"Oh, JWs in Africa can get away with beards...but not here."
Spoken or thought by 95% of JWs in the world.
this is from a recent article about malawi, and the caption calls the man "brother welosi mbendera".. .
"Oh, JWs in Africa can get away with beards...but not here."
Spoken or thought by 95% of JWs in the world.
during gerrit loesch's talk just released, he goes on a long list of the false end times predictions throughout the millennia.
i didn't expect it, but then he goes into the precursors to the bible students who, when their dates failed, changed christ's presence to have happened 'invisibly'.
then it goes right into the jws, and he reads the quote from millions now living will never die about how we can 'confidently expect' the resurrection in 1925, and then the life everlasting book that predicted 1975. of course, he doesn't say how it's still going on, namely with the overlapping generation and its' accompanying convoluted chart, but still, this is more than they've ever said on the subject, especially recently.. it almost sounds like a forced statement, to address any backlash from people reading 'apostate lies' online, because he also says how the gb 'humbly' admitted mistakes, referencing the non-apology after 1975 that disturbed raymond franz.
Trying to get out in front of "apostate" info.
If a JW is confronted by "negative information" about the myriad prophetic failures of the WTS, all an "alert elder" has to do now is point the JW to this talk. "See? This is nothing shocking, even the GB talk openly about it!"
It doesn't have to make sense. There just has to be an extant explanation.
Same thing, essentially, with the goofy "generation" explanation. JWs don't have to understand it, and the organization doesn't care if they understand it. It is sufficient for JWs to know that "oh yeah, somewhere on JW Broadcasting, there is a talk from Splane with a chart that explains it. If I ever really need to understand it, I'll just look up that old video."
Of course, the video is all unadulterated bullcrap, and clarifies nothing. The important thing is that in the back of the typical JW mind, "it's all explained somwhere."
And now, for issues with date setting and false prophecy, "oh yeah, there's a talk by Losch somewhere on JW broadcasting that explains it all, so I don't have to think about it myself."
in the late 80's when i was in my late teens i used to with my then wife to be attend a monday night pre-watchtower study at a local elders house.. this guy was revered as very knowledgable and he was scholarly and interesting to listen to; so at the time it was a genuinely enjoyable monday evening spent with oftentimes discussion would veer far of the subject at hand and lasting to well after 11pm some evenings.. this particular night, the subject up for discussion was "the faithful and discreet slave" and how we should be obeying them without question.
right in the middle of the study this elder said as a question not in the wt article; "how do we really know the current fds as lead by the governing body are the real deal.
i mean what actual proof do we have?".
I think some of the older generation were more realistic and less cultish. Perhaps they genuinely felt they had a
relationship with god that was not dependent on the mediation of the organisation.
My experience as well.
That generation (!) is pretty much marginalized now. The youngest of them are in their 70's, and increasingly pushed to the side as the current crop of younger elders & pioneers, all hepped up on "the organization", are running things now.
if they announce anything any more ( my hall doesnt even announce funerals, only judicial stuff and letters from mom) they say something like: "tomorrow is a worldly holiday so..... ".
we all know it is christmas or whatever.
and most of us do have a day off, ( needed) the smart ones who are able will work for the double time and fewer bosses around.
"Tomorrow is a worldly holiday, so we will have a special meeting for service...."
I went out in field serve-us one time on Thanksgiving day, back when i was still a true believer.
That one time cured me forever. Even as a true believer, I felt perfectly horrible for interrupting people who were just trying to enjoy their holiday.
the great cycles of our life.. everything is moving and with the moving comes change...everything changes.
another cycle is over.
beginnings and endings.
we are truly dust in the wind.
Carry on my wayward son.
during the pyeongchang 2018 olympic and paralympic winter games, which were held from february 9-25, 2018, and march 9-18, 2018, brothers and sisters in korea engaged in a special campaign to offer the many international visitors bible-based publications free of charge.. .
here are protesters exercising their rights to free speech at a 2019 international convention in melbourne, australia.
just like the jehovah's witnesses have rights to hold up magazines while olympic attendees walk by, protesters at the jehovah's witness convention are not given their rights to walk around with their signs and protest.
I love that little kid in the corner of the first picture.
His expression says "Can you believe these morons?!?"
https://jwstudies.com/_the_origin_of_life_-_fails_to_deliver.pdf .
Good lord what a train wreck.
Don't feed the (probably 14 year old) troll.
i`m just curious about the lifestyle they themselves are enjoying compared to the millions of followers they have in the jw religion.do any of the gb members have private homes that they own and live in ?
or do they and their wives live in a communal arrangement .?
if they do have private homes they own and live in what type of suburb/area do they live in ?
They are all in the Watchtower compound, er, headquarters, in Warwick NY.
As Dozy noted, they have the same style apartments as pretty much any other Bethelite. But they also get the first pick of which ones they want, so they undoubtedly have the ones with the nice lake views.
"Luxury living" only happens when they travel for conventions, branch dedications, etc. They sure don't stay in a "Motel 6"!
2015 yearbook of jehovah’s witnesses.
a letter from the governing body.
''we also deeply appreciated your “loving labor” in connection with the construction of various theocratic facilities around the world.
I believe the Watchtower Society is run by a group of lawyers and owned by a corporation whose
identity will never be discovered.
There is a shocking amount of mob money laundering going on all over the world, much of it involving US entities. I would not be (very much) surprised if the WTS were somehow part of it.
growing up in scotland in the 1970s in scotland the anointed were few and far between, but we had one old dude in our cong who claimed to be one of the anointed.
in the days when it was taken seriously.. i'd be curious how you viewed them.
thing is, he wasn't an elder, or even a ministerial servant, just a plain old publisher.. but he was revered like he had a hotline to jesus.. the other week i was talking to a friend of similar age to me but who hung around the wt a lot longer than i did, and he just commented "oh him... he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself.
a decent, sincere man
A good description of the one "real" anointed guy I remember from when I was young, 40+ years ago.
A while back we had a couple of "new anointed" guys come through for a few months - in their 30's or 40's or so - they were helping rebuild or remodel a house for the elderly father of one of them and so attached themselves to our congregation while they were here.
The first thoughts that came to mind, rather than "decent, sincere", were "something's a tad bit off about these guys." Nothing overt like mumbling at their shoes or wearing 19th century clothes, but just an air of.....weirdness. It's hard to describe. I just felt uneasy around them, and I wasn't the only one.