is so that when I leave the congregation in June, they wont be able to put anything bad on the report and then i'll be able to decide if i should keep going with my hypocrisy or just fade. -
My sister and my nephew, again
by DanTheMan inas some of you may recall from other threads i have started on this topic, my sister is engaged in a battle for my 15 year-old nephew's mind, with her adversaries being her pentecostal ex-husband, his wife, and their church.. i wish i could say that my sister is a great parent and that this is purely a black and white issue, but unfortunately i have to admit that my sister leaves *much* to be desired as a parent.. my nephew, who is a pretty typical 15 year-old boy, is often in need of gentle correction for his sometimes thoughtless behavior.
but gentle correction is not what he gets from my sister, not in the least.
what he gets from her is constant anger, screaming, accusations, and the like.. a couple of examples:.
You dont have to worry about it. My "mom" was very much so like that and i think i turned out ok.
One thing to think about is that he'll probably never take becoming a witness seriously due to the fact that he is 15 (by now its almost basically over, IMO). And if she really is THAT bad, he'll find a way to leave her in about 3 or 4 years.
If you must talk to her, you might want to point out the fact that witness kid's whose parents are strict or abusive usually have kids who leave the
"truth" -
Did you have a "third" hall for the Theocratic Ministry School?
by truthseeker ini have never been to a congregation where they had a third hall for talks.
is it rare to have a third school?
We havent had even a second hall in a few years, let alone a third.
A-Z of TV programmes
by Ellie in.
i thought i'd start off a game, you just have to list tv programmes in alphabetical order.. i'll start:.
a little princess
The New "In-Phrase" - with greediness
by stillajwexelder infrom the elders school it appears as if the new phrase on everybodies lips is "with greediness" have i got this correct?
Its funny you should say that freedom, considering my ex was an elders daughter and she DA'ed herself and tried to bring me along.Of course, i was an idiot and didnt go, but we all make our little mistakes in life...