New Press Release ready for everyone to use to publicize this issue:
court file no.
superior court of justice.
watchtower bible and tract society of .
New Press Release ready for everyone to use to publicize this issue:
we've put together a news release to distribute to media outlets about the wts suing quotes for his website.
many others have already sent out releases and emails, and this is just one more if you want to use it.
to download it, please go to the following address:.
We've put together a news release to distribute to media outlets about the WTS suing Quotes for his website. Many others have already sent out releases and emails, and this is just one more if you want to use it. To download it, please go to the following address:
court file no.
superior court of justice.
watchtower bible and tract society of .
OMG!!! This is rediculous!!
Well, what can I do to help this time? Whatever you need, we're behind you!!!!
an unnatural disaster: a hurricane exposes the man-made disaster of the welfare state .
by robert tracinski .
sep 02, 2005
Rodbar, come on now,
Oh, so people on welfare are people of no values?; They are parasites?; Nice one.;
He's not saying every single individual on welfare is this way, but that a significant percentage are.
Isn't it amusing how he just dismisses the criminals that were released and;blames the crime spree on those worthless, welfare people. Yeah, that's it; It's all their fault
Did we read the same article? I didn't get that at all. He likened the situation to releasing "wolves" (the criminal element) on the "sheep" and the city. Where does he connect welfare recipients directly to the crimes? He doesn't. What he's pointing out is his premise that the whole welfare mindset, or lifestyle, is a root cause of the attitudes that led to some of the chaos.
Look, I'm gonna get flamed here, but I tend to agree with him somewhat. DISCLAIMER: I do NOT believe that every single person who accepts aid through one or more government welfare programs is a lazy abuser of the system. There are plenty who are in legitimate need and use the government's provided safety nets responsibly. But there is a large enough contingent of those who ARE abusing it for it to be an easily identifiable sub-group.
I am in construction, and I have worked on quite a few HUD projects, especially renovations to existing HUD housing projects. There is NO EXCUSE for the way some of these folks live and act. I've been in their apartments, I've helped them relocate from one apartment to the next so we can work in their unit. A large percentage of these folks live like animals. We can, and have, spent several million dollars to completely renovate (inside and out) these apartment complexes, only to come back within a year or two and have to do it all over again, because they have so trashed the place. And many of them are completely ungrateful for the upgrades and renovation, are rude and threatening to our workers, and just generally show a lack of any class whatsoever. Many of these folks are physically able and young enough to work, but they sit in their apartment or on the porch/balcony all day talking on their cell phones, watching their big screen TV's, and playing Grand Theft Auto on their game boxes. (I'm a Project Manager and I can't afford to fill my house with some of the stuff these folks have, and they don't work! WTF?)
I can't tell you how many times we've offered a lot of these folks jobs to work on our construction crews as laborers, offering them $8+/hour. It's work right there in their own apartment complex, they just have to walk outside to their job (plus it would save us having to ship in laborers from elsewhere). From experience, I would say less than 10% accept our offer. And of the 10% that did accept our offer, they either quit within a few days or we had to fire them because they just weren't willing to work.
I know some of you don't want to here this, but its the truth!! Some of these projects last a year or more because there are so many apartments and it takes time to progressively renovate units and then relocate tenants from their existing unit to a newly renovated one. So I get to see real close, for an extended period of time, how some of these folks live and act. They have become complacent and comfortable living off the government assistance programs, and appear to have no desire whatsoever to improve their lot in life, even when given the chance to do so "on a silver platter".
Again, NOT ALL are like this, but at least in the HUD projects I've worked on the abusers with attitude far outnumber the legitimate recipients who are actively trying to get off welfare.
Brandon, of the "been there, done that, had to start carrying a gun on HUD projects for my safety" class
i have read comments on several threads about the wts policy on asking folks whose homes have been repaired/rebuilt by jw volunteers to sign over their insurance checks to the wts?.
is there any kind of paper proof of this policy anywhere?
any further details would be kindly appreciated!!.
Unless things have changed since I was active in my RBC (3-4 years ago), they are NOT supposed to put up a website like that.
I had developed a great site for our RBC, with online project schedules, maps, document sharing between department heads, online construction drawings viewable with only Internet Explorer, etc., etc.
