HE WAS A MAJOR ALCOHOLIC. It actually was a big joke how much he drank. Died in his 90's, still an alcoholic.
Was anything ever done to him? Was he DF'd? Nope
Can't remember if it was an elder's school, or a meeting with a CO, but we once had an in-depth discussion on whether "being an alcoholic" was a DF offense.
Answer: Nope!
The Biblical injunction is against "drunkenness". "Alcoholism" is not mentioned in the Bible, so no problem, just so long as the alcoholic is not evidently impaired.
There was a whole 'nother section on the "Biblical definition of drunkenness" - basically, the scriptures from Proverbs about "seeing strange things" and having "wounds for no reason".
Conclusion - so long as you aren't stumbling drunk, hallucinating, or passed out, it's all good!
I $#!+ you not.
So, yeah, no surprise that there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of alcoholic JWs.