yes I have, since I foud the truth
JoinedPosts by DannyBloem
Christian Answer to Atheist Bible: the Flood
by Rex inno, i did not write this.
it is a compilation from academia: .
the source of the gilgamesh epic .
Lok at some facts without any formed opinion to start with, just be open.
How can you explain 1) the ice date at the poles going back tenthousands of years.
2) the coral islands as the are.
3) three ring dating (no effidence there)
What's your favorite holiday?
by Princess inmy kids occasionally ask me this.
i usually respond "christmas" because it's so cheerful and festive or "halloween" because i'm always so touched at the kindness of my neighbors.. now i say "labor day".
they are puzzled.
named Unbaptized Publisher at the meeting last night...............
by Buck inlast nite they announced i was an unbaptized publisher.
everyone clapped and there was much congratulations from everyone after it was over.
my girlfriend has never been happier.
There is still a way back. But when you are baptised, if you then decide to stop everybody will shun you.
being baptized is one of the things I feel most sorry I did.
Please make sure what you are doingm before you decide.Defd
Good job buck. I am certain Jehovah God and Jesus are even HAPPIER than your girlfriend. You have a long tough road ahead of you. Perservere my brother!
This is one of the most weird things I have ever seen. That some small thing somebody does can actually make a alknowing God who sees 5 billion of people do all kind of wicked things, make very happy.
Just think of it logically for a while Danny -
New Testament Paradise Earth
by TheListener inone of the things that bothers me is the very little or almost non-existent way the paradise earth is talked about in the new testament.
i've never heard a dub even think about that for one second.. the only occasions i can think of that the dubs use to show the new testament does in fact talk paradise earth is the scripture at matthew 5:5 (about mild tempered ones, or meek inheriting the earth), revelation 21:3,4 (about no more sickness, sorrow, suffering nor death) and jesus on the cross saying that the guy next to him would be with jesus in paradise.. none of these are overly convincing.
why didn't the apostles talk more about the paradise.
I imagine, if I ever got a dub to discuss this, that they would say that the new testament was written to heavenly bound individuals therefore has hardly any references to the paradise earth, but by having two distinct classes of worshippers jesus clearly showed some would be on earth and others in heaven ruling them. Plus I believe they would use the scriptures I quoted above.
yes tey would use the scriptures you mentioned.
They would use the illustration of the sheep cage. They would use some scriptures of the OT.They would use some logic also: "What is the use of an armageddon? if there is no earth later" and "Gods purpose has always been that men lived forever on earth (adam, god can't lie etc).
Typical "paradise earth" speech
by Evanescence in.
hi just want a little help with a paradise earth speech that jehovah's witnesses normally give.. i want to have this as my intro for my oral presentation.
can some people please help and tell me a typical paradise earth speech.. imagine that you have knocked on my door and i answered it now the presentation of yours...... evanescence
I figured that no one can put you in that position unless they let you, so as a girl i would walk in and will not let anyone push me around, I am a strong defender of womens rights! IF they don't like it then that is just too bad!
It is good to hear you are a defender of woman rights. It was one of the things I always dislike (the inequality) in the JW organisation.
However I do not think you can see it as a right of woman to give a public talk or so. Morally maybe, legally not.Sigh I love giving speeches, I can stand up there and talk for ever! lol I am generally a quiet person but that is a completly different story when it comes to public speaking and debating
There is not much you could do about it, but would be fun, if you would step on the stage and started with your talk. Invide me then, that is someting I want to see
Well if its true that the Jehovah's Witnesses abuse childrens and womens rights then there is no way i will join, not an Armageddon or Paradise earth will work on me!
yes there is child abuse with the JW's. So is there with the catholics by the way.....
Typical "paradise earth" speech
by Evanescence in.
hi just want a little help with a paradise earth speech that jehovah's witnesses normally give.. i want to have this as my intro for my oral presentation.
can some people please help and tell me a typical paradise earth speech.. imagine that you have knocked on my door and i answered it now the presentation of yours...... evanescence
one of my interests/hobbies is public speaking!
One more reason not to become a JW. As woman do not have much right on public speaking in the KH
does "randomness" exist?
by googlemagoogle inthis is maybe largely parallel to the "free will" debate.
or if there is such thing like "chance".
many computer languages have a math function "random()".
There have been a number of test on quantum rondomness.
So far quantum theory has survived them all gloriously.
Of course you can never proof that there is not something causing the randomness in quantum physics. You could even arguing that God is doing this, but that he does it so random that you never can see it was not real random.
It seems to be that it is best to take the easiest explanation here, that there is true randomness.It works really well in QM. For example the prodicted half life of radio active decay.
What are the implications of this? Well, that the universe is not deterministic.
The question becomes interesting when connected to the free will.There are however some questions: Quatum randomness does not influence larger scale structures. 2) what has randomness to do with free will in the first place.
does "randomness" exist?
by googlemagoogle inthis is maybe largely parallel to the "free will" debate.
or if there is such thing like "chance".
many computer languages have a math function "random()".
Neither you nor I can sit down and even write a stream of "random" numbers.
I agree here with Terry, that we can not do this.
Humans are indeed pattern seekers, even if there aren't any paterns, we still see them.
A funny example of this is the global consiousness project. They use random number generators to predict world shocking events. And yes they see patterns.There are limited particles on the atomic scale universally. There are limited laws. There is only the unfolding of the POSSIBLE permutations over a loooooooooooooong stretch of time.
Which means what? ; ; Everything that is possible will happen. Therefore, randomness does not exist.
This reasoning is not correct. 1) You assume here that time is unlimited. 2) You assume that the number of particles are constant, that particles can't be created from nothing. 3) you assume that the state particles can be in, is infinite. etc.
As elsewhere pointed out true randomness does exists on quantum scale....
does "randomness" exist?
by googlemagoogle inthis is maybe largely parallel to the "free will" debate.
or if there is such thing like "chance".
many computer languages have a math function "random()".
I have to disagree that there is no real randomness.
Quantum physics is based on real randomness. That is that things on the small scale are per definition not predictable, and that there is nothing causing it.
This is the common explanation, there are some however who disagree.
More information to be found on this quantum wierdness: