Maybe I missed, but where do they claim that the NWT "does not contain any errors"?
"Finest" is not synonymous with "perfect" or "error-free".
here is a photo and article where the governing body claims that the new world bible translation committee and jehovah's ''spirit-begotten sons'' wrote the finest bible translation available to mankind.
the watchtower—study edition | february 2017.
“who really is the faithful and discreet slave?”.
Maybe I missed, but where do they claim that the NWT "does not contain any errors"?
"Finest" is not synonymous with "perfect" or "error-free".
w02 12/1 p. 3 giving until it hurts - “organized religion seems to be able to survive only with sizable financial support.
(lol – aren't jw's an “organized religion, and how the hell do they survive - on marshmallows?
) is the necessary money to be found?...most likely you agree that giving should be part of christian worship.
those who are incapable of critical thinking
Well, that pretty much sums up...about 99.9% of JWs.
JWs are repeatedly taught that "critical thinking" is worldly, evil, Satanic.
having a conversation with a pimi elder and i asked him how he deals with the fact that he never expected to get old.
i get the feeling that some dubs still have the original generation explanation hard-wired, even though they claim to accept the new version.
so my question is, how old do you have to be to be considered old?
Old is "20 years older than I am now". It's been that way for 50+ years
i get the feelings that stephen lett tries to come across as mr. rogers but there are times it oozes through that he is a lot more dominant and controlling then he lets on.
It's a thin line between "congenial" and "smarmy".
Lett bludgeons the line with a paint roller.
at an assembly in texas is it me or are there not too many young folk about 😉.
It would be interesting to see an accurate demographic study of US JWs.
I suspect that the percentage of JWs would be normal for ages under 20 and ages 50+, but I suspect that it would be much lower than expected for ages 20-50.
they keep confirming that religion is big business.the melbourne international convention is this weekend and i wish all the best to the activists who will be present.i came across this website set up for jws in attendence with comprehensive guides and information.
it's obvious that it has been created by the jws since they write this under the rooming tab.
we are all now free to book accommodation using the recommended lodging list (rll) which is provided on the rooming website!.
With no higher education and high paying jobs, how do they manage to come for international convention?
There are pockets of surprising well-off JWs around the world. For them it's just another vacation.
That, and some folks literally save for years to attend one of these things.
Madame Tussaud's called, they want their wax figures back....
i don’t know if the woman i met yesterday will ever see this.
but i will forever remember that day for the rest of my life.
my grandfather has been in icu for the past 3 days.
I'm glad you found a measure of comfort.
Just keep in mind, JWs don't really care about you or your grandfather. Their interest is primarily to recruit you to join them (other interests may be "getting their time in, "getting a good experience they can relate at an assembly", and so on).
Your delicate emotional state makes you an especially inviting & vulnerable prospect. Tread cautiously.
here are some visuals to help show what is going on with the jw numbers game.
i am not a numbers guy and there maybe a few errors (info directly from grand total pages on jw.borg).
Hmmmm wasn't about 2015 when the generation flip flopped
No, that was 2007.
It was described in detail in the 2/15/08 Watchtower (after being announced a few months earlier at the AGM in October 2007).
Wow, 12 full years with the same definition for "generation". We're probably overdue for "new light".
there's a new article about john the baptist (not sure why they reverted to baptist instead of the modern english 'baptizer'), and it goes into several areas of his life followed by quotes from josephus showing that these specific things were historically documented.
the article is summarized by saying:.
the first-century historian josephus viewed john the baptist as a real person.
Yep, that's their MO.
Same sort of thing where they say we can have full assurance that 539 BCE is the date that Cyrus defeated the Babylonians, due to astronomical measurements and contemporary historical accounts....
Which precisely identical astronomical data and contemporary historical accounts provide a date of 586 for Jerusalem's destruction, not 607.
The WTS - putting the MO in MORONS for 140 years.