Kids are not very polished at hiding their true emotions.
That kid feels like every JW feels - but the adults know they "should" be happy, so they fake it.
a recent printable kids activity asks kids to describe their feelings when marketing various jwdotorg products:.
meanwhile, here's a recent public post from harvest inn's social media profile:.
Kids are not very polished at hiding their true emotions.
That kid feels like every JW feels - but the adults know they "should" be happy, so they fake it.
so if someone puts their life into serving the cult for free at bethel, then say after 25 or 30 years they are not able to for one reason or another such as illness, or family issue or old age, does the cult have any safety net for these people or is it you serve until you can't and when you can't you just go away?
does the cult have any safety net for these people
Ha ha....
Oh wait - you're serious?
OK, here's the "safety net":
Go back home and pray that Brother Wealthy, the one with the [window washing / janitorial / car detailing / whatever] business will ignore your utter lack of qualifications and real-world experience, and have enough pity on you to offer you a job at poverty-level wages.
seems like the genesis song jesus he knows me.. g..
They all sound like they have a sprinkle or two (or dash or whole damn shaker) of David Splane.
I consider Splane to be the Salieri (the version of him from the play / movie "Amadeus" anyway) of the WTS.
Mundane, insipid, plinky diddle-pieces.
He's got just enough talent to be boring.
david gelernter, a famed yale university professor, has publicly renounced his belief in charles darwin’s theory of evolution, calling it a “beautiful idea” that has been effectively disproven.. article.
Alternate headline: A computer science professor expounds on a topic far, far, far away from his area of expertise.
I wonder what Yale's "famed" Professor of English Literature thinks about whether Mochizuki has solved the abc conjecture?
it's very odd that the jan. 2020 watchtower was nearly 3 weeks later than normal.
another odd thing about this watchtower is that it has two articles (about the anointed) that is very similar to two articles they wrote only four years earlier.the fact that they have even reprinted two articles that are only four years old suggests that they continue to have numerous problems surrounding their teaching's of the anointed and problems with those claiming to be are a few of the differences between both the 2016 and 2020 articles -2016 watchtower states.
anointed christians need to be taught by jehovah just like everyone else.. 2020 watchtower statesof course, anointed christians need to be taught by jehovah through the congregation just like everyone else.. four years ago, they acknowledged that it was only jehovah who were teaching the anointed but the newest watchtower now states that it is through the congregation.watchtower 2016 states there will be 144,000 ruling with jesus in heaven.
Good analysis.
Actually, there are many "study" articles that are completely recycled. Sometimes virtually word-for-word copied and pasted.
Let's face it, there's only so many ways to present the primary, fundamental doctrines of JWs:
-- The GB are godlike and to be obeyed unquestioningly
-- You miserable rank & file JWs aren't doing enough
-- You miserable rank & file JWs aren't behaving well
-- We need your money
-- Bad guys are gonna get ya "very soon now", so shape up
-- You should treat anyone who disagrees with us as lower than the parasites who feed on pond scum
How many ways can you dress up those teachings? It's inevitable that things will be repeated.
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Good lord, are you yahoos still doing this?
but you can now enable a
skill on alexa and you too can hear the daily text, w/tower material, kingdom songs , selections from broadcasts , audio bible dramas ...and more from your echo device.
what fun!
"Alexa, tell me how Lett manages to do all that $#!+ with his face."
just heard from a friend who keeps in touch with the jw's.
a person who has been studying found out some things on line about the witnesses and decided to not get baptized and stopped attending the meetings.
she lives with a witness.
How can they do this if she is not baptized?
They can't.
It's either nitwit elders who don't know their own rules, or they are trying to intimidate her.
Or a combination thereof.
If they tried it, the CO would run roughshod over them on his next visit.
2019--prison witnessing training seminar.
2019--10-14--follow up tp prison witnessing training seminar.
2019--example notice to cease and desist for congregation2019--example notice to cease and desist for watchtower2019--guide to configuring kingdom hall audio and video system computer-s-132-e2019--example midweek meeting schedule-s-140-e2020--example year text-yt20-eall are in this zipped folder atlantis!
When doing prison witnessing the elders have been informed not take drugs or potential weapons in.
Only in WT-world would "leadership" have to be explicitly told that it would be a bad idea to take along drugs or weapons into a prison.
"Well, there's no Watchtower article saying that I can't take these razor blades to the inmates, so I guess I will...what's that? There's a letter from the branch saying not to? Oh, OK, the slave knows best!"
i came across this article written in 2004 by an evangelical.. “when did jerusalem fall?”, rodger young, journal of the evangelical society [jets], 47/1 (march 2004), 21-38.. .
these are the conclusions of the 18-page analysis.
(1) jerusalem fell in the fourth month (tammuz) of 587 bc.
Y'know, in troubled times such as these, it's reassuring to know there are some things you can count on.
The sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning.
The tide will go out, then come in, then go out again.
And on JWN, in any thread whose subject is Jerusalem's destruction by Babylon, dozens of JWN posters will yet again argue furiously, and to no avail, with the one-note troll known as "Scholar".