if they elders found out that a brother or a sister had a cybersex affaire outside of their marriage what would be the concequence for this. Could that be df?
would it be seen as uncleaness or porneia?
if they elders found out that a brother or a sister had a cybersex affaire outside of their marriage what would be the concequence for this.
could that be df?.
would it be seen as uncleaness or porneia?.
if they elders found out that a brother or a sister had a cybersex affaire outside of their marriage what would be the concequence for this. Could that be df?
would it be seen as uncleaness or porneia?
i crossed the border and drove into the us yesterday, and here are a few questions he asked me.. the first question he asked me was, what's your nationality.....thats sounds normal.
then he asked, where are you going?
wisconsin i said.
that reminds me of the visa application form for the u.s.a.
there are yes/no questions that you have to check. I do not know the exact wording but they are very similar to:
- are you going to the u.s.a. for terroristic activities -> yes no
- are you going to the u.s.a. for selling drugs -> yes no
then under this it says:
if checked yes to one of those questions above it does not mean that persmission to the u.s.a. will not be granted.
ha ha ha, sure
behind the scenes, how did the elder body view field service.
were they enthusiastic about it, viewed it as necessary to maintain their position or just indifferent about it.
in my 28 years inside i know of only one elder that had the pioneer spirit and actually pioneered when he retired.
the view it as something important, but have busy jobs themselves, which they use as excuse.
the also view it as something to measure the spiritual state of the 'sheep'.
most actually do it because they need to be good example, not because they like it so much. Many time it is conviniantly used to get to know the members of the congregation better.
something for wachting the world.
from the news paper:de ikea-catalogus verschijnt dit jaar in een oplage van 175 miljoen stuks - in 35 landen en 27 talen.
alleen al in nederland krijgen 6,1 miljoen huishoudens het boekwerk thuisbezorgd.
Something for wachting the world
From the news paper:
De Ikea-catalogus verschijnt dit jaar in een oplage van 175 miljoen stuks - in 35 landen en 27 talen. Alleen al in Nederland krijgen 6,1 miljoen huishoudens het boekwerk thuisbezorgd. Hoeveel exemplaren er jaarlijks van de Bijbel worden verspreid, is niet met zekerheid te zeggen. Schattingen lopen uiteen van 50 tot 100 miljoen. In elk geval zijn het er flink minder dan de Ikea-catalogus, waarvan de oplage bovendien elk jaar gestaag groeit.
The ikea catalog has been been printed this year, with about 175 miljoen issues, in 35 countries and 27 languages. ... The number of printed issues each year of the bible are not exactly known. Estimations are between 50 to 100 milion. This is far less the the latest ikea catalog, which also grows each year considerably.
so i was at my really good friends place, he is a jw, im not.
i was trying to ask him if jw's are prophets of god.
he came back and asked me what im trying to get at etc etc.
hmm and that case when moses did change gods mind?
so what are you doing this fine sunday evening (now or later for some...maybe you've even had your evening already).
i am going to be eating pizza, with my gf and watching tv and thats about it.
just returned from teh city so, not going to do much. watch some TV, boring....
a few weeks ago on the convention i met this elder, and he wants to visit me to talk.. he was quite liberal.
his daughter has been df-ed and she was going to meet him at the convention.
she came when we were still talking.
Hi Nathan,
Silly me.I am sometimes so innocent
but indeed no tongue. THat would not be wise when her father and her new boyfriend and dozens of others at the convention were looking
the gorilla .
when another gorilla made an attempt to reach the banana, the same thing happened: all the gorillas were sprayed with cold water.
over time the original five gorillas were replaced, one by one, with new gorillas.
Hi tweetybird:
Guess, it was posted more then once.
I posted this also about a half year ago.
You can see the comments made on this story, since I compared it too this religion.
this week there was a obituary of an elder i knew when i was a witty.
he had several children and a wife.
the obit didn't say anything accept: "so and so died after a lengthy illness, he was member of the jehovah's witnesses.
never heard about that fund parts, but they are not ballanced in this at all.
brother: oh, somebody died.
elder: great. what a oportunity to give witness to all his family when they are easy to breakdown...
a few weeks ago on the convention i met this elder, and he wants to visit me to talk.. he was quite liberal.
his daughter has been df-ed and she was going to meet him at the convention.
she came when we were still talking.
Hi Danny,When he comes to visit you, will you reveal you're an "apostate"? ; ; Let us know how the visit goes.
I will tell all about it here. but no, I'll not reveal everything... Nahan:
What do you mean? Juni:
If this elder knew you were apostate, would he still be friendly?????That's nice that you were normal acting towards his DF daughter - made you a "good guy" in his eyes. ; Also he WANTS warmth shown his daughter in hopes she'll come back, so again he has reason for liking you.
Test his friendship out. ; Be up front. ; Let him know how you feel about the religion. ; That's the test of a true JW friend.
I do not consider him my friend. I do not have that much contact.
If he knows I am an apostate he would probably be correct to me, but shun me I guess.
Not directly and not completely, but still...
No matter how liberal he is with his daughter, be careful what you say. Very few elders will allow comments that show you have grievance with the WTS.
That is true. Although he uttered some too. It depends a bit on how you say things. You can say a lot in the form of a question for example. I'll try to be carefull... Danny