Our RBC committee got a call from Headquarters, then an official letter following it up, telling them in no uncertain terms to shut the site down immediately. That only the FDS and the WTS could set up such sites, if and when they deemed it was necessary.
Man, were there lots of disappointed RBC workers!!! If mama's not in complete and absolute control, she can't stand it!
i have read comments on several threads about the wts policy on asking folks whose homes have been repaired/rebuilt by jw volunteers to sign over their insurance checks to the wts?.
is there any kind of paper proof of this policy anywhere?
any further details would be kindly appreciated!!.
Thanks DP, very interesting...
When Regional Build Committee (volunteer building group of JW’s) comes in to rebuild a home of a member the owner signs an agreement. ;That agreement states that any insurance payment check will be signed over to “Worldwide Work” of Jehovah’s Witnesses when received
Ok, Wow! Can anyone verify this, that the RBC's have a form you have to sign in order to get your home repaired? I used to be very involved with the RBC's, but since I'm a well known apostate in this area, there's no way I can make any contacts and verify this. Anyone out there had to sign one of these? Still got a copy?
Then there are Kingdom Halls, they too carry insurance that pays for the damage that is rebuilt with volunteer labor and often donated materials.
Doesn't the Society "self insure" the KH's?
i have read comments on several threads about the wts policy on asking folks whose homes have been repaired/rebuilt by jw volunteers to sign over their insurance checks to the wts?.
is there any kind of paper proof of this policy anywhere?
any further details would be kindly appreciated!!.
I have read comments on several threads about the WTS policy on asking folks whose homes have been repaired/rebuilt by JW volunteers to sign over their insurance checks to the WTS?
Is there any kind of paper proof of this policy anywhere? Any further details would be kindly appreciated!!
ok, all you "bleedin' hearts" get ready to flame me..... i have been watching the developments in the devastated areas like everyone else, and something has begun to strike me.
there seems to be tens of thousands of people who are just sitting around waiting for help to miraculously drop out of the sky, and the longer they sit idle, the madder they get that the government hasn't swooped in and immediately solved all their problems.
i have a few questions about this mindset:.
Hi Honesty,
I'll deal with your other comments later, but quickly (as I have to get back to work):
I feel just as bad for you as I do for the victims of hurricane Katrina if your comments really came from deep within your hearts.
I don't need your self-righteous sympathy, save it for the ones truly in need in NO.
ok, all you "bleedin' hearts" get ready to flame me..... i have been watching the developments in the devastated areas like everyone else, and something has begun to strike me.
there seems to be tens of thousands of people who are just sitting around waiting for help to miraculously drop out of the sky, and the longer they sit idle, the madder they get that the government hasn't swooped in and immediately solved all their problems.
i have a few questions about this mindset:.
Rather than blame the people for not taking responsibility, I think the blame goes to the local governments for being ill-prepared for a diseaster that was bound to happen
I just saw on CNN that a series of NOLA newspaper articles a few years ago accurately predicted exactly what has happened. Their projections and research were right on. It is beginning to appear that, at least at the local level, the government did know ahead of time just how bad a direct strike like this would be. The big decisions requiring long term thinking and long term investment to mitigate such enormous damage apparently weren't made. After the rush of emergency rescue efforts has subsided, it appears that those in positions of authority will have a lot of explaining to do.
However, I still believe that there are scores of folks who should have taken responsibility for themselves and prepared, rather than sit back and wait on the government to take care of them.
ok, all you "bleedin' hearts" get ready to flame me..... i have been watching the developments in the devastated areas like everyone else, and something has begun to strike me.
there seems to be tens of thousands of people who are just sitting around waiting for help to miraculously drop out of the sky, and the longer they sit idle, the madder they get that the government hasn't swooped in and immediately solved all their problems.
i have a few questions about this mindset:.
Many New Orleans residents have lived through hurricanes in the past and have emergancy kits but this one was much bigger and more destructive than in the past.
Yes, and the same goes for the local and federal government too, doesn't it. It was larger and more destructive than they imagined. So again, my point is, why are these folks blaming the government for not being prepared, when they themselves weren't?
Maybe instead of wasting time on foolish posts, you could open your wallet and make a contribution to the Red Cross.
Aren't you wasting your time on a foolish response to a foolish post?
I am sorry to hear about your friend, but since communication is such an issue, hopefully he is OK, just unable to contact you.