I'm going to make a wild stab in the dark here....
They need your money! And it will take them 3 hours to convince you of this.
it was announced today that we will have a special weekend meeting next month.
it will be 3 hours long and will include some streamed content.. no explanation was given as to what the meeting will be about, only that it will be exciting and we will not want to miss it..
I'm going to make a wild stab in the dark here....
They need your money! And it will take them 3 hours to convince you of this.
aren't they tiring out from saying this now?.
a jobo pimi-lite i know has a terminal illness (no names, no pack drill), was told, 'hold on, the end is so close.
the pimi-lite said they will need to hold on to their 'go bags(tm), then!.
I mean, after so many sad years of saying that the end is so close, haven't they got tired, worn out,
fatigued at saying it?
It has to be terrible for JW's mental health.
On the one hand, you are expecting it "any moment now, soon, very soon, did we say soon? sooner than soon, the soonest" which is stressful.
On the other hand, now matter how many times you hear at a meeting, an assembly, a broadcast "soon, soon, SOON", soon never comes. Which is depressing & disappointing.
So you have constant cycle of psychological stress compounded by unending disappointment. Meanwhile, "Sister Iron Lung pioneered for decades while lying on her back, what's YOUR excuse? Why aren't YOU doing more?"
No wonder JWs hit the bottle.
have you ever been told that humility requires waiting on jehovah?i have.
lots of times.
for decades.
Weird how "Jehovah reveals the new light" to them only after:
-- The composition of the governing body changes due to deaths and/or additions
-- there is a fresh vote on the topic and a 2/3 majority changes the previous understanding
Why it's almost as if "Jehovah's holy spirit" has nothing to do with any of this, and it's all just the fevered imagination of wanna-be prophets.
Nah, surely that couldn't be it. Must be holy spirit after all.
after the new construction project is announced, anthony morris the turd gives a talk where he arrogantly tells the audience to 'get over it' and get to work.
he says relaxing is fine and 'im not trying to put a guilt trip on you' but you all need to get busy.
no graciousness at all for the endless volunteer labor they demand for whatever new projects they dream up.
Anthony Morris III gave a remarkable speech
Well that's one way to describe it.
It seemed like he was completely unprepared, that he had just scribbled 4 or 5 phrases on an index card 15 minutes before going on stage and "winged it".
He's never been a dynamic speaker, but he usually appears better prepared. He sounded like somebody's drunk grandpa after he'd been hitting the hip flask all afternoon at the family reunion.
i think it's closer to 5 million with all the selling of kingdom hells and branch bethel's all over the world.
it's even hard to get a hard copy of the lastest craptower or afake mag now in new york city..
The numbers don’t add up where I live.
The 8.5 million is the global number.
I don't see how you can determine whether there is still growth in Brazil, Botswana, or Bolivia because attendance is down at the 3 or 4 Kingdom Halls you are familiar with in your small corner of Canada.
The WTS is scrupulous with their numbers. There are definitely 8.5 million persons who "turn in a time report" every month, which is what the number represents.
How many of them "really" believe it? How many of them are engaged in "secret wrongdoing" that would get them disfellowshiped if exposed? How many are trapped and just going along because they don't want to lose family, friends, business contacts, or pretty much the only way of life they have ever known?
Those are different questions, of course. "True believing" JWs are certainly much less than 8.5 million, but there is no accurate way to measure what that number would be.
But 8.5 million "turning in a field service report"? Certainly true.
watchtower has been named as world's most published and circulated magazine in us.
Watchtower has been named as world's most published and circulated magazine in US.
In an odd and easily overlooked footnote, the Watchtower was also named "the magazine most likely to be accumulated in stacks of several hundred in the back of a JW's closet" and "the magazine most likely to be pitched into a dumpster within seconds of being passed on from a JW to a non-JW".
the watchtower doesn't hold out any hope for us ever seeing our beloved animals again.
i find it very difficult to believe that god -- a god of love -- would refuse to resurrect an animal that we had become so attached to.
over the years i have bonded with no less than four (4) dogs, all of which were/are like family to me.
Resurrecting animals?
Don't know about you, but I think I wouldn't want to live on a planet or 40 or 50 quadrillion resurrected cockroaches....
there's a post on exjw reddit stating that the ibsa are planning on building a media operation at the sydney bethel.. the estimated cost is $10 million aud and this in spite of the fact that they still have not joined the redress scheme or attempted in any monetary way of assisting abused victims within the organization.. the link below includes detailed plans.
they will be converting part of the current printery into a media complex.. they also propose to build a theme park in the form of a historical biblical site, including a man made mound and what one person suggests is a temple.. its not surprising that a bunch of old men in new york has dreamed all of this up - film sets in new york, england and now australia.
they are bonkers but it's a novel way of getting money from their followers.. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/ernz3y/new_media_centre_at_the_australian_sydney_bethel/.compact.
If the Society really believed Armageddon was imminent they would be bunkering down
( no pun intended ) and simplifying things , just as they are always telling the rank & file to do.
They've said more than once in their broadcasts that they expect all their buildings to "survive Armageddon".
i'm not sure who wrote the following article, but it bears repeating: (please take the credit if it was you.).
solid proof for 1914.
"as evidence of their falsehoods, look at the timing for armageddon.
You can prove it with pyramidology.
Pyramid inches! Another good WTS ret-con to make sure that their deduction of "1914" was correct.
Just think - if Princip would have missed his shot and the war hadn't started until, say, 1916, we'd all be talking about how "Babylon conquered Jersualem in 605 BCE".
meeting part comment on how the flood covered everest.
that is even more ignorant than mountains being pushed up and eroding in a few thousand years.
and it wasnt cold either.. i should have commented on the bristlecone in the awake that survived the flood.
The WTS could get around 90% of the impossibilities and logical absurdities of the flood being a literal [100% of the earth's surface underwater for a period of a year] thing, if they just took the tack that it was a large but localized event, and that the "world" referred to in Genesis carries the same meaning as what they teach about Colossians 1:23 - the expression "all creation under heaven" means merely the "known world".
But they've dug their heels into Biblical literalism for so long they just simply can't bring themselves to do that.