Okay, when doing normal fieldservice we did between 50 to 100 doors per hour, depending on the teritory.
60% is not at home (including the ones pretending not be home)
30% opens the door/answer the intercome etc, and closes the door without saying a word when they realize you are witnesses
5 % are very direct and say NO! I am not interested!
4 % are more polite and come up with a lame excusee. Busy, going out, or whatever.
from the 1 % that is left over:
30% don't want to be unfriendly and take some magazines in order to make you go away. (they do not realize the return visit sceme)
20% is totally crazy, and can't have any real conversation.
20% think you are someone else, let you in, and come to this embarassing conclusion later
15% feels so lonely that they preetend to be interested
10% want to talk to you about their own belives, religions etc.
4 % gives though prevoking questions
1 % is actually interested
Can people agree on this?
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