Hail the theocracy
Ever decreasing,
Wondrous contraction
Is now taking place
2015 yearbook of jehovah’s witnesses.
a letter from the governing body.
''we also deeply appreciated your “loving labor” in connection with the construction of various theocratic facilities around the world.
Hail the theocracy
Ever decreasing,
Wondrous contraction
Is now taking place
i remember when stores would advertise that santa claus would be there from 2-4 pm on a saturday or something for several weeks before christmas.
you would see them everywhere.. do they still exist in your area?.
maybe parents finally realized that having a drunk guy with a white beard getting his jollies off with young children on his lap was not a good idea.. just my thoughts.
He went underground man, yeah, underground....
apparently the jws of coventry, england, have been spending their congregation's money buying names and addresses from the local council.
i wonder what they want them for and is this something that each congregation does?
i'm curious now.
Back in the olden days the JWs used to have to schlep over to the public library and request the 150 pound "reverse directory" to look up names associated with addresses.
When finished, they climbed into their horse & buggy and then headed over to the local saloon to enjoy a tall glass of sarsaparilla.
as much as i enjoy you and pete's company, you also know our understanding of how much we want you to be reunited with jehovah and his people.. .
we did not set the standards for what jehovah says about our associations with those who choose to not serve him.
so we will always be there for you and pete, but it is in your hands as to how we can enjoy your friendship.. .
Guys....are you still falling for this?
"JTrottigy" is not the JW talk guy.
Sheesh...I thought we settled this months ago.
the kilbirnie congregation in scotland was "relocated" in january 2018 - almost 2 years ago - to the nearest kingdom hall a few miles away in irvine.
the reason given by london bethel was that kilbirnie kh was "scheduled for a refurbishment.
" how long does it take to initiate a kh refurbishment, for goodness sake?.
The transition from "RBC" to "LDC" has increased the bureaucratic bungling sevenfold.
You have to get "permission" from the LDC to do anything more extensive than cleaning a toilet or changing a lightbulb.
It's not surprising that projects continue to sit.
the wapo has a front page expose on the mormon church avoiding taxes on billions of dollars under the cloak of religion.
link here: (need to disable popups).
washington post online.
I'd bet a plate of doughnuts that the WTS has a similar scandal just waiting in the wings to be exposed....
True they don't collect for "charity", and their members are, as a rule, far less wealthy than the typical Mormon....but there are still 9 or 10-digit sums of money earmarked for "Worldwide Work" that are probably , well, let's just say not going to support Sam & Suzy Missionary in Mudhutville, Angola.
according today's watchtower, all the remaining ones of the anointed ones will be in heaven when the great tribulation breaks to join jesus in the battle against evil.
the watchtower was making the point that at that time god's organization will be ran by members of the 'other sheep'.
it didn't say how these remaining ones find themselves in heaven, but presumably they will be taken, i.e.
Jehovah`s Witnesses / GB ,just do not want to use the same wording where they can avoid it as Christendom does, they have to be different.
My personal pet peeve - they for some reason can't bring themselves to use the simple, eloquent, profound word "grace" - why? Because "Christendom" uses it.
Instead they use the awful, clunky, awkward, depressing "undeserved kindness".
according today's watchtower, all the remaining ones of the anointed ones will be in heaven when the great tribulation breaks to join jesus in the battle against evil.
the watchtower was making the point that at that time god's organization will be ran by members of the 'other sheep'.
it didn't say how these remaining ones find themselves in heaven, but presumably they will be taken, i.e.
Therefore, while we do not use the term “rapture” here because of its wrong connotation, the remaining faithful
anointed will be gathered together in an instant of time.
Gotta love the mealy-mouthed weasel-worded walkback on this.
"Yeah, sure, it looks like a rapture, and sounds like a rapture, and smells like a rapture...but we don't use the word 'rapture' ".
Quiet, you!
How dare you point out the fallacies & absurdities of JW doctrine.
What are you, an apostate?
probably one of the most common causes of cognitive dissonance many jws face is the choice to plan for retirement.
if you're a good jw, then you should believe that the end will be coming soon, surely before you retire.
that's what i did when i was younger, blowing decades that could've been better spent because i believed the end was coming, so any planning was a waste of time.
One congregation I attended had more than the usual share of wealthy JWs.
They spouted the party line of "Armageddon soon", but they said it with almost a wink, while building up massive portfolios of investments and engaging in business dealings that secured a comfortable lifestyle in their "golden years".
In that congregation there were also some very (well, relatively) "poor ones". Not much of a middle class in that congregation. Those ones were almost proud of their complete lack of financial planning - "oh, we just rely on Jehovah".
That's been my experience - the handful of wealthy JWs act like anyone else in the "world" and invest prudently for the future, while the majority of the not-wealthy proudly view their lack of finances as a sort of proof of their faith.