It's real.
It's an "Announcement" rather than a letter, so it doesn't have letterhead, signatures, etc.
But it's on the jw.borg site.
there was a letter read sunday at our meeting that mentioned some parts of us are starting to open back up.
however, regardless of things opening up that no kingdom halls should be used for any meetings of any kind.
also, no door-to-door ministry or any form of in-person ministry is allowed.
It's real.
It's an "Announcement" rather than a letter, so it doesn't have letterhead, signatures, etc.
But it's on the jw.borg site.
this is a comment made in the latest study watchtower under the main discussion of humility.
11 jehovah values humility more than ability and unity more than efficiency.
therefore, do your best to serve jehovah with humility.
Jehovah values humility more than ability
There are some really incompetent nitwits with positions of authority, but YOU can't complain about it. Your job is to "humbly" shut up and obey them unquestioningly in anything & everything.
unity more than efficiency
We've got stupid, inefficient processes full of red tape and bureaucracy, but YOU can't complain about it. Your job is to "unitedly" shut up and obey us unquestioningly in anything & everything.
how do you think the congregation would react?
How do you think the congregation would react?
You'd see the elders moving faster than they do when the Golden Trough Corral puts out a fresh tub of mac-n-cheese on a Sunday afternoon, racing up the aisle to "have a talk in the back room" with the prayer-giver.
my sister sent me this text a few minutes ago.
what does she know about my relationship with jehovah?
it was followed up by a bunch of links to jw org problem is dialog is not possible her side is the only one to be heard.
It doesn't take too much effort to see where, in that text message, her eyes start to glaze over and the JW indoctrination kicks in.
I'd just ignore it.
i was searching for something on the wt online library, and was struck by all the requirements a jw has in order to be "saved".. want to see a partial list?
all these found by searching for "salvation depends" on wol.
just do all 26 things, and you too can be saved!.
I was searching for something on the WT online library, and was struck by all the requirements a JW has in order to be "saved".
Want to see a partial list? All these found by searching for "salvation depends" on wol. jw. org:
salvation depends on faithfulness and endurance
salvation depends on learning and using the pure language
salvation depends on our coming to “an accurate knowledge of truth.”
salvation depends mainly on our faith in Christ’s ransom sacrifice.
Salvation depends on calling upon Jehovah’s name in faith
salvation depends on Jehovah’s undeserved kindness
salvation depends on their active support of Christ’s anointed “brothers”
salvation depends on people’s understanding God’s Word and following it
salvation depends on our turning away from bad ways and complying with what God requires
salvation depends on our having a clean conscience
Phew! That's a lot of hoops to jump through! That's 10 right there. That's all Moses had. But we're just getting started!
salvation depends on the precious blood of Christ
salvation depends on our remaining in union with Christ and producing good spiritual fruitage
salvation depends on our “walking in the truth”
salvation depends on having faith in the good news and walking in the truth
salvation depends, not on anything we might do, but on Jehovah’s undeserved kindness
(wait I'm confused - I thought salvation depended on this list of 897 or so things we have to do?)
salvation depends upon having the correct understanding
salvation depends on recognizing and obeying Jesus as our Savior
Salvation depends on displaying humility
salvation depends on the course of the individual
salvation depends on acknowledging Jesus as Lord and Messiah
Wow, we're up to 20 requirements to be saved!
Any more?
You betcha!
salvation depends on acknowledging that Jehovah alone is God
salvation depends on working faithfully as his dedicated slaves
salvation depends on obedience to God in such things
salvation depends on the course of the individual
salvation depends on paying more than the usual attention to what God’s Son has spoken
salvation depends upon their preaching as Christ did
Well there you go!
Just do all 26 things, and you too can be saved!
Unless of course I missed some items by not doing a search on "salvation requires", "in order to be saved you must", "being saved means"....
Yikes! I better get busy! There's probably a couple dozen other things I have to do!
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
Oh it definitely starts at the top.
Odd that states with Republican governors, with identical restrictions, don't need to be "liberated".
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
politicians are getting squeezed by many to open things back up
I disagree with "by many".
There are a handful of protests by a few dozen yahoos at various state capitals. It's getting way too much oxygen from breathless media coverage.
Video of goobers walking around with misspelled cardboard signs, chanting nonsense, makes for bright shiny images that look good on a TV newscast that boosts ratings.
The governor of Georgia plans on "opening up" gyms & bowling alleys next week. Let's see if "many" people start streaming in, desperate to wear sweaty shoes that other people just finished wearing, and to stick their fingers into holes.
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
Still not following - if I choose not to go to the hospital, why do I need to sign a waiver first saying "I will not go to the hospital"? I just won't go.
As noted, it simply is not a matter of "putting myself in danger". I could be one of the 10%? 20%? 50% of people who can be asymptomatic carriers of the virus. If I go to a "nightclub, restaurant, gym, whatever", I could very easily infect dozens or hundreds of other people if I'm infected and don't know it.
I think I kind of see where you're coming from, and if it really were an issue of "I'm willing to put myself in danger" I might agree, but that is not the case. My going out endangers the lives of many other people, waiver or no waiver.
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
I don't follow. Your post outlines the danger that people put others in when they ignore the social distancing guidelines.
How does my signing a waiver refusing medical treatment, then going out to work, protect the dozens or hundreds of other people I might infect?
so, if you expect to find 'saints' with halos, you will never find real christians.. after over 30 years of being a jw, there are many things about the org that disturb me- yet no one else even acknowledges the only true god, as jesus referred to him.. not a 'they' or 'them' ('trinity')- but him!and he has always had the name jehovah (yehovah in hebrew)- even though the koine greek had no version of it when the nt was written.. so among the many things real christians have to endure- is often each other!
And what part of humanity are you implying are not guilty of this? Governments, Religions, Business, even Science?
So...if I understand correctly, your argument is:
Sure, God is a murderous and sadistic tyrant, but everyone else is too, so it's OK.
Do I understand that correctly?
The One who GAVE life has the Absolute Right to TAKE it.
So, again, correct me if I misunderstand....
It's OK for parents to murder their own children?