I dunno, sounds more like the local elders there are incompetent, or lazy, or both.
Posts by sir82
Keeping everyone on the hook
by hoser ini’ve always noticed that the local jw leaders like to give as little notice as possible for local meetings and expect you to drop everything and rearrange your life to fit their agenda in.
i’ve noticed this more during the pandemic.
we are not given the codes and time of memorial until a couple hours before meeting.
About the covid-19 virus, some positive thoughts
by Finkelstein inwe are now well aware of the shit storm this virus has caused pretty much all over the world but there is going to come a time in the near future when it wont be such a heady news worthy concern.
the reason being is that there are numerous clinical institutions in many countries that are now working on a vaccine, more so than any other deadly contagious virus in human history.. when mankind puts its brain on things usually come of it.
when documented cases start to decline to a certain point governments will start to reduce their imposed restrictions availing people to get back to work, stores reopening , economies cranking up as they once were, normalcy will return.. it will no doubt be a slow restart but the vigor of capitalism will eventually return and this event will be left as a documented event in human history.. i do hope governments will take note of how this virus got started and spread as it did.. a sole person perhaps selling live and dead wild animals in a open public market in wuhan china , astonishing to think what that one person did to effect the entire human population of 8 billion all over the world.
Yes, this will pass.
The 80 trillion dollar question is, will humanity learn something from it? Or will we just repeat the same mistakes when (not if) the next disaster occurs?
China where it started ,83,000 / USA now <400,000 How come ?
by smiddy3 inam i missing something here ?
how is it that where this covid 19 started , in wuhan china, china has only ,reportedly 83,000 for the whole country ?
whereas in the united states of america the figure is just under 400,000 ?.
USA, Australia and others shutting their borders to travelers to China on 1 Feb
Just a clarification:
The US travel restriction was for "aliens" who had been in China for 14 days prior. US residents, and family members of residents, and various other exceptions, were not restricted from entering from China.
40,000 people entered the USA on flights from China after the 1 Feb declaration.
"We closed our borders to people coming from China" is yet another CYA myth that simply isn't true.
Curious to know the Zoom attendance figures for for the memorial
by joe134cd ini’m just curious to know the local attendance figures for the memorial.
my father told me they had an attendance of 140. not flattering for a cong of 100 pubs.
i was sort of surprised at this considering the quarantine measures and everyone being forced to stay at home.
Any attendance figures derived from "zoom" meetings are at best extraordinarily inaccurate, and probably little more than wild guesses.
Depending on what platform you are using zoom on, you can see only between 4 and 25 participants at a time.
Each "participant" (connected device) might have one, or 2, or 6, actual physical people watching & listening.
So for a meeting with say 200 "participants", you have to scroll between at least 8, maybe up to 50 screens, looking at postage-stamp size images & trying to count how many actual people you see.
Oh, did I mention that participants frequently "jump" across screens? You might be looking at gallery view screen 2, and by the time you get to screen 4, half the people who were on screen 2 are now on screen 4. Some of the ones who were on screen 4 are now on screen 3, or screen 6, or screen 1.
Not to mention all the participants who turn off the video camera of their own connection. So maybe there is one person there, or maybe 6 - you can't see it.
Oh yeah, there are also folks with outdated technology who can only listen to the zoom meeting, video does not work. How many of those are there? Who knows?
So if you hear that "we had 225 at our Memorial", trust that the actual count was probably somewhere between 120 and 180, and no one has any idea what the real number was.
2020--04--07 Inbox Disaster relief Committee--Zone 3!
by Atlantis in2020-04-07 inbox disaster relief committee zone 3.. https://docdro.id/k2wq1zj.
On the one hand, yes, 90% of the letter is just re-printing "here's what the CDC recommends..."
On the other hand, there are a $#!+-load of JWs who just...do..not...believe...ANYTHING unless it has a Watchtower letterhead on it. If this letter gets even the stupidest JWs to shelter in place and wear masks when they do have to venture out, then it's a good thing.
App message about jw.org HQ
by Gorbatchov ingot this week a message from a jw friend about the jw.org headquarters move to warwick.. the message shows how even rational witness (my friend is a rational businessman) share the jw emotional madness that's going arround the jw social media now.
how sad!
read for your self:.
the soldiers entered the city by car and sealed off everything
Ya know, I think I saw that on OANN, thousands of Army Rangers piling into Honda Fits, with duct tape in hand, to seal off "everything" in Brooklyn Heights.
Praise Jah!
Covid 19, is this the WT new push to bring back ex JW's before the end of the system?
by William Penwell innot sure if this was covered as i could not find anything on it but talking to my son he tells me one of the gb had a talk telling them this is a sign of the last days.
have the jw's being pressured into talking to relatives and friends to bring them back into the fold before the end of the system blah blah blah?
the reason why i ask is my son was saying his mother has being on his case the last few weeks and then two days ago i got a telephone message from my sister, that hasn't spoke to me in 4 years, asking how i am doing.
he tells me one of the GB had a talk telling them this is a sign of the last days
To JWs, everything is a sign of the last days - literally everything.
My ExElder Best Friend Has Coronavirus
by minimus inthis has been a horrible month.
my best friend’s wife just called to tell me that my friend had to be hospitalized due to severe coronavirus complications.
he has severe pneumonia, is put on a ventilator and is in a coma .
Sorry to hear that....this is one scary disease.
WT study April 5 - how uplifting! How happifying! How encouraging!
by sir82 infor you poor saps unfortunate enough to have missed yesterday's zoom watchtower study, i thought i'd prepare a little summary for you.. in fact, to keep things really short, i'll just highlight the outstanding verbs from the article.. paragraph 2: do not view.
paragraph 4: think seriously about the warning.....partake unworthily.
paragraph 5: do not feel...does not give....do not feel....would never tell.
For you poor saps unfortunate enough to have missed yesterday's Zoom Watchtower study, I thought I'd prepare a little summary for you.
In fact, to keep things really short, I'll just highlight the outstanding verbs from the article.
Paragraph 2: do not view
Paragraph 4: think seriously about the warning.....partake unworthily
Paragraph 5: do not feel...does not give....do not feel....would never tell
Paragraph 6: do not expect....did not let...is not surprised....not to be quick to believe....not wanting to draw attention....would not tell....would certainly not boast
Paragraph 7: do not feel...do not search out....would not be united....would be working against...
Paragraph 8: would be wrong to admire...does not tell us....none of us would want to....
Paragraph 9: would not ask...should not assume...does not inherit...avoid asking questions...
Paragraph 10: do not treat....might not remain faithful....avoid admiring personalities...
Paragraph 12: do not know....think they are anointed but are not...do not know
Paragraph 13: does not say....
Paragraph 14: did not really follow...should not question....careful not to react
Such an encouraging, positive article!
Evidently the author was paid a bonus for every use of the word "not"...he now has enough money to buy a
caseMorris of single malt Scotch. -
is this real? Wife got an email from here group elder about daily check in's
by goingthruthemotions inso this elder is super brainwashed, as is his wife.
she actually made a comment that she wished antmo 3 was her dad and that he is so cool.
oh my god, i threw up in my mouth.
I don’t think the instructions were to literally check in every day
In the USA, yes - daily check-ins. Each publisher to his "field service group overseer" (book study conductor in a previous time), FSGOs report to COBEs daily, COBEs report to CO daily, COs report to Bethel daily.
Why, you'd almost think this was a high-control religion!