thank you Eduardo.
Here the society only gives the no blood cards. The law is a bit different here. I did not know the society published this in some other countries.
don't know if anyone's ever brought this up before: .
so i was looking at my copy of the jw dpa (it is from 2001 and the florida version) and i had never really sat down and read it through before since i never did the dpa thing (and in fact got in a "discussion" about my not doing it with an elder one time).
well anyway on page three, paragraph 10 it begins: "this paragraph applies to pregnant women only" the paragraph lays out the legal precedents that establish that "the state may not override a pregnant woman's competent decisions, including refusal of recommended invasive medical procedures, to potentially save the life of a viable fetus" and then goes onto discuss how the "state's interest in the potential life of a fetus is insufficient to override the mother's interest in preserving her own health.
thank you Eduardo.
Here the society only gives the no blood cards. The law is a bit different here. I did not know the society published this in some other countries.
don't know if anyone's ever brought this up before: .
so i was looking at my copy of the jw dpa (it is from 2001 and the florida version) and i had never really sat down and read it through before since i never did the dpa thing (and in fact got in a "discussion" about my not doing it with an elder one time).
well anyway on page three, paragraph 10 it begins: "this paragraph applies to pregnant women only" the paragraph lays out the legal precedents that establish that "the state may not override a pregnant woman's competent decisions, including refusal of recommended invasive medical procedures, to potentially save the life of a viable fetus" and then goes onto discuss how the "state's interest in the potential life of a fetus is insufficient to override the mother's interest in preserving her own health.
hmm, as usually the society used the things that supports them and ignores all others.
Just a question, maybe it shows my ignorance but what means a 'DPA'?
regarding iran's nuke program, the evil george bush stood on the sideline and let the europeans do it their way via diplomacy through the u.n. well, iran has basically told them to screw off and has now re-started it's nuke program and seems to have no intention to stop their development of nukes.
this u.n. delegation has now given iran the "eleventh hour warning" which they will laugh at.
soon it will be brought before the u.n. security counsel and a recommendation to impose sanctions against iran will be made and voted upon.
LOL - ok have I insulted eveyone now? LOL
that a part of you is still in the jw religion?.
do you at times defend the jw religion?
even if you despise it do you still defend it as an automatic reaction?.
that a part of you is still in the jw religion?
I am still official in, so that's more then a part maybe....
Do you at times defend the jw religion? even if you despise it do you still defend it as an automatic reaction?
I do not defend it automatic. I defent it when people are overly critic, and make unreasonable claims. I do not consider it much worse then other religions, but I do not defend the real issues that there are with the JW's. It is good that many people will hear it, so I try to spread the word about certain issues.
Do you get offended at all if somebody was to attack the jw religion?
Not really.
Do you still have habits that you developed as a jw that you struggle to get out of?
There are a lot of habits people develop in the JW religion. Not all are bad, some are pretty good actually. The most bad habits I can think of, are following the FDS without quetioning. I think nobody who is out struggles with this. I would not know many bad habits actually....
please do not talk this way about my santa. it's very disrespectful. i have a releationship with him, and i can feel him in my heart around xmas time. is that not good enough?
He may have a fancy means of transportation, and sure you live close to the northpole anyway, he could as well walk :)
But here he just comes with the boat, arriving from spain. He has his white horse to walk over the roofs of the building. That horse is quite fast, because he manage to bring his presents to all households in one evening, the 5th of december, though the chimneys. This seems to work even in apartment building. It is not clear through which opening he comes though.
He does arrive earlier then 5 december from spain, the main reason is that he has to be in a lot of TV commercials and talk programs.
So I do not want to be disrespectfull for those that are not old enough to stop believing in santa-claus, I just elaborated his tremendous work he has to do....
'christman-man' the n must be an s, christmas-man. n and s close to each other on keyboard
Just to add:
We have santa here also but on 5 december. (Sinterklaas)
Then at 25 december we have the christmas-man, which we do not call santa of course, that would be even more hard to keep it apart.
they look alike but not exactly. Santa wears a hat with a cross, (5 dec) and christmas-man (25 dec), wears a hat good for winter, with fur etc.
Your santa originated here in w europe, you imported it, then you export him backas the christman-man , which me use. Funny eh
well if you can believe in God why not in santa....
man long ago left the natural order of things that keep the earth as a living habitat in balance and healthy.. he now manipulates the earth to make it bend to his wishes so that he can create paper (worthless profit), accumulate multiples of what he needs to survive and make himself as comfortable as he possibly can.. as the billions in the developing countries become more consumptive the world will eventually be used up.. that will be the true armageddon that mankind will face.
Interesting, most pessimitic voices here.
I am not too pestimistic about the future.
Things will change, but I think we are much more able to adapt then most people think.
A world population of 100 billion, is not unthinkable, and I think we can manage that. If it is fun, well we'll get used to it...
how much sleep do you need generally?
if you don't get enough sleep - what are you like the next day?
does how you behave reflect the reason you didn't get enough sleep blatantly to others?
What are you like when you don't get enough sleep?