Watchtower 1969 9/1 P.543-544
Questions from Readers
Some animals have characteristics that seem especially suited to killing, such as lions and poisonous snakes. How can this be, if they were all vegetarians at one time?—L. K.,
It is understandable that this question might arise, for as things stand now many animals do kill one another for food. But please note that this is as things stand now. Is there anyone on the earth who can say from personal observation how these animals acted six thousand years ago?
we can observe in the past. There is enough fossil evidence that animals were not at peace with eachother in the past.
if some want to read up, this explains it well:
the article in the wt from 69 is clear. but quite old.
but the article posted from the it (insight) is not clear at all.
As they always do, when some subjects are hot and controversial they do not publish anything about it. According to franz, this is a deliberate thing to avoid controverses. The do not have the guts to just say again that they are wrong. They hope that in time people will forget.
(The did the same for a long time with the days of creation that were supposingly 7000 years each)
anyway thanks all for the answers
Danny B