I had it worse than all of you...I had a meeting today.
PLUS i had a last minute bible reading, as in, i was sitting in my seat minding my own business and the service overseer comes up to me and asks me to do the bible reading right after the speech quality counsel :-(
Posts by Dune
It Is Friday The 13th..What Kind Of Day Did You All Have?
by Legolas init is orlando bloom's birthday btw.....happy birthday orlie
but my darn mouse broke today
and now i am just starting to have a few drinks of rum...cheers all!
Old committee notes.
by Gregor inas an elder in the late '70's i served more than my share of time on judicial committees.
the jc was made up of three elders: the presiding overseer, wt study overseer and bible study overseer.
since these positions rotated yearly, the average elder would serve three years straight on the jc.
She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and was confiding her problems to an older sister whom she trusted. One day after a couple of glasses of wine, the older sister seduced her into some lesbian acts.
WOW!! -
More 'great' statements from the MySpace JW forum....
by TallTexan inim getting a bit sick of it of late to be honest.
i hardly know anyone that has come into the truth from witnessing recently and i certainly never get any biblestudies.
i guess the internet is doing it's job...... this myspace forum is a sickening, twisted picture of the still-disillusioned - it's great.
If you want to change someone's viewpoints, thats fine. But going into a JW-youth discussion forum and pretending to be a devout witness or a potential bible student is wrong. If you want to save these kids, make up an ex-witness my space discussion group and they'll lurk and see the info for themselves.
More 'great' statements from the MySpace JW forum....
by TallTexan inim getting a bit sick of it of late to be honest.
i hardly know anyone that has come into the truth from witnessing recently and i certainly never get any biblestudies.
i guess the internet is doing it's job...... this myspace forum is a sickening, twisted picture of the still-disillusioned - it's great.
Why are you guys doing this anyway?
I mean, its one thing to talk about WTBS in an ex-jw forum, and active witness who comes in here is doing so at their own discretion, but its a completely different to go a JW-youth myspace board with the sole purpose of trying to get them to leave.
why cant you just leave???
by kid-A inwhat always strikes here on jwd is the number of posters who completely and entirely doubt the jw theology, reject the majority of the teachings and "rules", express their boredom and frustration at having to attend meetings and conventions and yet, still, continue to keep up the facade of attending the meetings, going out in service, essentially choosing to 'live a lie'...... now, i understand fully the complications around leaving such an organization especially concerning family, but, for gods sake people, it would take the most extreme, extraordinary circumstances to keep somebody inside a duplicitous, controlling cult when at any time, you do have the freedom to just walk away.......we are all free moral agents capable of escaping the wts so i humbly ask, .
1) how and why do you keep up the facade?
do your circumstances really justify lying to yourself and family?.
1) Leaving is not as easy as it sounds, you have to keep in mind that this is everything most of us have. You know how they tell you not to make friends with worldly people along with a whole slew of other things? That in itself is a dilemna, because if i were to leave now i'd essentially be alone because the friends i did make are only acquaintances (sp).
2) I only have two family members that are witnesses, leaving might hurt one of them, but the other wouldnt be affected as much because he seems to be pondering his future as a witness too.
3) Do you think that by delaying your escape you are simply getting deeper and deeper into the WTS web and ultimately making the final step all the more complicated?
Despite all this "Light" i've been receiving, there is still a part of me that really just wants to forget about JWD and just live the rest of my life as a JW. I've met ministerial servants and elders on this board who know everything thats wrong with the WTS and still refuse to leave. I dont know about you guys, but 3 hours a week of field service and 5 hours a week of meetings really means nothing to me. I can honestly see myself becoming an elder one day and not believing a word i spew out in the service meeting and not feel any moral obligation to anyone.
Ask yourself a question , if you could give a group of people a false sense of hope and happiness in an otherwise lackluster and mediocre existence, wouldnt you do it?
Lurkers:How To Leave The Organization Quietly And Discreetly
by metatron inan ever growing number of witnesses would like to leave the organization - but how?
you may have an extended family "in the truth".. all your "friends" ( and that word "friends" deserves to be put in quotes ) may be "in the truth".
you may not be in any position to make.
personally, i favor the fade. My family wont be affected, i wont have to bother with those bothersome judicial commitees and best of all when i'm 70 i'll go back cause i'll have nothing better to do (and my family wont have to pay for a funeral home :-d)
But in all seriousness, i dont think i can up and leave all of this, so i think fading will be the best. Also, when i graduate from college i'm going to move out of the area so that should finalize everything. I cant agree with you more about the finding new friends category, after this semester, i plan on joining a club at school, that should help me on the way out. -
Elders Burst Into My Friends Home Uninvited/ Warning to Vegas JW Ladies
by Saoirse ini have a friend that hasn't been to a meeting in over a year.
she recently got a divorce from her abusive jw spouse.
he beat her up and tore down a door in front of several people.
lol, Elder police work gone bad
Is makeup for Christians?
by M.J. inhttp://www.thercg.org/books/tthbm.html .
the truth hidden behind makeup
what is the truth about makeup?
I've always believed that most women look better without makeup.
JW Literature in Second Hand Stores
by Nosferatu inwhat kinds of jw literature do you see in the second hand stores?
i often come across copies of the nwt.
recently, i saw a live forever book.
A couple of years ago, there used to be copies of the awakes and watchtowers at the local libraries book shop. They each had 10 cents written on them with black permanent marker.
That same library had the Proclaimers book (The thick green book with "Jehovah's witnesses" on it for those who dont remember) and mankind's search for god. It used to have all these other books that were clearly apostate, but i never took them out. I went to the library last week and noticed that all of the books (save the proclaimers book) were gone
Did you know of any JW elders or JW pioneers that were "racist"?
by booker-t ini know this might sound like a question from "la-la" land but as a black ex-jws most of the white jw's that i did have contact with were really nice.
i was talking to a hispanic ex-jws the other day and he was telling me of some of the racist experiences he had as a jw.
i did not contradict him but i never experienced racism from caucasian jw's.
I go to a predominantly black congregation. The area we are living in has more and more whites moving in. This has led some to say things along the lines of "They're taking over" (including elders) and things of that nature.
Last year, an elder made the comment that the jews would sometimes try to cheat you out of your money. I was doing the mics and i could see that most of the people were nodding in agreement, while i was in shock because i thought it was very inappropriate.
Once when i was younger i remember driving with a pioneer sister and she was almost hit by a hispanic guy, she then went on and on about how they were ruining the country and all that other good stuff. I think most of the things i've seen were the day to day prejudice that you see in most people. you know, blacks are lazy, whites are greedy, hispanics are incompetent and all that other stupid stuff that could apply to almost anyone in any race.