I was never into the whole "PERSERCUTION" things. An african brother or sister being beat over the head with a blunt object, THATS persecution. A group of guys laughing at you for a full 20 seconds as you pass by their house during field service is NOT persercution. I think some witnesses are so condidtion to the thought that they are persercuted that the slightest hardship is turned into a test by the devil. It's really funny sometimes.
Posts by Dune
Did you feel picked on and persecuted?
by Virgogirl inas a dub, did you tend to color every slight and small injustice in your day as persecution?
i just learned today, that my elder at work discovered a small error in his paycheck that payroll made.
he immediately ran to the union, as well as any to co-workers who would listen, and said i must have messed up his pay because i have something personal against him, me being an ex witless, and knowing he's an elder.
Service Meeting Week Starting January 2, 2006
by TheListener insong 5. note: congregations are not to move their service meeting for the week of january 2 to an earlier night unless the circuit overseer is visiting.
in every congregation, the convention insert should be considered on the service meeting as scheduled.
if there is a circuit assembly this week, book study overseers should announce the convention location and dates at their regularly scheduled book studies.
I think they have to at least make deals with the Hotels to get cheaper prices. Like, i know that the regular hotel prices are sometimes twice as much as that of the discounted price. Its a pretty good deal when you think about it. There are usually at least 4 conventions at each place so your hotel is bound to be full at every weekend for these four weeks.
I had NOO idea what mimosa was, lol. But orange juice mixed with champagne sounds like something that'll taste good.
What Sis.BrokenByBethel is Allowed to Do with her Overstocked Magazine Pile
by stillAwitness inha!
this one made me think of all those in the hall who have magazines piled up in their living rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms with no where to go:
km: dec. 2005: make wise use of our bible-based literature
lol, i commented on that today. About how newcomers can use it for their personal libraries. Too bad they dont have bound volumes from the 60's and 70's.
What if religion was simple, would it be enough for you?
by free2beme ini was thinking today, what if religion was simple, would it be enough for you?
what if someone said, "god does not expect a church or congregation, or even that you read from a certain book each day.
all god wants is that you treat each other with kindness, have self respect for your body and those you share this world with you and ask that you simply be thankful for this life by enjoying it and the world you live in.
Isnt that basically Atheism? lol. But seriously, if i had be raised that way, it probably would be enough.
My conversation with an elder
by Dune inwell this happened to me a few weeks ago, but i chose to post it later because i'm paranoid.
anyway, i was riding in field service with an elder and our conversation turned to apostasy.
well, he turned it to apostasy because he usually dominates 99% of the conversations we have.but i digress, this is how our conversation went.
I'm hoping they'll recruit me. . That should be a good transition.
A couple of months ago, people were all over how russell might have been a free mason. Then this guy was talking about how the board was being infiltrated by masons, i thought it was so funny that i made it my ava and never took it out.
Wow, thats crazy.
I wonder what was the guy's mentality when he did it.
And i sure hope no one says "He must've thought they were witnesses" or "Too bad it wasnt witnesses" or something along those lines...
I was the reader today so no text messaging for me.
But during the TMS, i usually do homework or write poetry. I'm also working on a book idea which mixes JW's and 1984.
Any gamers out there?
by dinah inhey peeps!
any of you into video games?
seems there would be a few who are because they are some cool people here.
I'm a college student, so i've got to play lots and lots of vid games.I'm into RPG's, Adventure games, Shooters and Simulation games.
Never really was into racing, sports or fighting games.
My conversation with an elder
by Dune inwell this happened to me a few weeks ago, but i chose to post it later because i'm paranoid.
anyway, i was riding in field service with an elder and our conversation turned to apostasy.
well, he turned it to apostasy because he usually dominates 99% of the conversations we have.but i digress, this is how our conversation went.
I do @ stillawitnes
Another thing i noticed is that all of the elders in my congregation were made elders a few years after 1975. Its as if after 1975, the standards for becoming an elder dropped. Not that these guys arent qualified *cough* but I find it funny that many of these guys were becoming elders 2 or 3 years after being baptized.