we are truly dust in the wind.
Carry on my wayward son.
the great cycles of our life.. everything is moving and with the moving comes change...everything changes.
another cycle is over.
beginnings and endings.
we are truly dust in the wind.
Carry on my wayward son.
during the pyeongchang 2018 olympic and paralympic winter games, which were held from february 9-25, 2018, and march 9-18, 2018, brothers and sisters in korea engaged in a special campaign to offer the many international visitors bible-based publications free of charge.. .
here are protesters exercising their rights to free speech at a 2019 international convention in melbourne, australia.
just like the jehovah's witnesses have rights to hold up magazines while olympic attendees walk by, protesters at the jehovah's witness convention are not given their rights to walk around with their signs and protest.
I love that little kid in the corner of the first picture.
His expression says "Can you believe these morons?!?"
https://jwstudies.com/_the_origin_of_life_-_fails_to_deliver.pdf .
Good lord what a train wreck.
Don't feed the (probably 14 year old) troll.
i`m just curious about the lifestyle they themselves are enjoying compared to the millions of followers they have in the jw religion.do any of the gb members have private homes that they own and live in ?
or do they and their wives live in a communal arrangement .?
if they do have private homes they own and live in what type of suburb/area do they live in ?
They are all in the Watchtower compound, er, headquarters, in Warwick NY.
As Dozy noted, they have the same style apartments as pretty much any other Bethelite. But they also get the first pick of which ones they want, so they undoubtedly have the ones with the nice lake views.
"Luxury living" only happens when they travel for conventions, branch dedications, etc. They sure don't stay in a "Motel 6"!
2015 yearbook of jehovah’s witnesses.
a letter from the governing body.
''we also deeply appreciated your “loving labor” in connection with the construction of various theocratic facilities around the world.
I believe the Watchtower Society is run by a group of lawyers and owned by a corporation whose
identity will never be discovered.
There is a shocking amount of mob money laundering going on all over the world, much of it involving US entities. I would not be (very much) surprised if the WTS were somehow part of it.
growing up in scotland in the 1970s in scotland the anointed were few and far between, but we had one old dude in our cong who claimed to be one of the anointed.
in the days when it was taken seriously.. i'd be curious how you viewed them.
thing is, he wasn't an elder, or even a ministerial servant, just a plain old publisher.. but he was revered like he had a hotline to jesus.. the other week i was talking to a friend of similar age to me but who hung around the wt a lot longer than i did, and he just commented "oh him... he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself.
a decent, sincere man
A good description of the one "real" anointed guy I remember from when I was young, 40+ years ago.
A while back we had a couple of "new anointed" guys come through for a few months - in their 30's or 40's or so - they were helping rebuild or remodel a house for the elderly father of one of them and so attached themselves to our congregation while they were here.
The first thoughts that came to mind, rather than "decent, sincere", were "something's a tad bit off about these guys." Nothing overt like mumbling at their shoes or wearing 19th century clothes, but just an air of.....weirdness. It's hard to describe. I just felt uneasy around them, and I wasn't the only one.
i need to vent again here.
because i have no one else to talk with and no one who really understands except for the people here.
my wife is the most dangerous kind of jw.
Do you think your organisation is perfect?
So what’s wrong with it?
That's pretty good, but it just sets up the line "It's run by imperfect men".
And if you press them for specifics, they'll just chirp on about "new light" and "old light" and how the "old light was wrong" and so, ipso facto, the imperfect men back then got it wrong, and maybe there will be "new light" in the future, yadda yadda yadda.
IMHO, a better approach might be "Is there anything the organization could do, or teach, that would convince you that they are not God's chosen ones?"
If they say "no", well, they are hopeless. Move along.
If they say "yes", ask what it is. Odds are the organization has done or is doing something like that already.
E.g., political involvement? UN NGO-DPI membership 1991 - 2001. Child abuse coverup? Too many examples to mention. Hypocrisy / double standards? The elders manual book about how elders can "get away" with past sins that a "regular" JW would pay for. Printing falsehoods? The dozens of out-of-context quotes in the Creation book, Trinity brochure, etc. And so on.
2015 yearbook of jehovah’s witnesses.
a letter from the governing body.
''we also deeply appreciated your “loving labor” in connection with the construction of various theocratic facilities around the world.
Hail the theocracy
Ever decreasing,
Wondrous contraction
Is now taking place
i remember when stores would advertise that santa claus would be there from 2-4 pm on a saturday or something for several weeks before christmas.
you would see them everywhere.. do they still exist in your area?.
maybe parents finally realized that having a drunk guy with a white beard getting his jollies off with young children on his lap was not a good idea.. just my thoughts.
He went underground man, yeah, underground....
apparently the jws of coventry, england, have been spending their congregation's money buying names and addresses from the local council.
i wonder what they want them for and is this something that each congregation does?
i'm curious now.
Back in the olden days the JWs used to have to schlep over to the public library and request the 150 pound "reverse directory" to look up names associated with addresses.
When finished, they climbed into their horse & buggy and then headed over to the local saloon to enjoy a tall glass of sarsaparilla.