your post post made me wanna google,so i put in 'how many carnivores' and got.....
a sweet page with a pic at the bottom that looks like its come fresh out of a borg publication.
Adam, Eve and all the animals were created to eat only vegetation (see comments on Genesis 1:29-30). Nothing died prior to the spiritual fall of Adam and Eve (see comments on Genesis 3:19 and 3:21).
and goes on to explain why animals were created originally to eat vegetation.....even spiders, web spinning being a useless occupation until after sin was invented.
if it hadnt had this about neanderthals i'da thought it was a dub site.
When we look at the teeth of the first humans (Neanderthals) we see that they had larger molars and smaller canine teeth than we do. They had thicker enamel (they would need this if they lived longer than we do), and had well worn third molars, or wisdom teeth.
cant say i've ever seen any neanderthal people in paradise pics. does that mean they wont be ressurected?