Trying to get out in front of "apostate" info.
If a JW is confronted by "negative information" about the myriad prophetic failures of the WTS, all an "alert elder" has to do now is point the JW to this talk. "See? This is nothing shocking, even the GB talk openly about it!"
It doesn't have to make sense. There just has to be an extant explanation.
Same thing, essentially, with the goofy "generation" explanation. JWs don't have to understand it, and the organization doesn't care if they understand it. It is sufficient for JWs to know that "oh yeah, somewhere on JW Broadcasting, there is a talk from Splane with a chart that explains it. If I ever really need to understand it, I'll just look up that old video."
Of course, the video is all unadulterated bullcrap, and clarifies nothing. The important thing is that in the back of the typical JW mind, "it's all explained somwhere."
And now, for issues with date setting and false prophecy, "oh yeah, there's a talk by Losch somewhere on JW broadcasting that explains it all, so I don't have to think about it myself."