JWs don't have leaders... just men who take the lead.
This one kills me every time.
Sometimes they are bold enough to put these two absurdly obviously contradictory lines in the same @#$%^& paragraph.
are you aware of any double standards promoted by the organization of jehovah's witnesses?
here a a few i am aware of:.
1. the wts equated joining the ymca with apostasy but felt free to join the un for 10 years (1991-2001).
JWs don't have leaders... just men who take the lead.
This one kills me every time.
Sometimes they are bold enough to put these two absurdly obviously contradictory lines in the same @#$%^& paragraph.
JW's should outlive their "worldly" counterparts. After all, they don't smoke, take drugs,
drink excessively,
over eat,
Not sure what congregation you attended, but....
An awful lot of JWs could drink Karen Allen (Tibetan bar scene in "Raiders of the Lost Ark") under the table.
And the quickest way to commit suicide by "trampled to death"? On a Sunday afternoon, go to the Golden Trough, er, Golden Corral, and stand between a table of JWs and the buffet trough when a fresh cauldron of mac & cheese is put out.
Hoo boy - "don't drink excessively or overeat" - well, maybe in the Congo.
from post.... "breaking news from japan ... actually quite extraordinary news.
just got off the phone to a good pimo friend in japan.
Sounds pretty incredible - hard to believe that out of 11 guys, not one decided to "remain loyal". I remain skeptical.
i notice the friends are in an anne frank attic instead of a boarded up basement this time.. the giving to ones in need pic shows literature and bible, but no food or money.
Is there a bucket in the corner for a toilet?
Exactly what I was thinking - how long is that group planning to be shut up in there? Without ventilation?
If more than a couple of hours, there's going to be some smells that would make "torture by agents of Satan" likely the lesser of 2 evils.
for many years since the witness organization, after i have told people that i'm no longer a jehovah's witness, people would say "oh the religion were people are not allowed to drink!".
"no they drink alright.....they can't do much of anything else but they do drink!".
in fact the first place i ever got drunk was bethel.
HE WAS A MAJOR ALCOHOLIC. It actually was a big joke how much he drank. Died in his 90's, still an alcoholic.
Was anything ever done to him? Was he DF'd? Nope
Can't remember if it was an elder's school, or a meeting with a CO, but we once had an in-depth discussion on whether "being an alcoholic" was a DF offense.
Answer: Nope!
The Biblical injunction is against "drunkenness". "Alcoholism" is not mentioned in the Bible, so no problem, just so long as the alcoholic is not evidently impaired.
There was a whole 'nother section on the "Biblical definition of drunkenness" - basically, the scriptures from Proverbs about "seeing strange things" and having "wounds for no reason".
Conclusion - so long as you aren't stumbling drunk, hallucinating, or passed out, it's all good!
I $#!+ you not.
So, yeah, no surprise that there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of alcoholic JWs.
are you aware of any double standards promoted by the organization of jehovah's witnesses?
here a a few i am aware of:.
1. the wts equated joining the ymca with apostasy but felt free to join the un for 10 years (1991-2001).
JWs abhor and detest the vile Babylonish practice of having "clergy". All JWs are ministers, there is no such thing as JW clergy.....
....Except for those times when the WTS is sued for criminal negligence in child abuse cases. At which time, every single word of communication between Bethel and the local body of elders is protected due to "clergy - penitent privilege".
are you aware of any double standards promoted by the organization of jehovah's witnesses?
here a a few i am aware of:.
1. the wts equated joining the ymca with apostasy but felt free to join the un for 10 years (1991-2001).
The only reason that anyone has ever attended a university is to feed their own personal unrestrained greed and lust for fame.....except for the JW attorneys and doctors who serve at Bethel.
i am actually not a 'sky is falling' guy, but i wanted to comment on the australian bushfires.. you may or may not believe the science behind global warming, however i personally put more faith in verified, scientific data than the words of fat cat, self-serving politicians.
climate science has predicted, based on data, that we will see more prolonged, extreme weather events, higher average temperatures, rising sea levels due to ocean expansion and glacial melting.
and this is exactly whats happening.
Here is an article that will (or ought to) scare the bejeezus out of you:
Humanity is, quite likely, hopelessly screwed. Not in 12 years, but certainly less than 100.
Not that the problems are unsolvable - the issue is there are too many hundreds of millions of people on earth with similar attitudes to those expressed by some posters on this thread.
during gerrit loesch's talk just released, he goes on a long list of the false end times predictions throughout the millennia.
i didn't expect it, but then he goes into the precursors to the bible students who, when their dates failed, changed christ's presence to have happened 'invisibly'.
then it goes right into the jws, and he reads the quote from millions now living will never die about how we can 'confidently expect' the resurrection in 1925, and then the life everlasting book that predicted 1975. of course, he doesn't say how it's still going on, namely with the overlapping generation and its' accompanying convoluted chart, but still, this is more than they've ever said on the subject, especially recently.. it almost sounds like a forced statement, to address any backlash from people reading 'apostate lies' online, because he also says how the gb 'humbly' admitted mistakes, referencing the non-apology after 1975 that disturbed raymond franz.
Saw this for myself.
Losch delivers the talk with all the warmth, feeling, and enthusiasm of a hostage reading his captor's statement at gunpoint.
Losch is old and has never been a vibrant speaker, but this was wretched even by his standards. He was so nervous he mispronounced words or stumbled in nearly every sentence. It was bad.
The only thing I can think of is what I wrote earlier - they WTS just wants to get [something] out there in their JW Broadcasting archives which addresses the "apostate claims" of false prophecy. Content, soundness of argument, reasonableness are of absolutely no importance - just plant the idea in the minds of JWs that "oh, that topic was covered in a broadcast" so they can ignore "apostate" info when confronted with it.
i received a call from a friend in new york city that don adams passed away late last evening (30 dec 2019).
many of you bethelites know him and he was the president of the society for a number of years after the gb got out of the corporate structure business.
from what i understand, he was generally liked by many there.. some in my family knew him.
Never met Don, but had Joel Adams teaching a 2-day elders school a number of years ago.
I recall my dad using the expression "sourpuss" - referring to an old codger who looked & acted permanently pissed off at the world.
Whenever Joel Adams was doing his "teaching", that word kept popping into my head.